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  3. Really hope they will reissue the VF-0A with ghost in premium format as my PF VF-0S is lonely by itself
  4. I've been hoping for this re-release. Missed out on the renewal version. Luna Park is showing it for preorder, but their website sucks balls and won't let me click "buy now" or "add to cart". I did find their ebay listing of this, but I have no idea if I can trust buying a preorder from Luna Park through ebay. Anyone gone that road before? I've purchased through Luna's website in the past and was relatively satisfied, but never done the their ebay preorder.
  5. So... a few years back I bought an LG monitor. Thought I might do more creative-type stuff, so I bought a 27UK850... 27", 4K IPS LCD, nice metal frame, great color accuracy, only 60hz refresh rate. And... yeah, I don't really do anything more creative than write Transfomer reviews here. I browse the web some, but I've got laptops for that, too. Mostly I use my desktop for gaming, and I've come to realize a few things: -60hz is fine... but faster would be better. I should have got a display with a higher refresh rate. -Well, assuming I can go faster. Turns out driving a hair over eight and a quarter million pixels is hard, even for an RTX 4070. I'd have been better off with a 1440p. -While 27" does seem to be the ideal vertical height for a display you're sitting around two and a half to three feet from, it leaves plenty of space in your peripheral vision that isn't monitor, and ultrawides are becoming more popular for that reason. -I think IPS is ideal for doing work-stuff on a PC, but how awesome would games like Cyberpunk and Ghost of Tsushima look in OLED? Long story short, I'm 99% sure I want to replace my monitor with an ultrawide OLED. The question though, and what I'd like you guys' input on, is whether I should go 12:9 or 32:9? I'm specifically looking at Samsung's Odyssey OLED G8 and Odyssey OLED G9. Both display have an 1800R curve. I measured, I should have just enough room for the G9. I feel like the the 32:9 display on the G9 will better fill my field of view, and therefore make for more immersive gaming, and on the occasions when I am using my computer for other stuff I like that a 49" 32:9 display is basically the same as a pair of 27: 16:9 screens. The G8 is cheaper, and 21:9 seems more widely supported in games than 32:9 right now, though. But a 34" 21:9 display doesn't feel like as big of an upgrade/change.
  6. So does this mean it’s going to be normal release outside Japan?
  7. Nice buys. Roy’s 1S reminds me of when Bandai made 2 separate listings for it, one with the stand and one without.
  8. https://toyarena.com/products/bandai-dx-chogokin-macross-frontier-vf-25s-armored-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-custom-revival-ver-action-figure
  9. Luna Park just posted at 39k. Checked back and it was 41500. Looks like the price bumps as they sell through. https://www.lunapark.store/product-page/bandai-dx-chogokin-vf-25s-armored-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-revival-ver?utm_campaign=68981188-65a6-483e-84c6-d8e3d37258e1&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=36892358-9e35-4da5-ae0f-b1c0fcb75418
  10. Moon shooters would be amazing. I still think it wouldn't be unreasonable for Arcadia to include a new pair of chunkier legs for Gerwalk/Battroid. The thing is already perfect transformation and the legs are removeable for delimiter mode already. Why not offer the option like they already do for chunkier hands?
  11. I just watched this movie myself, as I found it on Netflix. I have to say that I really like the movie and I thought that it was very well done with a nice nostalgic vibe that harkens back to to the original movies that were on tv when I was growing up in the late 70's and 80's. I still like the current slew of movies, but the old movies hold a special place in my heart as I remember watching them with my dad growing up. Twich
  12. Probably the result of some kind of predictive algorithm. Wouldn't surprise me if BandAI is watching, and probably even reading these forums. It probably knows @sh9000 buys two of everything, and wants him to buy four.
  13. I love the tampo printing and leg proportions better than Yamato, but not sure I'm liking what they did with the backpack depth. The overhead shelf hiding the huge gap looks ok, but the side profile isn't nearly as attractive. I haven't gotten in on an order yet anyway, so might be moot.
  14. You found it! Thanks, I had not seen this but that’s the one!
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