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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. I did my part and bought two, one to open and one to leave sealed. It really is a great Figma. Like many others I missed out on the old Max Factory Guyver units, and now they of course go for insane prices, especially the core Guyver units, so I'm ecstatic to see Figma giving us ANY new Guyver figures at all.
  2. Figmas are hit and miss for me just like Figuarts. That said, I grabbed a Link about 2 years ago, and now I have like, a dozen or something, with more on pre-order. They're usually pretty great like I said, but you get a lemon every now and then, and then there are certain ones that will have a single nagging little issue with them, just like Figuarts! I find the two lines, Figuarts and Figma, pretty much swappable in most displays and collections, which is nice. It seems between the two, you can almost always get characters from whatever licensed series you're looking for, sometimes both take a whack at the same characters, then it's neat to get to compare. I think my favorite Figmas in my collection are the Attack on Titan ones, they're all pretty amazing and detailed, and plenty of accessories too so there's plenty of display options. The one thing Figma always does better then Figuarts is that basic stands come packaged with every figure, no need to buy Tamashii Stage Act anything. I'm VERY excited for One Punch Man, I need that in my life, plus it appears the Guyver line didn't die with Guyver 1, since we're getting female Guyver 2. Good Times. Now we just need her to sell so we can stop frakking around and get a Figma Guyver 3...
  3. Yeah I cancelled Backdraft at the last second, I don't picture him selling out anytime soon so I'm in no rush, I will probably grab him from BBTS whenever my 2001 Monsterarts GMK Godzilla and 1/6 Breaking Bad Jesse release. He still looks phenomenal, and far better then the TT version, but the mixed reception has me in no hurry. In other news I FINALLY got Willis/Hound and damn, this thing is pure green sex that happens to turn into an incredible looking jeep. He is exactly what I wanted, and he looks exactly how I wanted my MP Hound to look, FansToys done good here, this is my first figure from them. I've seen a number of TFW2005 members post that they're having ankle issues on their releases, mine seems fine for now, I've transformed him back and forth 7 different times and everything still seems fine on my copy. I was a bit worried about the transformation itself, the arm and chest area seemed to be a hassle, and while it was the first time, I've warmed up to it now. The steps to the transformation are very deliberate, there's little wiggle room, you kind of have to follow the steps for the chest and arms exactly or clearance becomes an issue, but like I said, just follow the steps to a T and everything goes in and out of place just fine. Willis is quite incredible, his paint job is beautiful, he poses well, and his proportions and silhouette are gorgeous, he is the defining MP Hound for me. I hate to see whatever blocky green turd Takara will put out and call Hound.
  4. Heavy breathing... Heavy breathing intensifies... I mean, we all knew it would happen eventually, it's just really satisfying when it comes out EXACTLY how you pictured, well done CW, well done. How will this all happen? Wally showed no signs of meta powers let alone speed last season? Flash Point aint gotta explain crap to you.
  5. This is a bit depressing to read, unfortunately it seems to line up with what a lot of others are posting as well, very lame. PS-01A Sphinx was beautiful, and pretty much flawless for me, this guy being sub-par is quite disappointing, I may cancel for now and just wait for some more in hand reviews and impressions. Oh well, Willis/Hound is FINALLY on the way, I passed on Gundog because he just didn't do it for me, I've been waiting on Willis for a while so I'm stoked for him, early buzz on him has been almost universally positive.
  6. Yea this is REALLY worrying me now, on TFW2005 there's more and more reports of bad QC on Backdraft coming in, I still haven't paid for mine at BBTS, oddly enough I paid for Willis without even a 10 day notice, for Backdraft I got my 10 day notice nearly 10 days ago and still nothing. He looks SO good, and so much better then the TT version in my opinion, but after Sphinx Alternative being perfect, I'm not liking that this first Backdraft could be a dud and they may release a fixed alternative version of him later like Sphinx. I want to ship my loot at BBTS but I was waiting on Backdraft, I'm probably going to take the day and decide if I want to cancel and then just ship what I've got, I know, I'm a terrible flip flopper.
  7. Oddly enough I've never owned a single G1 figure, let alone Inferno. I've seen many posters mention Backdraft looking like the original G1 figure, so as I said I can't speak to that personally, I just think aesthetically it fits what I want for my MP Inferno. Fortunately though for this character in particular we got several options! I think amongst the options available everyone will find the one that "fits" for them, and that said I don't even think any of them look bad, I just prefer one over the others, they're all pretty excellent options, hell it looks like Dante may have built in LEDs. Takara is definitely nailing the hard core toon accurate look, and their engineering is as top notch as ever, I just don't think these newer releases fit in with most of the past ones that well, the vans in particular and now Inferno look a bit too toon like for me. With the vans there were no good third party options in my opinion, but with Inferno I actually had several options. Backdraft just has those extra little flares in both modes, more interesting sculpting, more silver and chrome, extra tampo, it just all seems to fit the aesthetic of MP-10 and up for a number of releases better then Takara's own new stuff.
  8. I just can't even consider the Takara version anymore, I debated it for a while, but the beautiful in hand shots of Backdraft along with these lack luster shots of the official made my decision for me. I can't go back, after seeing how amazing and detailed Backdraft looks, the official would just feel like a step back or a major down grade. I'll still check out official Grapple though, I'm still on board for that to mix it up, though he'll probably look odd next to the glorious MMC Inferno.
  9. Yup, glad I've got Backdraft on the way. Official MP Inferno looks okay from certain angles, and from others he looks boring as hell, easy pass.
  10. True, the Japanese sellers usually have MPs for a bit cheaper due to their early pricing or whatever. Still too expensive in my eyes, still sticking with Backdraft, which should be here any day now along with Willis/Hound...
  11. Good god that is expensive. Another reason to pass, I can somehow get a better looking third party version for cheaper. SMH, what are you doing Takara, you're making this too easy of a choice.
  12. Oh boy, oh boy! I got my 10 day notice from BBTS for Backdraft and Willis! I can't wait, I've had a pile of loot that's got over $400 worth of goodies in it sitting for months now waiting for these two guys, they both kept getting delayed and I just I just kept waiting. Can't wait to finally get Hound and Inferno into my collection.
  13. Will it actually separate and combine though? If it doesn't I have zero interest.
  14. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I seemed to have gotten lucky these past few Bandai pre-order nights, I once again nabbed all I wanted from HLJ. I grabbed my Max 1J, and I got my Figuarts AOTC Obi-Wan, Mk 3 Ironman, and Monsterarts Resurgence Godzilla.
  15. I locked down Figuarts AOTC Obi-Wan and Iron Man MK 3 last night with my Hi-Metal 1J Max, I also grabbed the new Monsterarts Toho Resurgence Godzilla.
  16. Okay this time it's for real, they're serious, it's really happening people! http://io9.gizmodo.com/get-your-jaegers-ready-the-pacific-rim-sequel-is-comin-1782917001
  17. I guess I forgot that little bit in the interrogation room from MoS, I haven't seen that movie in a while and even then I think I only watched it twice. Areaseven's nick pick stands though, how could Lex know or possibly test for the whole lead thing? Zod was dead, no way to ask a corpse, "Can you see through this?" I think I scoffed and nearly choked twice as hard after watching the whole "Martha" revelation in the extended cut, it was just so bad. Why did Superman even say Martha and not just Mom? Because the plot demanded it, nothing more, and still stupid. What if his Mom's name was, oh, say, Debbie? Would Batman have said, "frakk you, and frakk Debbie!" Then stabbed and killed Superman? Crazy bad, but at least the big open set visit for Justice League alleviated some concerns. I'm still not liking The Flash's facial hair, but he sounds to be quite Barry Allen, he's no Grant Gustin though...
  18. How did Lex know Superman even had x-ray vision? He never announced all of his powers to anyone, and I doubt it's something the corpse of Zod could've told him. Bad movie is bad.
  19. Definitely looks like Spider-Man to me, or at least another visual take on him to add to the literal hundreds of other takes we've had on his look, still looks pretty spot on to his look in Civil War. Pretty obvious this suit is going to see a TON of work done in post-production.
  20. Yeah I already watched the R rated extended cut Sunday, through illicit means... It was indeed better, the entire first half of the film is much more fleshed out, and makes much more sense. All of the random scenes tossed together don't seem so random now, there's more lead up for Clark looking into the Bat, more insight into Lois' search for the bullet from Africa, and overall much more connective tissue for the first half of the film. That said, I still think the last act and the big fight were a mess, this extended cut does nothing to make Lex's plan anymore idiotic, and I still haven't figured out how Lex found out both Superman and Batman's identities, I've seen the movie four times now including the extended, and I am still apparently missing how he figured it out. There's also way more random violence, especially in the Africa scene in the beginning, I think Snyder did something really awful to poor Jimmy's corpse. Plus, just what was his big plan with Doomsday? And why did a random Kryptonian ship have the ability to turn a Kryptonian corpse and a bit of human blood into Doomsday? The computer said nobody should ever, or could ever create an abomination again, was there another way to make Doomsdays without human blood being tossed into the mix? It implied Kryptonians have done it before, but it appeared the thing was only created due to the human blood being added in, I doubt Krytponians had access to any of that. And once again, what was Lex's plan with Doomsday? Had Batman not killed Superman, exactly like he didn't, Doomsday would've killed Lex as soon as it was free, then destroyed the world. So yeah, the extended cut helped quite a bit, but there's still a lot to hate and be angry at in my opinion. The Bat fight scene at the end had a few added bits, but from remembering the initial trailers, I still feel there's one little bit missing from that fight, oh well, it's still the best Bat fight scene we've ever gotten on film.
  21. I had nothing but bad experiences with the Mafex figures I owned, the sculpts were okay, but the overall QC and build quality was awful. My Dark Knight Joker and Batman were both floppy messes, then against my better judgement I got a cheap Vader off Mandrake and his little peg in his helmet was broken off in the head itself out of the box, took over an hour to fish out and I scarred and messed it up pretty bad, also it's floppy. I'm getting BvS Superman and Batman, hoping they actually, finally stepped their game up, but not expecting much though. If these things are duds I'm tapping out of Mafex, which is a shame because WW and armored Batman look pretty good, along with the recently announced Deadshot.
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