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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. 25F. Love the Paint and the head, 25S would be 2nd. In fact hell: F, S, G, A, RVF
  2. I'm undecided at this stage. Might give it a go, haven't decided. Im not a huge fan of Luca, the 171 or Recon domes and antenna fighters.... so all three makes me hesitate a bit.
  3. That's why I bought the 25S Super Parts. SO much cheaper.
  4. i agree on the color, but I like the beam rifle to much to swap them out.
  5. i still love mine. i love just looking at it sometimes....
  6. i love it, and wish I'd been able to afford it even more now. Such a gorgeous toy in all modes, and i love the 29 design. *Sigh* One Day...
  7. I'd buy a Skull 1 Scheme in a Heartbeat
  8. The shield is also nice, looks cool in both modes. but the SP arent worth what u pay for them IMO.
  9. I'll be lucky to get one i think. Financial hits all over, and a few other things on preorder. I'll have to hope i can get one later in the year if Im lucky.
  10. Preordered from NY. Then remembered that they charge up front. Flattened my credit card. I'll have to cancel the order and reverse the charge Stupid NY....
  11. I would totally wear that shirt...
  12. Who would post a review up here? You'll just get slammed for your opinions...
  13. We wont see much more news now until the release, since it;s so close. I'm excited as well. while i didnt pre-order, I'm hoping to swing one at an OK price.
  14. this thread is insane. And not really in a happy fun way.
  15. Im glad i have never done a review and put it up.
  16. Review was fine as far as i could tell, I agree with 98% of it.
  17. ...i like stickers. i'll take other peoples if they don't want them, I could use more
  18. Agreed, they'd never do it. And assuming by some wild miracle they DID, it was be HUGELY expensive, and you'd have to buy a few to get all the ones you wanted.
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