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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Now I won't feel so bad about buying a max 1a and a roy/hik 1s and making myself a Max 1s
  2. To me, the commander armor looks like a huge hunk of wtf with a lil valkyrie attached to it rather than Valkyrie with additional ordinance tacked on like regular fast packs. I dunno but I think Kawamori wanted to go all silpheed or something on that particular design to make it look badass. Since Missiles seems to mean diddly with these aliens you'd assume they just tack on a large caliber cannon or something onto to VF's so that they can actually do damage in the future Then I bet they're going to go all gundam seed and have the BFG swing out from behind the VF so that he can do a badass pose before he fires
  3. I'm just looking foward to a less-guily throw-away valk to play with
  4. I don't want to be a hater, but the legs of the legioss when hooked into the tread... wtf that looks like...crap
  5. Quick question... are the first gen revoltech ingrams different than the new movie version ingrams save the different paint job and accessories? I noticed the ad for the new Ingrams have the revoltech shoulder joints installed. Is this not a feature on the first-gen ingrams? Reason I'm asking is because I recently got a Type 0 and it's just a PVC swivel joint for the shoulders.
  6. It might if you order from some HK sellers
  7. 1/60 VF-0's are also bigger than even the 1/48 VF-1's, so I get the feeling these suckers will prolly cost around 8000-10000 yen by all means don't expect to be paying what you paid for your first 1/60 vf-1's
  8. /me mourns the death of the 1/48 Good thing I got my 1D kit back then O_o Guess this also means that collecting Yammies is no longer an option for me. I've really only ever had one non-1/48 valkyrie and I just sold that three weeks ago All my money now will be directed towards detailing up my valks with decals / etc.
  9. Phew good thing I didn't pick these up. I almost ordered a 1S just to make a stealth 1S. But with the green-tinted visor... oh well
  10. I just freaking finished my Valkyrie collection two months ago with the M&M's and I still have 1A TV Max / Kakizaki and Max 1S to do still.... I'll prolly buy a single 1/60 just to dick around with and that's that.
  11. It's Christmas Time (I hand-made the snowmen and used them as an excuse to put a valk in the christmas town )
  12. I dunno, I kinda built most of those 25'year old models like 15 years ago. I don't get Bandai. They don't make new valks because macross doesn't sell well, then they point to their poor Macross models sales..models that are like as old the show itself..
  13. Have the foil stickers that leave words on the package when the sticker is removed. Instead of VOID like the electronics, have it say YAMATO. Problem solved
  14. LV1 is grey. Grey is cool. LV2 is cool too though. To be honest, I like my LV2 much, much more because I can actually touch them. WIth the LV1 each time I touch it is risking blowing 300+ dollars
  15. Tori NO Hito just means People the Birds, or Bird's People Think People, with wings!!! O_o I kind of miss Macross when it was just about Aliens with BFG's vs cool tranforming planes
  16. Best dub imho was Clash of the Bionoids lol. Of course the lines sucked, everyone sounded like their characters. But that's just my opinion. Clash of the bionoids Roy FTW
  17. Megahouse looks so good in Armor mode, but in Rider mode it looks ridiculous CM's is inbetween with a so so rider and so so armor. Smaller toy means maybe less detail and more fragile moving parts? Also the exposed screws and oversized helmets are a let-down. However, with some putty and repainting the CM's might look pretty good, I won't know till I try it though
  18. I honestly don't care who makes it as long as it looks good and doesn't break when a random gust of wind passes through the window My collection has a lot of yammies but I also have a lot of small hasegawa vf-1's and chara-works vf-1s in the mix.
  19. I'm Surprised we haven't seen more Max 1S customs. Though we're going to have to wait to get a Hikky 1A before we do a Hikky 1S so that we can color match
  20. I came through a link from Valkyrie Factory during a bored day in college. That was like 6 years ago methinks O_o Kinda miss the days of MW when all we had was old chunky Monkeys from the past. Now we all have new toys so everyone can be in the cool kids club Any of you remember the 1500 dollar elints? O_o
  21. "Duy, you have the money, why can't you buy what you want whenever you want?" /me points at ring finger
  22. Every unit I got in the first run required me to either: A. Take apart the unit with a scalpel and glue it together right B. Putty in chipped-off sections and sand C. File off flash on pegs in order to make units fit better D. Repaint partial sections of the models in order to cover up repairs, ior finish painting on incomplete parts (like the black canopy frames, argh!!) Then since the decals are very glossy, after doing all the work They need a flat clear coat to take away the excess shine. A lot of effort to make a completed model look good it's best. I wish they had been a lil more careful about the construction and painting.
  23. Fan-Approved 1A's (angel birds and DYRL hayato) sold like crap. The good thing is if you are going for customs you can find those two cheaper in many stores. Good Custom fodder. Bad things is that yamato isn't going to be as optimistic about a new color scheme after hearing MW'ers say "I'd soooo buy that!!"
  24. The only good macross item Bandai has ever made was the 1/100 VF-2ss, And it's only good because it's the only out of the box variable kit of the mecha ever made, period. I have no expectations for even a Master-Grade vf-25 since Bandai has yet to make a good-transforming model unless you call transforming putting a shield on your head and folding your legs like you're going into missionary position or something
  25. god damnit... I've been holding off on all teh CM's because I already had everything in slightly better looking 1/35 MG format. Now they have to bring out the Zero..... All I ever wanted was for Bandai to finish the MG Patlabor line with the helldiver, peacemaker, av-98 economy, Saturn, AV-02, Zero proto, brocken....jeesh bandai sux
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