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Everything posted by VF-Zer0S

  1. I can see why you say that but the look is slowly growing on me.
  2. I kinda do but I have a rule against getting things I dont know about. I don't like buying toys if I've never completed the show. Tried watching Voltes and it's something I'd watch with my son to bond but can't watch by myself lol.
  3. I guess people traded their pre orders for Voltes lol. I'm not going to lie though I'm getting a little burned out of excitement for the Gunbuster with these Metal Builds popping out
  4. Haha too bad it's not in the tri colors
  5. Nice haul The new kits announced this year http://www.taghobby.com/9-0/9-1/不斷更新-2015年5月14日-17日-靜岡hobby-show-bandai展品-gundam-模型/ Super excited for MG Amazing Red Warrior
  6. That's the great thing about real grades for me. You get master grade quality work but half the time and less work. I have some God hand nippers on the way hopefully it cuts my building time in half. My old nippers don't line up anymore and rip plastic instead of cutting.
  7. Man it's going to be really hard not to get this one.
  8. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://bandai-hobby.net/site/schedule_images/nouhin.pdf&usg=ALkJrhjO0Je1W7kBrZbgMaqXgPOmGejEmg Here's a pretty accurate list The Engrish is pretty bad but it's on the 21rst
  9. It looks great and I think I'll be buying the MG Sinanju soon. Too beast of kit to pass up
  10. http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-2/壽屋-發售日未定-模型《xenoblade-x》doll/ All your hopes and dreams!
  11. In a way Hikaru you are right about the ports but Also your wrong about the RG being off. The RG and MG are fine but seeing this opened my eyes and feel the PG should have done it. From what I can tell and see from watching the scene is that it connects through the port but it also closes in and secures itself on the GN drive closer to the line art. The "Wings" then rotate downward and hug closer the the drives. Nice catch though! It's a detail that should have been in the PG but I guess was too hard to replicate on smaller kits
  12. Way easier night then pre order madness for our 1/60 scale trophies
  13. honestly HLJ ran very slow but on my orders page I have an email sent for today so fingers crossed. AmiAmi had theirs open for like 5 mins then closed and then opened again for 5 mins. Got one from AmiAmi and HLJ I think...
  14. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-011361&page=rt_07 Up at AmiAmi
  15. The video thumbnail looks awesome as was the review. Keep up the good work The video thumbnail looks awesome as was the review. Keep up the good work
  16. Since my Wife's Birthday is in September I'll just take BBTS which usually release a month later. Good luck everyone on getting one from AmiAmi, HLJ, Hobby search and NY!
  17. Age-1 normal is definitely a great kit. As far as the show went. The highlight was the second arc everything else was kind bad. Getting back into the gunpla scene though. Just ordered a HGUC Dreissen UC Ver. And a HG super custom Zaku F200 Really excited about this two
  18. This Batman they released has a cloth suit and it's very poseable without worry of ripping. Due to the size it would work but in the larger 1/6 scale it would probably look ugly. I like this scale and look forward to more batman releases by this company.
  19. I feel like I can never truly get into hot toys because although there are perfect, you can't really play with them and significantly change there pose. That and the price too. I'm waiting for that real game changer to jump into hot toys but no disrespect to the collectors out there who do own them. Just not my cup of tea haha
  20. Mezco Toyz recently released this guy ask I'm in love. Really hope for the armored variant against superman. You can barely see my YF-29 on the side. Sorry about the side ways photos.
  21. I'm probably the only person who's going to wait for a Macross the First VF-1J
  22. Those are some really nice picks. Makes me feel glad I picked up a 19
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