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Awesome AMV's

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So I was wondering if anyone else was just in the habit of trying to find decent AMV's or MAD videos on youtube or other sites? If you have found something good, please put it up here as I'll contribute as well. :3


Edited by Alexander Del Sua
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Seikimatsu and some anime I don't personally know. Love Seikimatsu, though

Rammstein and Evangelion. I actually found this one pre-Youtube.

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I'ts showing my age, but about ten years ago when I was going to Anime Weekend Atlanta regularly they showed a video of music by Peter Gabriel, the song was Rythm of the Heat and the video was composited off clips from Princess Mononoke, it was one of the best AMV's I have seen to date. i couldn't find a good copy to link because of the BMG block on youtube, anyhow if you haven't seen it, it's a classic, but it's great.

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Honestly? Best one I think I've ever seen in the "awesome AMV" category? This.

Crazy anime, video is incredibly well done, and I love this song. I will never be able to associate it with anything other than ballet, no matter how hard I try. Honestly, I'm waiting for someone to make a version with footage from Black Swan.

On the funnier side, just look up anything under the title AMV Hell, and prepare to potentially die laughing. There's too many good bits to list, but I'll post a personal favorite clip.

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The greatest AMV that has ever and will ever exist.

Ah, nice to see the animation was restored. Been a long time since I've seen the Daicon IV vid. I'm actually looking for a 'classic' one that is from the Bobby 'C-ko' Beaver and Corn Pone era. Its set to Macross the Movie, but the song is from another anime (I believe) and I think the title of the song is Break out the War.

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I got a question about the daicon video. In the daicon III and IV videos the girl is chased by a mecha that the wikipedia claims is a zaku from mobile suit gundam, but is actually Studio Nue's starship trooper power armor. My question is how long has that power armor design been around? If the daicon video's were made in 1981 and 1983, and the starship trooper OVA didn't roll out untill 1988 how did it end up in the daicon video? Whats the history behind it? Was the power armor originally intended for another series or was the troopers OVA that long in production?

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From wikipedia


Kazutaka Miyatake of Studio Nue originally designed the powered suits in the OVA for the Japanese edition of the novel in the early '80s

Amazon.co.jp has the book listed with a release date of 1979 with the power armor on the cover


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