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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. That price is absurd, and that MP Megatron looks bad. That grey color is awful, definitely agreed there, he should be silver, and he still looks like he's wearing his pants too high up. Even when HLJ and other over seas shops put there prices up, easy frakking pass, good god Takara. I guess this a sign of the times though, toon accuracy to the point of absurdity, I figured when they decided to start un-Hasui-ing MP cars this was the direction they'd go, it's only a matter of time before we see MP-10+ with a dull "screen accurate" look. If that's your thing more power to you, you've got a lot to look forward to, Takara is just giving me more reasons to go further down the third party rabbit hole, this thing looks laughably bad, I'm almost shocked.
  2. I'd grab one, I personally love the MMPR Legacy line, pretty quality stuff for solid prices. The Legacy Megazord at one point was selling for $300+, but several months ago a re-issue was put out, some sites still have stock, BBTS and several others already sold out, but you should be able to still snag one for retail online. Like I said I'd grab one, it works, a lot of people don't like zord builder but I don't mind it too much, I don't use the zord builder ports so I honestly don't even notice them anymore. There's also the mack daddy Chogokin Megazord on the way, hefty price tag though if you're not that into Zyuranger/MMPR. Legacy Megazord works, plus Legacy Dragonzord is getting a re-issue too so you'll be able to grab one of those too for less than $300. I used to have a repro-labeled classic 90s Megazord, but it's age is definitely noticeable, even with some paint apps and repro labels it's still an old toy, the Legacy version is a decent enough, show accurate upgrade for a decent price.
  3. I got my two Phase II Troopers and two Geonosis Droids about a week ago. They're fine, I like them, no improvements or changes over the original releases, so if you didn't like the original droids and Phase I Clones, you won't like these guys either, it's just a re-color for the droids and a new hat for the Clones.
  4. Yeah I'm wondering too at this point, I guess Raph and Mikey's releases won't be that far apart after all. Either way I need my Raph, I'm disappointed they couldn't mimic what the Playmates Classic Turtles did with the individual fingers, that allowed Raph to hold his sais in several cool ways, oh well, these are probably some of the nicest, most premium feeling Figuarts I've ever handled, and at this point I've got 103 Figuarts and counting.
  5. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I said I wouldn't get any of the missile effect parts, but I'm weak so I got two. I think sh9000 is the undisputed king of Hi-Metal R. I'm at 9 Regults, 1 Glaug, 1 Monster, 3 CF Brownies, 2 missile effects, and 1 of each of the currently released and on pre-order hero valks.
  6. I'm a bit perplexed, I have no idea where to post this news, but this is very exciting news. http://io9.gizmodo.com/its-official-young-justice-is-coming-back-1788676249 It's official people, YOUNG JUSTICE IS RETURNING TO TV! Like I said, I'm not sure where to post this exactly, we have this Justice League live action thread, a CW DC show thread, we have threads for individual DC animated films and series, but not one all encompassed DC Animated thread, or should I just start a new Young Justice DC Animated thread?
  7. Ah I see, like I said I don't do the Macross girls figures or statues at all, I always wondered what that thread meant by "Macross Figures", the whole toy section is Macross figures! I guess it won't hurt to have them here too.
  8. I haven't seen these pics posted here yet, I thought for sure someone would've found them and posted them by now. Figuarts Macross girls, don't know which ones, don't know names, I don't like these series and I won't be buying any of these. I know a lot of folks were waiting on a first look at these, so there you go.
  9. Lol that's just the perspective of the photo, G1 Mirage never had anything to do with any kind of yellow mini-bots.
  10. Good trailer, but Suicide Squad and BvS had good trailers too, they're not getting me again, there's absolutely no way I'm seeing this opening night, I'll wait for reviews. I like the theme too, but it was used poorly at the end of this trailer, very jarring.
  11. Pass on the movie realization stuff, and I don't know how I feel about these "seamless" Figuarts, could be a bust, material could end up being an issue, I'm intrigued but skeptical. Bought on site for all the Figuarts, especially that Anakin, he looks good. I don't think there's any leaked shots of it, but it was also confirmed that there was an Episode II AOTC Padme Figuarts at the event as well, I'll take that too, but we should have gotten a Leia first.
  12. Oh hell yes, G-Fighter ANIME, didn't see that anywhere, that's awesome. Still pissed Ingram Unit 2 is web exclusive, I already paid mine off but still, Bandai just can't help but break teams up with this web exclusive non-sense.
  13. Yup, now nobody has to bother with awful Mafex, Figuarts to the rescue! They look good, plus Rey's look is the one from the end when she found Luke, I liked that look more then her other one from the majority of the film. I'm sure we'll get Resistance clothes Finn sometime too. I also read that there was apparently an Episode VII Han up somewhere too, can't find it but I'll keep looking. As I said before, I'm a bit disappointed in there being no other Marvel stuff other then the hall of armors, where the hell is my Winter Soldier and Falcon? Lol sounds about right, two of each Rogue One variant, except I got four of the Rogue One Stormtroopers, all the Suicide Squad stuff, Panther, four Iron Man armors, Episode II Obi-Wan, the rest of the Turtles. Damn expensive, Figuarts is killing it though.
  14. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Easy pass on the Delta stuff, and the 2SS, I hated Macross II and it's valks, glad everyone who likes it though can get a decent version over that Evolution Toy garbage. I really need me some destroids and regult missile variants though, as others have noted, I really hope they are not accessory packs and are full figure releases instead, even as web exclusives I'd be fine. I passed on the missile effects too, too expensive, cool, but not worth it in my opinion. Before Bandai gets to ugly stuff like the VE-1 and VT-1 I'd like them to at least finish Vermillion off, they've already shown a TV Kaki 1A, release him, give us a 1A TV Max, and a TV Roy, then get to the more unique versions of the VF-1.
  15. Lots of cool stuff announced, more DBZ Figuarts, NAPPA! No new Star Wars stuff or Marvel as far as I can see aside from the Hall of Armor. I may get one or two of the hall of armors, maybe none, a bit pricey, I'm still surprised they are actually doing them. It seems Figuarts Tony has sold out at most places pretty damn quick, that wasn't really expected, mine is on the way along with Zenigata, two Phase 2 Clones, 2 Geonosis Droids, and several other things I can't remember. I did my Turtle Figuarts at BBTS, I haven't seen a 10 day notice for either yet, but as no3Ljm pointed out, Raph should be first and Mikey next month some time.
  16. Hold the phone, did stupid Bandai make Robot Damashii unit 2 a web exclusive?
  17. Only the new S slim model, I upgraded to one from my old one, worth it, cheapest 4K Bluray player on the market, plus HDR on my 4K TV looks awesome.
  18. Meh, that doesn't look anywhere near as good as my Mightron, easy pass.
  19. I don't think it was him, he only seems to be able to affect people who had powers in Flashpoint, she didn't she had them in Earth 2, unless he can give powers to people from their Earth 2 counter-parts as well. I think this is just another change from Flashpoint, I think she's slowly been manifesting the powers but she's kept it secret from everyone, we'll see.
  20. I gotta say, I absolutely loved the Supergirl premiere, that was damn great, and I think they've got an excellent Clark/Superman to work with. I know everyone hates on CW costumes based on the early release and sneak peek photos, but damnit if he didn't look really good on screen, I don't mind the cape clasps or whatever they are. They pretty much gave me exactly what I wanted in a live action Clark/Superman in one episode, it was nearly perfect, the look, the wit and dialogue, the willingness to actually acknowledge and exude hope to those around him, I mean he even stopped and shook hands and thanked people for their work. He was VERY Superman, it was fantastic, and yet it didn't take away from Kara, it's still clearly her show, she started saving the falling shuttle first, she let Clark hold the building while she fixed it and saved the day, it was great, well done CW. The Flash is pretty solid too, their handling Flashpoint pretty well in my opinion, it was obviously never going to have a scale anywhere near the comics, but I'm liking it, and you know who showing up and knocking him into 1998 to tell him to stop screwing with the timeline was great. Arrow, meh, it's just really hard to get into after two pretty crappy seasons, and Ollie's willingness to kill again sucks. Aside from Dig's daughter, I hope Flashpoint did a good number on Arrow as well, they need some course correction after flopping so hard for so long.
  21. Gears 4 tonight at midnight for those that got the Ultimate Edition, which I did, because I am a die hard Gears fan, I love these games. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow so I won't get to enjoy Horde 3.0 until later tomorrow night. Anyone else a Gears fan?
  22. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my brownies in. Haven't messed with them yet, I got a lot of other things in at the same time, but they look good, TV and DYRL options in one box was a good idea in my opinion.
  23. Lots of good stuff came in today, spread across three packages I got all these goodies. Everything is pretty damn great, except Figuarts Widow, she's a bit disappointing as far as articulation goes. The Figuarts Turtles are awesome, they feel really premium and heavy, Jigen is great, I needed him to go with Lupin. And I must say, I like my Jango Figuarts, he's a bit loose around the waist but it's only on his ammo belt thing, which is supposed to move. DX Figma Link is highly recommended, great little figure and the DX comes with all of the extra little goodies. I'll break into the brownies at some point, not a big rush on those, I love me some Hi-Metal R valks, but all this other new stuff needs to be messed with first.
  24. Finished Luke Cage up on Sunday night, really good in my opinion, I loved the sound track too. Can't wait for his buddy Danny to show up, aka the real dynamic duo.
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