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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. Still no word from NY past "Order Processing"
  2. huh, i only just found the little opening flaps on the rotating cannons! I never noticed those till right now!
  3. To NY Customers: have u tried using the Skype service? You can skype call NY and talk to someone in person
  4. i got mine. Great looking set, though I'm worried about the weight on the wings in Battrroid. Also i keep the chest and upper leg armor on from the Super set. Balances out the front a bit more, since the back is so heavy
  5. Im going to add the chest armor and upper leg thruster covers from the Super Parts to mine. i feel like it's very back heavy, and needs a little balancing.
  6. I think it looks perfect. I love the blue.
  7. My buddy in Japan has mine coming in, should ship it and other stuff in August
  8. Thanks guys I don't know a third skull would go. Its got one on the chest and one on the shield.
  9. Thanks guys! I wish I could say it looks this good in person, but it definitely has some paint clumps, and it totally has chips when it transforms.
  10. I'm not gonna panic till I have it in hand. The battroid Brace may be just something that helps, but isn't necessary. And the Gerwalk one I agree with David; Since it's only necessary as an option, not as default, it's no big deal, and i probably won't use it. And its like intakes; I just keep them in a special bag that is readily accessible, so it's easy to grab them as needed. No big deal.
  11. I'm 50/50 with Dave. I wouldn't want the FP's separate, because the cost of shipping an extra item that is so minor would have annoyed the hell out of me. So I'm glad we got them in the set. The missiles I tend to agree with David more on. While I like them, and display some on the fighter, that's largely just so I get some use out of them. I'd have happily paid less money and skipped them.
  12. love it. Glad i kept my preorder. Now as long as NY doesn't screw me...
  13. the Zero's are a bit chunkier than the later fighters. She's lookin good,
  14. Underwing missiles and a cannon replacement for the missile rack are about all it needs, and even then it would have to be pretty cheap for me to jump on it. hell, the 19 has a tonne of extra missiles i can spare...
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