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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. That magazine scan has the only pic I wanted to see before committing. The side profile looks sweet. This'll be my second 1/60 next to my YF-19 har har har >
  2. He looks like those Gymnastics people right when they finish their routine
  3. Ah...Anime, it's not commercially available for way too long. We have a saying, Pound the metal while it's still hot. The American Anime industry seems to always start long after it's cold and rusted. Prolly the only things companies might make money on would be Jointly released OVA's so that there's never a reason to download fansubs since the product is already commercially available locally.
  4. I've had my WII for 6 months now and bored to death of it. Sure the motion thingy is fun and all, but it's the same as the NO-GameCube. Good game once every 5-6 months and then waiting...waiting...waiting... I'm only holding onto it because for some ungodly reason Nintendo Snagged the Monster Hunter Franchise from Sony... I do NOT want to have to swing my controller 92340923 times to kill ratholos. Or, god forbid, make a wrong movement on the motion controller and get one-shotted by an easily aviodable attack from Fatalis or something, Monster Hunter is frustrating already as is.... though since the WII has a lanyard I can throw the controller in Anger without worrying woot
  5. f-35? bah I liked the x32 'Guppy' more, even if it was a gimp during the JSF competition.
  6. Honestly I'm going to pass on these. The Legioss looks off Prolly the best sculpt I've ever seen for Legioss was the dead John Moscato Legioss project, though that one had a lil fat nose that compromised for soldier mode. If it had a slightly longer nose it'd be unbeaten imho. However, I AM going to pick up one of the ride armors. Then I'll fill in all the gaps with putty, smooth it out and repaint it to look less toy-like
  7. I usually coat the sides of the stripped hole with thin coat of 5-min epoxy. After that I let it cure then everything is A-OK
  8. In Scale Destroids (1/48 for the vf-1's) In Scale figure kits (standing pilots in 1/48, etc) Other support craft like the catseye
  9. It's pretty simple for me. I just don't buy what I can't afford and I only buy what I actually want. At this point that only happens to be 1/48's vf-1's and the 1/60 M+ stuff. Prolly only other Macross thing I'll grab is anything from Macross Frontier
  10. Get all S ranks is the best way to unlock the majority of valks. Using Max's 1A vs Myira and getting an S unlocks Max's 1j or something, don't remember lol. All I know is..... Play kakizaki's 1a on the DYRL stage where he gets shot down () It's worth the laugh
  11. All 1/72 club M's should have metal pilots in them. Hell, some of mine had an extra pilot (maybe i got yours tee hee)
  12. Honestly I think the YF-21 and VF-22 are ruined by their wtf-shaped canopies. If they looked like the Prototype YF-21, i'd say the YF-21/22 is the best design only because I'm a fan of the failed YF-23 Hell, once I get my 1/60 YF-21 I'm going to change the canopy to that of a proto 21 and repaing the whole thing >
  13. Love the game, though I HATE the lil drones. They fly in crazy apeshit circles and the only way I can kill em easily is to either have my wingman kill em or use the special weapon that acts like the AIM-9X Honestly, if the F-2 could equip rockets it'd be the only plane I'd ever use. Not because it rocks but because it looks cool A lil OT, but an F-2 just went up in smoke in Japan...apparently had a fire during take-off *sniff*
  14. WOOT REvoltech Helldiver in the works Why buy a 1/48 when you can have 5 lil revoltech versions for the same price >
  15. HELLDIVER!! Too bad it's not 1/35, I always wanted bandai to make an MG Helldiver, but I'll settle for the wave 1/48
  16. I don't know why they keep reissuing the DYRL VF-1's with the crappy old pilots instead of the new gummy ones....
  17. two seaters = I would buy at least 2 of each
  18. Pretty much nothing has changed on any of the 1/48's after the 1A max other than the colors
  19. I buy a lot of my valks on Macrossworld lol.
  20. If somebody bought John's Masters I'm sure they will be available again eventually.
  21. I also finally got my shipping notice. Took long enough >_<
  22. er...isn't the skull on the OUTSIDE of the clear shield? lol
  23. Nice VT-1 to VE-1 conversion. Modelling skills are excellent. Though I don't really like the extra tail and I would feel sorry for fastpack guy. Pretty surprising what you can do with the spare nose and cockpit that comes with the VE/VT kits, Though he'd have to have gotten a spare canopy from somewhere
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