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Everything posted by VF-Zer0S

  1. Waiting till next week to pick up this beauty. Why can't pay day be sooner. Curse you bills haha
  2. Can anyone tell me how much they paid for ems shipping to SoCal for AmiAmi? Thanks
  3. That's dedication! I can barely apply decals properly. My hands are so unsteady Nice Strike David
  4. Yeah I'm currently making the RG exia. I hate that I leave these ugly marks on the GN condensers o the legs. It's been staring me down these past couple of days that I can't bring myself to build the rest haha. I've built the Zeta 2.0 but I'm having a hard time building a RG lol
  5. Well it's preference. You can just use decal 4 for the full face or you can use the decals separately like its explained. I just slap on the whole decal (4) it goes on nice and worst case scenario you can try the other way. The thing I love about these RG kits is that they are easy to disassemble and you can paint later.
  6. I've been calling for two days already awaiting the collectors edition to pop up. Even though its half the size of the original I'd still love to pick up the arm
  7. Seeing all these gunpla kits release really makes me want to bust out the paints and build one. I recently bought the RG Exia but haven't had time to build it properly. I'm just waiting for the inevitable MG Gundam the Origin. That core fighter just has me sold
  8. GX-69 Goldymarg! I'll take it! I hope we can get a genesic GGG soon
  9. I was very lucky to get the Majora's mask N3DS XL. Speaking of The Order, I'm very on the fence about it. I feel like it's going to get some sort of online mode down the road
  10. http://dalong.net/ go on Bandai-ETC towards the bottom it shows a picture of it. click on it. Its a snap together kit. Looks really nice
  11. Finally! My personal favorite!
  12. cause they know people will buy lol
  13. Small as in Arcadia can't get all it's details down or it's small in the series. I can't tell but usually as technology developes things get smaller and more compact. Look at cellphones
  14. I hope a reissue happens. Webshop exclusives have been rereleased before. I agree though, It's too much
  15. Just PO one This looks great and it will be a nice addition.
  16. How is the show compared to SDF? Still picking this up but I'd like to know if the show is worth my time
  17. $250 No stand No Fast Packs Minimal missiles I'd rather not pay that much but I love the 0's
  18. I really would like that MAXL and 17t Arcadia needs to do more Sound Force!
  19. My Haul for July- Aug My wallet is like an onion right now Everytime I look at it, I cry
  20. Wow this valk is gorgeous. Brackets, Smakets this bird holds great without them. Small QC issues but nothing too bad to take your attention away from its overall look
  21. Heard you were looking for the D Tried a Lower case D hope you can see it
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