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Everything posted by VF-Zer0S

  1. I'm in no rush to get an arbalest since I hope it's released along with the new anime. The Macross items are already going to destroy the wallet.
  2. I might sell mine and I have had it on sale but I think I might update the post with all these Macross releases coming
  3. I still own my MB Laevatien and it's absolutely fantastic. Great heft and great possibility. It also has a little hanger where you can display all the accessories and change modes on the fly. Unfortunately I haven't picked up and other metal build. I do plan on picking up the Orange Destiny
  4. VF-Zer0S

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks Really happy to get this. Hope everyone can get one at Retail
  5. VF-Zer0S

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So all the VF pilots are chicks? While most of the SV pilots are dudes?
  6. Speaking of GGG.... http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/魂商店-2015年10月29日起接受訂購,2016年4月派貨-超合金魂/
  7. That destiny looks very "firey" Best looking Metal Build to Date IMO Can't wait for pre orders to open
  8. No it's a general release and so far arcadias releases have never sold out unless it web shop stuff or covention items
  9. I just bought a VF-1S Max. Never had a DYRL color. Really looking forward to it. Now to find S&S parts for a reasonable price..... Nice finds though.
  10. VF-Zer0S

    Hi-Metal R

    Both lol. Look at the pilot
  11. VF-Zer0S

    Hi-Metal R

    This 30th will decide if I continue my 1/60th collection. I really hope bandai continues the line with more recent series. The price point is perfect and I can buy 4 of these guys with the price of one Arcadia
  12. I feel like that's too much for the Red Frame. If it was the Kai the price would be justified but my MB Lavatien comes with more at less
  13. That's not that bad of a price when you see how much The original Destiny is going for. Lol
  14. Awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on a Metal Build Destiny. The price and paint job are perfect
  15. VF-Zer0S

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha jokes aside I really hope this line flourishes because the 1/60 line is getting really pricey. The ways it's looking I'm going all in into this line because the size and price is perfect for me
  16. Someone tell T-Rex to paint nose cone yellow along with the head and throw in some jolly Rogers skulls lol Let's hope they keep this below $250
  17. VF-Zer0S

    Hi-Metal R

    It's hard buying out of scale but these look so good!
  18. I can see someone got bit by the MGSV bug lol The VF-11 looks Rad!
  19. I love all modes for this but with gerwalk being my least favorite, I can work around it. The YF-19 had an ugly gerwalk and now I leave my Arcadia in gerwalk 90% of the time
  20. I'm stuck at 99% in game because of a glitch in Mission 14 For those that are at Mission 14 or before it. Do Not, I repeat, DO NOT pick up the Stun Grenade Blueprint and retry if caught or get killed when you pick it up. If you do it glitches out forever and you can't pick it up till Konami Patches it
  21. I'm prob the only one who could care less about shockwave. I like the beefy proportions that they have hot rod. Considering Hot Rod and Grimlock are my favorite G1 characters it's impossible not to pick up.
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