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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Yeah, Kiririth has a good spot for holding the con. There are plenty of chairs and the rooms are freaking big which means things won't have to be so splintered as they were in past years. That means we should be able included more people in everything so that we don't have the one or two guys stuck guarding the customs.
  2. My usual gripe about Toynami is that none of their products are innovative or very original. Everything they've done for Robotech has been "based" on some other pre-existing toy. Sure the mecha designs are still the same after 20 years but there still some innovations that can be made. So Toynami "borrows" designs and they still can't make them work and fit properly? I give Yamato a little bit of leeway since they are at least creating new designs. When is the last time someone made a transforming VF-0? YF-19? Garland? The 1/48 VF-1 is wildly innovative with them removing the swing bar so I don't fully agree with the how many ways can you make something transform argument. Most of the stuff Yamato does is from scratch. Sure there are problems but for the most part Yamato addresses them with subsequent releases. As for the cyclone, I'll probably buy one at a discount price whenever it happens and it WILL happen. It looks okay....sadly it's only okay. I want all of the main characters including Rand and Rook though. I already have two Gakken cyclones so I may skip Scott's anyway. That should give me time to read reviews and figure out if I should bother getting them.
  3. Ugh. I think a better paint job would make it more appealing. They want to charge $200 for that thing? No thanks.
  4. Yeah same sentiments as everyone else. Wait and see. They copy designs but can't improve on anything...at least from the looks of it. And why the heck are they releaseing Sue but not Rook? That's some seriously lame sh!t. And on that SC Alpha....it looks like someone threw it in the wash with purple socks and they bled all over the white parts.
  5. I thought that Graham or someone mentioned that in actuality the CF was produced in more limited numbers than the LV1 not because it was meant to be limited but that's just how it went. I may be confusing it with something else so dont' shoot me if I'm wrong.
  6. The only one that interests me is the Zentradi valk but since that's the only one that interests everyone else......I don't want to bother.
  7. I agree. 1/60 is the scale for this stuff. Besides I don't want to pay $90 for a huge non-transformable mecha.
  8. Man, those look cool but they don't transform? What the heck?!
  9. Someone should make one out of an Alternators Prime.
  10. You didn't list the Milia Q-rau set.
  11. I think the triangle should remain unresolved. If she ended up with either of them the relationship would be dysfunctional. She should just find someone else.
  12. Actually Kung Fu Hustle was made for closer to $10 million maybe even less. Kung Fu Hustle 2 will be close to $25 million. Anyway....with no big named talent other than Minmay there wouldn't be very much in the way of star costs. Yes, she was the biggest star on the ship but really that's not worth much. I also assume that since it's the future there are cheaper ways of doing effects and crap. Hell maybe Kaifun fired real lasers out of his hand so they didn't have to add it in post. Marketing really wouldn't be much of a problem so that would keep costs low. I say it's the combo of propaganda and the thought of showing the movie to Earth audiences that justified the making of it. After all they all thought they were gonna be let off once they got to Earth.
  13. Alright I'll play the role of geeky guy....you mean 1/48 size not scale right?
  14. The survey seems to be flawed. The overview has only 935 1/48 but then the details show over 1000.
  15. Guess I missed out. They took it down.
  16. I guess I chose a good time to finally finish watching this. Of course I'm still in the decision mode and not quite in the finishing mode. I only got up to about episode 5 before I bailed on it. Guess I'll have to suffer through a few more to let the story get going.
  17. Nice work, man. You've got the guys on TFW drooling for one.
  18. Oh crap don't give Yamato anymore ideas for the GBP. It looks pretty cool though.
  19. Well since the flight suit is a proto then I won't complain about it just yet as long as Noel already knows what the problems are with it. The fish accessory is a nice touch but it's something that should have been included in the first release of the figure if they were going to do it at all.
  20. bigkid24

    1/48 GBP

    Why is Milia's 1J white with a blue head stripe?
  21. In a lot of Japanese grocery stores they have candy sections where they sell candy that comes with toys. Although when you see what you get it's really more like a toy that comes with candy but in the US since it's candy first it doesn't get taxed. Anyway, a lot of cool toys get released that way but don't get much attention. I'm sure someone can explain it better than me.
  22. Pretty sweet. As for the box....something about SD stuff makes me think in halves so maybe make the box 27.5 in case Takara every makes more of them. If we get first dibs at a recast then hell yeah I'll donate.
  23. If they are candy toys then I may buy one but if they are just more gashapons then I'll pass.
  24. bigkid24

    1/48 GBP

    I for one am glad that they aren't issuing a new valk to go with this GBP. It should go fine with the Stealth anyway.
  25. Holy crap that thing IS tiny. I may have to rethink buying it.
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