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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. So... This pic was just posted on Cybergundams blog. Is... is it what I think it is?
  2. yeah I dont care about any of that. Love it
  3. Got my 29 Ozma. Busy being in love, no time to talk. Best 29 EVER!
  4. After selling my Skull customs,I could grab myself a 29 (And some otehr stuff). happy to get the last 29 i needed!
  5. Also I believe this is a complete redesign from the ground up, in both structure and materials. I'm confident she won't fall apart, the 19's biggest persistent issue is the ball ankles, which compared to the arm exploding is pretty minor.
  6. So I found the missing piece! now if i can just find myself the VF-11 Engine cover Im missing.....
  7. i dunno. MAYBE the 19, but i think the 0D is all Arcadia...
  8. Hell I'm sure there was the inspiration of basically updating the VF-1! In a lot of ways the zeros are like a more modern kawamori designed Valkyrie.
  9. i have 6 draws of extra parts for toys. This one must have slipped by me in the move sadly
  10. Is the ghost SUPPOSED to fit on the 0D?
  11. Crap, yes I have the old one. I think that means that i have lost the new piece Dont suppose anyone keeps theirs as 2 seater and wants to sell me theirs?
  12. Maybe. Bandai hasn't announced anything else after the RVF-171, so it won't be soon.
  13. Depends how much you buy from them. 'Cancel'; is essentially just not paying, then the item gets cancelled. I have done this numerous times, but I also buy more than i cancel. I suspect if u did it alot without buying as well to offset it, that may hurt you more.
  14. OK, so this is a bit random: i went to put the 19 back to being a single seater, replacing the shielded back area. I have tried to put this piece back in, but damned if i can do so. I'm vaguely worried this might be for the previous 19, but can't tell the difference. It IS a slightly darker plastic than the cockpit grey, so that may be the issue. Is that the right piece? It doesn;t seem to be fitting in at all.
  15. Four?! You clearly make more money than me...
  16. AmiAmi at 31800, preorder in. That's a decent enough discount, and I have some points to knock it down a bit more.
  17. It was never even in heavy COMBAT. It was flying off with the Birdman's head, and got shot down by Nora. There are some other images with missiles like those on the other Zeros, but nothing from the anime that i could find.
  18. And it doesn't come with as many missiles as the 19. Well, not that we have seen anyway
  19. Holy Crap that's insane. I mean this is just frakkin INSANE! That's gonna bear some thinking about.
  20. I'd probably re-buy a 0S and A, and Ivanov's 51 to have good versions f all those. Also a Max and Milia 1J. Hikaru VF-4. Re-do (If significantly improved) YF-21. After that though, I can't see to much left i want that aren't more obscure molds.
  21. Well.... that was an unexpected ending. I'll try season 2, but a lot of my favorite characters no longer seem to be with us so..... not sure.
  22. ... I wish I could afford one. The more photos I see, the more i want it.
  23. Amen to that! Dropped mine and freaked out, but the tail had just popped off and popped right back on. It holds position at angles without drooping, it looks fine in all positions. Yeah i'd have liked a tab or something to indicate the proper angle,m but it's not a deal breaker. I'd say the 30 is up there as one of my favorites, and there is no one more surprised than me saying that. I got it purely as a new Macross plane, and i want one of any of those in 1/60. And yet weeks later i still can't put it down! It's so fun to play with and pose, looks great in all modes (Especially fighter) and is a solid build. it's so far my contender for Toy of the Year (And if you know how many toys i collect, believe me that's saying something!). As for comparing them to Arcadia; My Arcadia stuff is almost all fine. i have a VF-1J which ha a shoulder coming apart, and my YF-21 has some broken belly lock tabs (My fault).... that's it. Al my other stuff is just fine, and it's all stuff that's been played with repeatedly. The 19 is gorgeous and i have no issues with it at all; again, its been transformed and played with repeatedly. conversely i have had to tighten almost all the hips and shoulders on my 25's and 29's. i STILL havent found a solid fix for the loose hinges on the shoulders (Where they swing back for fighter). I love the Bandai planes, but they are far FAR from being a tonne better than Yarcadias.
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