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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. For anyone who ordered from AmiAmi, mine just shipped yesterday and should arrive next Tuesday, so yours should be on the way as well. It's good to know that the Head-fin can be removed, I have zero faith that mine won't have damage either.
  2. @Wewyllenium Are those replacement parts strictly for the VF-25 or do those work on the YF-29 as well? I need to replace a broken part on mine.
  3. Same here, going with DHL was the easiest choice. Luckily, I had some points saved up with AmiAmi so that came in handy!
  4. So, of your two YF-21's, have you drafted a pro vs. con list of the two? My DX YF-21 is on the way & I just managed to nab a Max VF-22, so for me it will be fun to compare the two. P.S. Your collection never disappoints!
  5. What's up with the rear landing gear? Those wheels/tires are facing inwards, not outwards, not transformed correctly?
  6. Yeah, that Beta/Tread pic was posted some time ago, I remember because we all pointed out how the wings were installed upside down, the hard points are facing up. A shame to think that this may never see the light of day and the MPC will be your only option. I was still hoping for a Sentinel Dark Legioss too.
  7. Now we're talking!! Do we know what scale it is? I didn't see it mentioned on the website.
  8. A true Legend of the cinema & a career that is one for the ages. RIP Donald Sutherland.
  9. Love it!! Come on Bandai, it's time to make a VF-2JA HMR!!!
  10. Currently Apple TV hasn't marked it as cancelled and the creators seem to be teasing another round, but if one season is all we get, I'm happy with that.
  11. I know this released a while back, but we just finished it tonight. Great little series, if there should be a season 2 then we're all on board.
  12. Just arrived from AmiAmi Via DHL.
  13. NICE!! I did not realize that you could remove (swap-out) the forward fuselage/cockpit section on these. I might have to find a spare 0S & OD and do the same, tough I'll make my VF-0B look like the Hasegawa kit.
  14. Looks fantastic and I'm glad I waited for the eventual release of the 171 with Armor. The only real issue I have with these kits... is that there is no Battroid kit to go with it.
  15. Can't wait for this season's round of absolute chaos. While I never worked in a restaurant of that caliber, working for a catering company that only made from scratch, in house organic specialties (for 100-300 people at a time... once almost 500 for a massive wedding... even the Governor & his family attended.) & private candle lit wine tastings & tapas dishes, that experience was intense enough because being really good didn't count, perfection or nothing. I love The Bear, but I do get some wicked flashbacks from it.
  16. And white landing gear!
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