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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Awesome photograph. Still one of the most amazing designs of last century. Who know, perhaps the Skylon will continue it's beauty this century....
  2. With my engineer hat on, too many exposed working surfaces for my liking. But with my fan hat on, this looks awesome. I want one! All the hardware from this movie so far looks great.
  3. I can see all design callouts from Apple's website. I think this is what they are looking for.
  4. So this is real, seriously? I don't really follow Robotech stuff, but this was too strange not to click. Is this serious?
  5. Would have to agree. Thanks for the link though, there are plenty of other pics to look at too!
  6. BECAUSE I SAID SO! A lot of scifi is about making up the rules as you go along. It's good people ask questions though - even though it's not the kind of movie that prompts deep introspection. I know I'll be getting a bluray version of this eventually, so I can watch it in the privacy of my home and rewind to watch some of the action sequences a few times.
  7. SPOILERS Took two of my girls to see this yesterday. They loved it. I loved it! Although I do acknowledge that Guillermo is speaking directly to people like me, but I thank him for it. The only thing I didn't like was that many of the Kaiju VS Jaeger scenes were at night or in the overcast rain, or in the night whilst it's raining. I think this was done because for various compositional issues it helped sell scale and effects, however I found it a little frustrating. There were a few VERY short scenes of Striker Eureka in Sydney Harbour, but these seemed to be on television screens. Hopefully - if a sequel is green lit - we might spend a little more time in the sun. But everything else was fantastic, and it was a relief not to have a 'love scene' shoehorned in. I found it interesting that the real flat-out hero of this movie was not Raleigh, but Stacker himself. Idris Elba was a larger-than-life character in every sense. I loved the scene that began: 'Firstly, don't touch me. Secondly -' There were plenty of other fantastic little touches. Like when Mako and Raleigh finish their first run together and Ellen McLain's voice 'Would you like to try again?' Just perfect! Of course, props must go the art team. For the most part it was amazing, especially all the physical sets. But that's what Guillermo pulls together and the way he builds worlds. I'm not hugely enamoured of the designs of the jaegers themselves - Striker Eureka probably my favourite. Cherno Alpha was a fun call-back to oldschool Japanese man-in-suit designs whilst also looking perfectly like a Russian mechanical beast of war. I would have loved to have seen more. Hopefully the international takings will warrant a sequel. I blows my mind that Grown Ups 2 has a bigger opening weekend in the US. The American public, I just don't know...
  8. Gorgeous work, exactly like a Regult should look - beat-up and neglected. Can't fault the build but would love to see better photos with less ISO!
  9. I'm taking two of my girls (2 out of 3) to see this tomorrow. The last couple of months have been quite awful for me, but we are coming out the other side now and my two otaku daughters and I will celebrate in grand style. My 10 year old made her first Gundam last weekend - and knowing that Ellen McLain is a computer's voice in this makes her very excited to see PACIFIC RIM. Of course, they are also HELLBOY fans...
  10. Looks fantastic. Very nice Ruben and some really nice 'detail' touches. What overall colour did you use?
  11. TIL that Jay Silverheels' real name is Harry Smith. I heard this from someone who grew up on Harry's reservation today. Made me laugh.
  12. I'm already sold. But the main reason I hope it makes a lot of money is so that Guillermo gets more latitude on future movies. I would like to see Hellboy ]|[ and At the Mountains of Madness. Am I bad?
  13. Every review I've seen so far are quite positive. Very much looking forward to this, but 2D is the only option for me. Last time I saw a 3D movie I had tears running from my eyes, and not from the emotion on display, they really hurt. I can see how IMAX would be a great format for this though. We only have one IMAX in Sydney though and they don't usually play movies like this there. At least my local cinema is pretty good.
  14. Haha, I like those figures. Sounds about right. It's hard to resist watching new trailers for this movie (and others like it). Trailer editors are getting a little crazy these days, revealing so much...
  15. I've had problems with Mr Surfacer - although this may have been due to the resin, rather than Mr Surfacer. I have never had any issues with Tamiya Fine Primer on resin.
  16. Oh man, those Alclad blues, WMCheng, it breaks my heart to see this sort of thing, when you poured so much time already into the project. I have an odd relationship with Alclad - I love its initial finish, but I have seen it 'crack' - specifically over resin + tamiya gloss black on a couple of different projects. On both of these I have clear coated gloss, so I wonder if it is to do with that. Or maybe it's natural expansion issues of the subject. I always put on a 'Future' substitute (acrylic) and then oil wash over this. I haven't run into your issue yet doing this. As it stands, I think just starting again is probably the best option. At this size, cleaning the model will destroy it somewhat, and possibly make the plastic chemically active again which could have repercussions later on down the track with future coats of paint...
  17. Huge Tezuka fan here. My recommendations: Apollo's Song Buddha Phoenix Of course, I also enjoyed the Mighty Atom series. I quite like both the eighties and more recent Astro Boy, yes I mean the English dubbed ones. The movie a couple of years ago was quite forgettable.
  18. Very nice. As soon as they release the Super-pack for these, I'm getting one!
  19. Eowyn was a great, strong female character but I take your point that more females could have been written in. As for LotR being 'downright boring'? Huh? I'm going to have to let the continuous book sales over the past few decades speak for themselves.
  20. I haven't got to the decals on the Bandai 1/72 Frontier kits. Where they bad?
  21. Very nice WMCheng. I have plans to get this kit (or a couple of them). I do have the OLD Bandai kit floating around with the raised panel lines, which I had planned to scrape of and rescribe, but I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore!
  22. It's an odd one because modern performance magic is kind of opposite of CGI. It needs to looks so real to fool you perfectly. Anyway, I love a good heist film too, so look forward to this one.
  23. Simple advice. Good advice. Nice one Exo!
  24. Really nice work. And good photography! I could tell it was the old kit from the thumbnail immediately. Dat Nose.
  25. I haven't watched anymore trailers than the first teaser and the first 'proper' trailer. I'm going to keep it that way. Trailer editors simply reveal too much these days.
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