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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. i never noticed it on the originals really, until Macrossworld mentioned it once or twice. or 80 000 times.
  2. 5000 coz its one of the last unique mold valks seen prominently in animation not yet built, and the Maxl as my second choice for the same reason.
  3. i want this, and then a new 0S and 0A Shin with nice tight joints ajnd a proper grip on the gunpod.
  4. So in-universe does the 30 have any special properties like the 29 does? Or is it just a cool new plane one of the characters builds?
  5. i sort of hate them and sort of love them. Never did get a 17D,would still like to at some stage. This is the problem with collecting multiple toy lines. Never enough money
  6. Basically the same for me. I thought it was like the super armor, where lifting the wing is easy so its no big deal. I didnt realise how deeply seated the peg was in the hole on the leg pack on the Tornado. I mean I guess it isnt the hugest problem in the world. The wing hinges are tight enough that it will still hold its modes fine. Its more the principle of the thing. And money is so tight right now i cant afford another one, even though they're one of the cheaper Valks to get..
  7. ....And my 25F just broke The peg for the left wing just snapped off in the hole of the Tornado pack leg armor I'm so pissed off right now.
  8. i love having a whole emerald force. If the 17D weren't ridiculously expensive i'd have a Diamond Force as well.
  9. Hey at the end of Macross 30 does Uroboros get unstuck in time (or hwhatever?) I just wonder if the 30 entered the galaxy network main group of fighters or if it remains isolated on the world...
  10. i got mine as well. i love herm, shes a great plane. The curve and fit, as well as the transform make it feel like a true 'next Gen' Macross fighter beyond the 24 series. the whole plane feels new and fresh. In Battroid you get a real lankiness, and there's alot of length in the legs. Im not 100% sure I'm sold on that, as it makes the torso section feel a little crushed. You dont need any stands or pegs or brackets or anything, all modes hold just fine with the plane paerts. In fact a part in some pics that I took as the brace (Where it looks like it has some stomach guns) is actually part of the air frame. Overall after several transforms and all seeming to be well, i am very happy with her.
  11. She's such a damned pretty bird. I like the roundness of the nosecone area, its got a more solid tube like look, more like an old school fighter, and not liked the the more arched curve of the 24 series nosecones.
  12. Still watching on Crunchyroll as they air: Captain Earth - So far a fun show, a good action adventure Sci-Fi. Brynhildr in the Darkness - Creepy fraked up wierd awesome Super power stuff. Keeps kicking me in the nuts every couple of episodes. Sword Art Online 2 - We have put the horror of the 2nd part of Season 1 behind us, and gone back to awesomeness. Aldnoah Zero - i love super competent main characters, and this has that plus cool mecha action and conspiracies. Cool show! Sailor Moon Crystal - Sailor Moon without all the dragged out fill in. Gorgeous animation too. Argevollen - Weirdly compelling mecha action show. Its not anyting unique, its just kind of well done mecha anime. Agame no Kill - Weirdly atonal anime. One part comedy weirdness, one part horrific violence and nastiness. Glass Lip - A silly romance comedy I am oddly enjoying a lot. Kind of my guilty pleasure.
  13. Mines on track still to be here Friday by the look of it. It left Japan today. Not a bad month for Macross with the Tornado packs, now this.
  14. I got some good techniques for tightening a few joints, but the ankles are a tough one. on the 19 you may be able to get the foot off and coat the joint, using nail polish or super glue.
  15. Mine has indeed shipped! EMS, so I should have it by Friday
  16. The SDF 1 had to Transform to fire the guns because when the fold engine disapeeared the cannons and energy converting engines were no longer connected. Reconfiguring connected the systems required to power the gun.
  17. Man this thing has a lot of details to panel line! This is taking me longer than the actual 25's did....
  18. Ah you're right, my bad. In that case no, it doesn't.
  19. Oh thats a good sign then. Maybe I'll have good news when I get home.
  20. Mandarake got flooded with a huge amount of overpriced 25S's. Gosh, wonder what brought that on....
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