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Life after Delta


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Well ladies and gentlemen. Delta is finally done.

Any thoughts or ideas on what will keep those Walkure sales going without the show?

Maybe an OVA taken a few months later on Walkure doing a galactic tour or the members possibly retiring from Walkure and going solo?

Macross FB Delta

Wherein Walkure and gang attempts to discover the identity of the elusive Lady M and uncover the mystery of the Megaroad-1 while Berger leaks them infodump VHS tapes containing recycled footage from SDF Macross.


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I think they'll have enough variation on toys. There are 5xVF-31 types, and depending on paint jobs, may be six or seven. Three types of Draken counting what we saw today. They may release another VF-171; Some FAST pack variations. There will inevitably be a Koeing, two possibly, given one was a Walkure shuttle. I wouldn't rule out an Elysion.

There will certainly be a PS4 game or two based on this.

Oh, there should be a good market for Walkure dolls. Makina should sell like hot cakes.

Then there is the Walkure tour, personally, I thought the music was not too bad. I'm still miffed no Ikenai borderline on the last episode, but you take what you get. If Junna play it smart, she could ride the songs like May'n did, although May'n had a stronger show to work from, not to mention a much more sympathetic character, Junna is based off a three year old essentially.

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Well ladies and gentlemen. Delta is finally done.

Thank the machine god for small favors...

Any thoughts or ideas on what will keep those Walkure sales going without the show?

They'll have to succeed or fail on their own merits... but since the music was Delta's single strong point, they at least have a good platform to launch from. I have a feeling the merchandise for the series isn't going to sell particularly well now that it's over, due to the mecha being more an afterthought than a proper part of the series.
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My logical guess would be that while Xaos might forgive the Winderemerians (they helped them get Mikumo back, after all), and might influence opinion on Ragna especially as the WIndermerians did nothing hugely bad on Ragna... the people of Al-Shahal and especially Voldor won't be appeased so easily.

The next step - invasion of Windermere by Voldorians, who are also immune to whatever Ketchup Boy can still sing? Larrazzabal as the commandant of the occupation regime?

Not that they'll animate that, though. They have killed off Keith and Roid and Cassim so there are very few interesting characters on Windermere anyway.

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Macross timeline is going Serenity. NUNS has grown too large and it is becoming corrupt: Heinz has a point. I wouldn't be surprised if next series (if ever) revolve around galactic kingdoms.

I don't think Xaos or the entire cluster has forgiven Windermere. It was more of a regroup, account for the losses, lick the wounds kind of thing, not exactly a ceasefire.

Edited by Aries Turner
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My logical guess would be that while Xaos might forgive the Winderemerians (they helped them get Mikumo back, after all), and might influence opinion on Ragna especially as the WIndermerians did nothing hugely bad on Ragna... the people of Al-Shahal and especially Voldor won't be appeased so easily.

The next step - invasion of Windermere by Voldorians, who are also immune to whatever Ketchup Boy can still sing? Larrazzabal as the commandant of the occupation regime?

Not that they'll animate that, though. They have killed off Keith and Roid and Cassim so there are very few interesting characters on Windermere anyway.

And then when all hope is lost... Basara comes flying in because he heard someone made the whole GALAXY listen to their song and he wants in on that.

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And then when all hope is lost... Basara comes flying in because he heard someone made the whole GALAXY listen to their song and he wants in on that.

But that would be Mikumo, not the WIndermerians.

Now, THAT meeting would be cool. Basara and Mikumo. Fire and Water? I don't see that working as a romantic couple but he'd be darn interested in what she is and what she did.

And if that neural network moment was really Galaxy-wide, he already knows.

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I'm all for new Macross toys, but this series was so bad that it needs to be buried and forgotten like those Atari E.T. cartridges.

Should I watch it?

Obviously I loved SDF-M and DYRL. I watched Mac II only because there was nothing else at the time.

Mac+ was good. I had mixed feelings about Mac Zero, hated 7 like a bad case of genital warts. Copious amounts of alcohol was required for me to get through the whole thing without eating my gun. Frontier was watchable, but only once, and I don't feel the urge to watch it a second time. I'm collecting Macross The First manga and really enjoying it so far.....sooooo.....

Now that Delta's complete, should I give it a whirl in hopes of restoring my faith in Macross or would it just lead me to write Kawamori some strongly worded hate-mail?

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Should I watch it?

Obviously I loved SDF-M and DYRL. I watched Mac II only because there was nothing else at the time.

Mac+ was good. I had mixed feelings about Mac Zero, hated 7 like a bad case of genital warts. Copious amounts of alcohol was required for me to get through the whole thing without eating my gun. Frontier was watchable, but only once, and I don't feel the urge to watch it a second time. I'm collecting Macross The First manga and really enjoying it so far.....sooooo.....

Now that Delta's complete, should I give it a whirl in hopes of restoring my faith in Macross or would it just lead me to write Kawamori some strongly worded hate-mail?

I'd say if you didn't like neither 7 nor Frontier, you will likely not find much of interest in Delta. Test a few episodes by all means, but you better go in with really low expectations.

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I'd say if you didn't like neither 7 nor Frontier, you will likely not find much of interest in Delta. Test a few episodes by all means, but you better go in with really low expectations.

That's fair, I should at least give it a try. Thanks for the thoughts guys :)

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IMO next Macross should follow Girls Und Panzer and Love Live footsteps.

All girl cast.

They need to save school from closing.

In order to save school they need to enter a competition where they have to fly valkyries and/or sing.

No boring antagonists.

Screw love triangles.

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Life after Delta? Well I guess the ending ticked me off enough to make me go properly learn game engines. Might be I could do better combat choreo than the CGI dude. Or something.

You mean 'Love, Live, Alive'? 'She' was Yellow Belmont, a guy, despite the looks.

Uh, fairly sure the poster's talking about Love Live, the school idol franchise that Bamco is pushing.

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IMO next Macross should follow Girls Und Panzer and Love Live footsteps.

All girl cast.

They need to save school from closing.

In order to save school they need to enter a competition where they have to fly valkyries and/or sing.

No boring antagonists.

Screw love triangles.

Why "screw love triangles"? A yuri love triangle! With at least one of them a pilot.

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I think that it might be a long, long time for a new series after Delta (I assume there will be a film or two of Delta in the next year or two).

I think Kawamori has moved on conceptually from Macross. If there's ever something new from Macross by Kawamori he'll have moved on many aspects and we'll get a bunch of completely new stuff. For example, I think NUNS will be out as a player (if they are in they will be explicitly the bad guys).

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I think that it might be a long, long time for a new series after Delta (I assume there will be a film or two of Delta in the next year or two).

I think Kawamori has moved on conceptually from Macross. If there's ever something new from Macross by Kawamori he'll have moved on many aspects and we'll get a bunch of completely new stuff. For example, I think NUNS will be out as a player (if they are in they will be explicitly the bad guys).

yea lets say they create emigration fleet to other galaxy. with domed ship bigger than frontier island-1 class, lets say continental class that can support 150million people. with dozens of quarter class & elysion type as an escort. and a bigger new macross class.

it should have 3 front conflict, the "official" against new alien enemy and against some sort of rebellion inside the fleet try to take over control. it would be very long journey to other galaxy :p

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At this point the whole franchise has spun out and it only mirrors the efforts of its creator(s) trying to grasp onto something nostalgic and yet new and innovative.

But.. They blew it.

Hikaru is tailspinning into Macross city in the vf-1d and doesn't know how to change into batroid mode..

Misa help him!!

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So I started watching it....got about 5 minutes into it before I found myself reaching for a bottle of Black Label. Then I turned it off to enjoy my Scotch.

My wife saw snippets of what I was watching as she walked by and asked me what the hell I was watching. I told her it was Macross and she gave me this look like I was hentai or something.

Though she is not an anime fan, she grew up in Japan watching City Hunter, so she sat with me to watch SDFM and DYRL because she saw similarities between Roy and Ryo. At the end, she could understand why as a boy growing up, I would like something like SDFM - it has planes, it has robots, it has war, it has action.

When she saw me watching Mac D, she thought I was was watching a children's tv show marketed for little girls. I told her it appeared to be marketed for the modern beta-type effeminate nu-males. I explained to her that this is what Macross had become and she thought that the creator must have become mentally ill.

I forced myself to watch Mac7 years ago so I will get through this somehow. From what I've seen so far though.....Kawamori-san, WTF?

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