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PREDATOR REMAKE, Terrific now my childhood


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This doesn't even make sense. The original movie is not dated. It easily stands up to current movies. (actually, it surpases them on many levels.) Predator 3 would be a much better idea.

I don't even want to talk about the Alien franchise. As far as I'm concerned, they screwed it up when they sent in the space marines. :(

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So Citizen Kane X is on it's feet

We need a biatch to scream around and look horny while kicking the zombie-apes a$$es

Avril Laveene anyone?

Also we need LL C00L J in that movie, or even better: Emimem

as the poor schmuck who got dragged in the middle of all that

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This doesn't even make sense. The original movie is not dated. It easily stands up to current movies. (actually, it surpases them on many levels.) Predator 3 would be a much better idea.

I don't even want to talk about the Alien franchise. As far as I'm concerned, they screwed it up when they sent in the space marines. :(


that doesn't even make sense.... it wasn't a franchise until they sent in the colonial marines. Before that it was only one movie.

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Actually I'd like to see a movie with Van Damme and Benecio Del Toro as lawyers in a murder case. Be interesting for a jury to see a case where they have no idea what anyone is saying.


For full effect, you'll need Stallone as the prosecutor then. And Eddie Murphy as the judge.

Ah, I know what needs a re-make! The 1978 STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL with chewbacca's family.

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that doesn't even make sense.... it wasn't a franchise until they sent in the colonial marines. Before that it was only one movie.

that is very true. Without the humans going on the offensive this time, it would have just been the same thing as the first which to me was pretty scary but not on the same level as aliens. People liked the idea of fighting them rather than running and from there having proper weapons and teams to collect the alien as a bioweapon.

Aliens allowed the alien to be fast and move like a proper animal as opposed to just standing there and saying "BOO!". It's the difference between a zombie that moves at snails pace, and a snake that strikes fast and sudden, in some cases quicker than what your eye can see.

In aliens: The aliens had speed, realistic movement, and they were well camoflaged inside the walls. This in itself made them creatures of stealth (hanging out at night, being in an enclosed space with safety in numbers logic, able to cut the power to increase thier chance of not being seen etc) and a lot more frightening when you take into account humans needed to have tactical advantages like not being surrounded due to smaller numbers, and all of them needing to fight an alien at a distance. (acid blood and all)

Even scarier was that aliens like diseased mice are expendable, where humans aren't, due to needing thier skills to survive. Who cares if one dies, when they breed so many of them?

When I watched aliens I felt like, it's actually realistic to believe one of these would get close enough to take a marine down due to stealth and animal agility and speed. Previous to this, the alien was more akin to a slow moving cannon fodder zombie. The second movie changed alien, from horror to war movie which gives the alien more depth. (ie the queen being the one to lay an egg and begin the life cycles to the face hugger and so on)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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This is a heinously bad idea. If it were an altogether new Predator movie, then I might not be so opposed to it. (Hell, I'd welcome it.) But there is absolutely NO ONE who could match Schwarzenegger's performance in Predator. It is simply classic, and I do not wish to see it tarnished.

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Who Hollywood will choose in their infinite wisdom (*cough*):

Director: Paul W.S. (Worse than Sh!t) Anderson or dare I say it, Uwe Boll.

Lead: The Rock or some cheap 2nd tier actor, like Paul Walker.

Box office: $40 million over three weeks, with an additional $10 million in DVD sales. Just enough to make a mild profit, in other words.

/dies of cynicism

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This is a heinously bad idea. If it were an altogether new Predator movie, then I might not be so opposed to it. (Hell, I'd welcome it.) But there is absolutely NO ONE who could match Schwarzenegger's performance in Predator. It is simply classic, and I do not wish to see it tarnished.


The hand of CROM guides you.

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all I gotta say is So Long and Thanks for all the fish

:lol: I rented that POS and came very close to making myself eat a bullet because of it...I'm just glad I didn't see it in the theater, the feeling of utter violation would never wash off.

A Predator remake, in light of what Hollyweird has been pumping out for almost a decade, makes me shudder to think of the PG-13 CG goofiness of it all.

Edited by mechaninac
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Who Hollywood will choose in their infinite wisdom (*cough*):


Lead: The Rock or some cheap 2nd tier actor, like Paul Walker.

I'm pretty sure only Will Smith is man enough to take on the Premadator.

all I gotta say is So Long and Thanks for all the fish

:lol: I rented that POS and came very close to making myself eat a bullet because of it...I'm just glad I didn't see it in the theater, the feeling of utter violation would never wash off.

I didn't think it was that bad, really.

Not a strict by-the-book adaptation, but then, neither were the TV series and radioplay.

And from what I gather, most of the script was laid out by Douglas Admas before he died.

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all I gotta say is So Long and Thanks for all the fish

:lol: I rented that POS and came very close to making myself eat a bullet because of it...I'm just glad I didn't see it in the theater, the feeling of utter violation would never wash off.

A Predator remake, in light of what Hollyweird has been pumping out for almost a decade, makes me shudder to think of the PG-13 CG goofiness of it all.


but that quote made it all worth it ;):rolleyes:
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This is a heinously bad idea. If it were an altogether new Predator movie, then I might not be so opposed to it. (Hell, I'd welcome it.) But there is absolutely NO ONE who could match Schwarzenegger's performance in Predator. It is simply classic, and I do not wish to see it tarnished.


The hand of CROM guides you.


May they never be too small. Amen.

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DAMN, I am so starting hate Hollywood and their blasted remakes!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

This idea of a new predator with out Arnold is really pissing me off. John Cena as the lead, R U fracking kiddin me? <_<

After reading this thread I decided to search some pics of the original predator movie to calm my self down. B))

Agent One this ones are for U: :lol:





and here's some more:



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I think the below summarises hollywoods feelings on remaking films.

Hollywood Exec: We have won again. That is good! But what is best in life?

George Lucas: The open steppe, Money, merchandising, copyrights!

Hollywood Exec: Wrong! Paul WS Anderson, what is best in life?

Paul Ws Anderson: To remake movies, see the audiences driven before them, and to hear the lamentation of the Fanboys!

Hollywood Exec: That is good.

The Moral of the story is as others pointed out earlier in the thread, is why remake something that isnt Broken? Prediator, Conan, terminator many of these great 80's flicks we treasure are perfect the way they are. Hell preditor isnt that old, yet it stands the test of time perfectly. Films dont need to have Cg or be X-TREME, over "modernize" themselves to be good films. Bottom line, hollywood needs to settledown on the remakes, possiblities of remakes, and such, and mabie try to make some new good films, with worthwhile stories. then mabie people might want to go to the theatures again. But untill people stop eating up this remake and bastardification of franchises(see AVP for example)stuff, then hollywood will contiune to put out the same stuff, milk the cow, then pop out another sequil again. Sadly the video game indestry has caught the sequlitis bug as of late. but thats a whole other debate.

I really hope this remake doesnt happen, it would be spoiling a perfectly good film (some would argue predator 2 did that already, but i digress). I guess thats all i have to say on the subject.

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