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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. Thanks, that clearly shows I'm doing something wrong. The arms aren't sitting in the grooves of mine. Can u shoot a pic from the side and the back, so I can see how u have the legs positioned? I think i have them sitting to low, though how that works with the wings eludes me. Its clearly something in the positioning of the arms and legs
  2. or u could just have 2 of them....?
  3. Mine too. Fighter mode with FP's confounds me. I'm clearly doing SOMETHING wrong, but for the life of me i don't know what. Are the arms suppose to sit in a groove or anything? In fighter they sit neatly in the leg groove, its easy to see. In FP Fighter, that groove sits to low, so the arms just sort of hang there, and the legs aren't as close together. Is that right?
  4. i like the dark Blue, I think it looks cool and matches the dark color of the plane.
  5. Oh, sorry man, that's a crappy thing u may have to buy another RVF....
  6. ooooOOOooohhhh yeah OK. That is interesting. It almost looks like they're lowered to accommodate the shoulders doesn't it? Well now I'm curious alright...
  7. Im not quite sure what you're referring to. Do u have a pic of the bit?
  8. Ah, I had been putting the grey things on with the longer edge on the outside, not the inside. Maybe thats why my FP's never sit right. Ill have to take another crack at it later. Cheers fr4nklin
  9. I must be blind, u guys keep talking about these detached intakes, but i cant figure out what you're talking about. Do you mean the top of the leg intake?
  10. Id buy some! Some of the Navy schemes in the Masterfile are awesome! But in terms of canon: 0S Skull 1, 0A Shin, 0A CF and the 0D Shin are it right? And in terms of shared parts; Base of the tail/backpack area, the arms and legs. Other than that the 0D and the other fighters are different I think
  11. great post man, and Im glad to hear someone else so positive about the bird
  12. Having the flaps move on the Flap line WOULD be an improvement, I'm not sure why they didn't do that.
  13. i'll give u that ont he stabilisers. I'm not sure if the 'flap' was a good idea or not. i like it better than what Yamato did with the whole chunk sliding up, but it's kinda loose, as you say. Mine flops a bit in Battroid. Not a deal breaker by any stretch.
  14. Look it won't be cheap, but I hope it's not as bad as the 19. Or worse.
  15. Ive sold alot of my older stuff (Not just Macross) but am now down to only toys i want to keep.
  16. The 29 has a good GERWALK mode. so does the 25 actually. 27 is OK, a little back heavy
  17. She's gorgeous! This will be #4 alright!
  18. Yeah I'm excited she looks great
  19. i.... wait, what happened? I was just jumping in to congratulate you and ask what customs u were planning. Whats gone wrong?
  20. I know about the little spacer bits, I just cant get the shoulder armor to line up with the leg pieces correctly. They never peg into the small notches on the leg properly
  21. the main criticism of Zero is the one stated above: Roy didn't actually beat Ivanov. given we had seen... what 4 skirmishes before that one? They deserved to close that one out properly.
  22. oh dude, no u got a horribly broken toy, I get that.
  23. A full band and the giant missile launcher? That might convince me to go for it. Amen
  24. i need to get a more recent one i think. This one is a decade old after all. Incidentally, I asked about this in the 'Wanted' forum, but if anyone has sticker sheets they arent using for their valks, I definitely need a few. Less so VF-1 sheets, but certainly ones beyond that
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