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What mecha would you pilot?

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Well, Macross-wise, I'd probably go with the Monster MAC-II and blow some stuff up for about 5 minutes....until I get bored and jump in a VF-1A :lol:

However, if I had to pilot a non-macross mech, I'd either go with Gundam Deathscythe from Endless Waltz, or the Ovelon Gazette from that Dorvack anime. A variable helicopter seems like a cool idea :D

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Let see now, what is the name of that big brute black blue mech from SRWOG that was powered by a blackhole engine? <_<

Oh yeah, Granzon. :lol:

OG? Granzon's a big deal in most of the franchise.

I'll take a Huckebein, though. Granzon's got no style.

(And the Huckebein's a purple Gundam. So sue me.)

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As far as Macross goes, I'd take an armored VF-25S.

my favorite Gundam has always been the RX-78-NT1 "Alex". It's not crazy-flashy or anything. Plus it has built-in forearm guns in case your beam rifle runs out of ammo.

..actually, I like the Nu Gundam, too. It's old-school with some extra badassery applied to the top. I think it was designed by the same guy as Alex.

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As far as Macross goes, I'd take an armored VF-25S.

my favorite Gundam has always been the RX-78-NT1 "Alex". It's not crazy-flashy or anything. Plus it has built-in forearm guns in case your beam rifle runs out of ammo.

Always nice to see a fellow Alex fan. It really is one of the greatest "classic" Gundam designs. I like some of the new Gundams too, but for me the Alex is to Gundam what the VF-1 Valkyrie is to Macross.

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I actually rather like the Alex too.

The forearm guns really win me over. I'm a sucker for those little de-anthropomorphizing touches like integrated weapons.

It's probably why I actually like the destroids better than the VF-1.


Did I just say that out loud?

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How does that work? Struggling to see any parallels to the VF-1 with the Alex.

when someone says Macross, you're first thought is usually "oh yeah, VF-1."

when someone says Gundam, his first thought is usually "oh yeah, NT-1 Alex."

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Actually, that's one of the things I've always loved most about ALL the Macross valkyries; take away scale and the Battroids are quite clearly robots. Without scale, the valkyries are not anthropomorphic to such a degree that we cease to see them as robots and mistake them for armored humans.


That's just how it is for me personally, as a fan. I associate my favorite of the classic Macross designs (the VF-1J Valkyrie) when I think of Macross. When I think of Gundam, I associate that franchise with the RX-78NT-1 Gundam Alex, my favorite of the classic mobile suit designs. But that's just me.

If I had to find similarities in the VF-1 Valkyrie and the RX-78NT-1 Gundam Alex, the fact that they both use an optional Armored mode doesn't hurt :)

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Actually, that's one of the things I've always loved most about ALL the Macross valkyries; take away scale and the Battroids are quite clearly robots. Without scale, the valkyries are not anthropomorphic to such a degree that we cease to see them as robots and mistake them for armored humans.


But the destroids and Alex go beyond simple aesthetics. Especially the destroids, which typically don't even have hands to lift human-style firearms with.

Not saying that's how ALL mechs should be, but...

Stuff like the VF-17 makes me happy. The chest guns and leg "holster" are nice touches.

I want to ride Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the shell.

What, she's a mecha right? Why are you guys looking at me? :huh:


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But the destroids and Alex go beyond simple aesthetics. Especially the destroids, which typically don't even have hands to lift human-style firearms with.

Not saying that's how ALL mechs should be, but...

Stuff like the VF-17 makes me happy. The chest guns and leg "holster" are nice touches.

Well, to each their own I suppose. The torso of most Valkyries clearly can't accommodate normal anthropomorphic features and that's enough for me. Kinda like how FSS and Neon Genesis Evangelion achieve the same effect, but feature an impossibly thing torso rather than a non-anthropomorphic torso like the Valkyries. It's all good.

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I've always thought both the GP-01 and Alex borrow too much from the original Gundam design. I don't find either of them particularly interesting, in terms of design.

The GP-02 is nifty, though.

They're both basically minor improvements on the original design, anyway. Alex was supossed to be given to Amuro to replace the original Gundam. But then it got decapitated. And the war ended. GP-01 was pretty much a redesign of the original, until it got trashed in space and rebuilt into the Full Vernian version.

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Can we add a poll to this thread? Who prefers giant robots (i.e. Gundams, Mazinger, Valkyries, etc.) and who prefers power armors (Maddox-01, MOSPEADA, Megazone 23, etc.)?

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