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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Well damn, this is a lot to take in, some shenanigans indeed. I guess overall I'll just get the re-issue Scoria, when/if Perfect Fusion Cesium ever actually gets a physical prototype I'll consider maybe eyeballing a pre-order. It seems FansToys REALLY try to make all of their fans happy, they've included so many extra little nit-picked things to later releases, like completely new heads for all of the bots with Grinder, or the underside panels for Sever that come with Stomp, it really seems like they will try to fix even the most minor complaints fans throw at them. Hell that's probably why they're willing to essentially do a Scoria V2, and their own completely new take on Grimlock. Scoria looks pretty solid to me, the re-issue has to have some updates and tweaks, I'm just not sure what criticisms people had about him in the first place, he's always seemed really solid to me, the only thing I can really immediately point out is the odd potatoe-like shape on his Dino mode, and even that's not that bad.
  2. I mentioned Scoria is getting a re-issue above, but I also just looked and saw Perfect Fusion Cesium is supposed to come out by the end of the year, and I gotta ask, what is the deal with that? He's labeled on most sites as FansToys, like Perfect Fusion is some off-shoot or something, so I guess for all intents and purposes he's a FansToys figure, but is he supposed to be like a Scoria V2? And why is he so much cheaper then most FT Dinobots? I'm just not really understanding these two releases, why re-issue Scoria if they're working on a new Masterpiece Slag? Why would FT make a new figure to compete with a re-issue of another figure of their own? What is your opinion on Scoria for those that own him, I've read he hasn't exactly aged well, and being the first Dinobot release he's apparently missing some of the nicer aspects of the newer Dinobots by FT. My question is, should I wait a decade on news and a release date for Cesium, or would the re-issue Scoria be the way to go? Aesthetically, they both look good, I could go with either, Cesium looks a bit taller, which is nice, and his bot mode looks a little less potatoe-ish, but they're both pretty damn good looking. I also haven't read anything about any updates or tweaks being made on the re-issue Scoria, what exactly were some of the issues with him? Looking at online reviews doesn't help too much, most are too old, and they were based on sample pieces, and most reviewers just gushed over him. I'm a bit lost here honestly, blue Swoop is a guaranteed buy when he's back in stock, Grinder will be mine, but now I'm a bit confused as to what I should do as far as Slag goes.
  3. Said I wouldn't but I did anyway, FansToys Sever and Stomp are on the way now. I didn't want to commit to something so expensive as MP Dinobots, but Stomp just looked SO good, so I couldn't pass. With Scoria and blue Soar getting re-issues, I figured now was as good a time as any, plus Grinder is on the horizon so what the hell. I eyed Gigapowers stuff too, plus whatever that third option for MP Dinobots was, and they just didn't do it for me, for several different reasons, and I have zero intention of mixing figures from different companies, I'm going FT all the way for my Dinobots. Can't wait, they look good, plus since I am getting Stomp and Sever I can do that quick swap on Sever to seal up his big hole in dino mode.
  4. Looks like Takara MP Soundwave is getting a re-issue, with all of the cassettes bundled no less. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TAK12406&mode=retail I guess at this point I'll bite. I'm glad I never got the stand alone Takara release and then bought all the cassettes separate, and I'm REALLY glad I never paid the highway robbery prices some people wanted for their Hasbro Soundwave with all the goods in one box.
  5. On the right is before. The guy that made it replaced the plastic hair piece with a wig piece, and he replaced the skirt with a cloth one and added a real cloth/fabric Lasso of Truth. edit: I'm surprised nobody has heard of this guy, he's done several of these figures before. He always buys the crappy, giant, low detail Jakks Pacific figures and fancies them up.
  6. Indeed we are finally getting Hawkeye! I already paid for mine at NY, good stuff, I think he looks pretty damn good too. http://marvelousnews.com/news.php?catid=252&itemid=20602 https://www.nippon-yasan.com/18343-shfiguarts-hawkeye-avengers-age-of-ultron-limited-edition.html
  7. Currently watching The Get Down on Netflix, pretty good, dripping with style, but it kind of wants to be too many shows at once. It wants to be The Warriors, Boys in the Hood, Jackie Brown, Black Dynamite, and several others in one go. Not bad, not bad at all actually, just a bit confused at times. Great performances though, and EXCELLENT music. I'd recommend it. Once Game of Thrones is over will HBO be relevant anymore? I mean West World could be good, or meandering like Vinyl. Netflix is putting out as much quality content as any of the paid cable channels like HBO, Starz, and Showtime.
  8. Meh, I couldn't really see this, most with a Sphinx are happy with him and aren't drinking the Takara/official is always better Kool-Aid. Those that don't have a Sphinx are usually people that never consider third party stuff anyway, because they'll just "wait for the official", as usual. Also, I've never heard of fans defining a toy as chugish because it's more detailed or covered in more real world bits, that sounds odd, but also not too surprising given the fandom I guess. I've seen people attempt to make fun of others for wanting Backdraft over official MP Inferno because it was covered in extra details and paint apps, which is crazy. Invisible always looked terrible to me as far as G1 accuracy goes, I never even considered him, but with you not focusing on MP aesthetic and G1 accuracy, plus the deal you found, I'd say go with Invisible. Invisible looks like a solid toy, just not MP, most of the reviews I watched before I bought my PS-01A showed he's a neat little figure with just a few tiny flaws, at the price you were offered I'd say he's gonna be a steal. As you pointed out though, Sphinx is disappearing fast, if you're still deciding I'd hurry it up, he could sell out at any time at any of the places that still happen to have stock. I personally can't recommend Sphinx enough, he's incredible, I highly doubt Takara could put out anything official that would rival him.
  9. I'll probably give this a shot, but I hated the original short story this is based on, terribly predictable ending.
  10. Well that's bought on site. Now my Legacy Megazord can just stay combined with the Legacy Dragonzord and Titanus. I think it's funny Bandai is marketing this guy and Voltron towards the western audience, since most people in Japan seem to care less about either of these mechs or series, it's even labeled as Megazord instead of Daizyujin.
  11. See I never posted it, but I kind of noticed this in the movie when I went and saw it. I stupidly spent money on an expensive Imax ticket for this, and in several of the Joker scenes I took a long look at his mouth and grill and noticed he seems to have teeth underneath it, they're just really, really messed up. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/08/11/suicide-squad-director-reveals-why-joker-has-grill-damaged-tattoo That explains the grill, and one of the stupid tattoos at least.
  12. Wait Megatron? I thought he became Galvatron in the last one? So he's back to Megatron now? Any explanation or is the answer just frakk you this is a Michael Bay film?
  13. More and more positive reviews coming in, I'm gonna see it this weekend. I don't instantly/irrationally hate Seth Rogen stuff by default, he's hit and miss for me so I'm absolutely willing to give it a go now that the reviews are coming in. Who would have that, it's not as bad as most people though it would be, in fact, it's actually supposed to be pretty good! But you always get the same people on here that JUST KNOW, and they're older and have better taste and just know better. This site always makes me laugh. Suicide Squad was pretty much hot garbage, so I need this. Seems fitting now, Suicide Squad was pretty damn bad, and now Sausage Party is turning into a pleasant surprise for most critics. Not 100% positive obviously, but apparently pretty damn good.
  14. My buddy picked up No Man's Sky at midnight, we played for about 5 hours before I had to drag my ass to work. It's definitely not for everybody, and I don't think it's the second coming to gaming that some had hoped it would be. It's very pretty, and everything works as it should, exploration and resource gathering is fun, but there's very little else to it besides that. This is an exploration game through and through. the scale is pretty magnificent, and experiencing takeoff for the first time and leaving the initial planet's atmosphere was amazing, but I couldn't see myself playing this for more then a couple of hours at a time, you gather resources, then upgrade, move to new planet, gather resources, upgrade, find a few interesting areas or monoliths, move to next planet. There is a story, but it takes a back seat, and isn't very prominent as it is, the point of this game is to just explore randomly generated space and planets. I know a lot of people were worried planets would start to look samish eventually, and I'm sure that could happen, they only have so many assets and possible combinations for a planets look and atmosphere, but the time I played I was finding every new planet I came across as pretty fresh and new, interesting enough to get out there and start looking for stuff. Combat is basic, on the ground and in flight, but like I said, that's not the focus, it's about exploring. if scouting out planet after planet building up your ship and inventory doesn't sound like your thing, NMS is probably not for you. There's supposed to be a lot more getting added through updates to add some longevity, I personally like what I played for how long I played it, but others mileage may vary.
  15. J.K. Simmons was already cast as the new Gordon, and not to sound like a dick, speculation is fun and all, but it's been stressed over and over that the new DC movie universe has nothing to do with the Nolan-verse. Fan theories are fine and all, I just don't see the point in trying to connect the two universes, they're just so fundamentally different. The Nolan-verse was supposed to be a take on our real world where something crazy like Batman happens, the new DC film universe is much more comic booky, with monsters, magic, chemical created clown princes of crime, and space jesus.
  16. Saw it over the weekend, thought it wasn't too bad, the music was irritating and jarring about 90% of the time, but I guess that's about what I expected after WB had the company that made the Bohemian Rhapsody trailer re-do the music or editing or whatever they did for the entire final cut. -- SPOILERS IN THE LINK BELOW -- , this is a huge list put together by someone on Reddit, naturally, that lists all of the deleted and edited scenes for the film. Apparently there was a hell of a lot more Joker, and a whole lot more dark and brooding. After the reception to BvS, no wonder WB scrambled to re-edit and re-shoot a sizable portion of the film. Better then BvS in my opinion, but the ultimate cut couldn't even really save that, another wasted opportunity overall, I liked the cast and it could have been much better. Didn't hate or like Leto's Joker, not enough of him for me to judge, editing was weird and spacey through-out, I found myself asking myself how the hell/what the hell just happened throughout the film. It sounds like a lot of these deleted scenes honestly made other scenes, and certain characters motivations much more clear. Apparently there's no chance at an extended or director's cut, if half these scenes were in the film it would make it even more confusing and disjointed, and almost make it an entirely different film. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/suicide_squad/unconfirmed-deleted-scenes-from-suicide-squad-a144304
  17. Damn it Mafex... No need to panic really, this is one anecdotal case, but still, this is not the pic I want to find right after release...
  18. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    The Hi-Metal R Monster is probably one of the most premium feeling figures I've ever handled in my life, it is pretty much EXACTLY what I wanted, and what I was expecting. There are ratchets everywhere, everything clicks so nice, his legs extend in two places, the few gimmicks they included like opening cockpit are nice, the paint is flawless, the feet are die-cast and incredibly stable. It's just too perfect, it's like it should be illegal how nice it is. I really don't have a single complaint I can think of, even reaching for minor nit-picks I can't think of anything. This thing is glorious, and worth every penny in my opinion. I just can't leave it alone, I mess with it and pose it, then minutes later I feel the urge to mess with it and pose it again. If anyone was worried about the cannons drooping don't, they don't droop, and you don't need the braces. Remember when we all feared we would need the clear braces for the Glaugs arms, and then we totally didn't? Same thing, the figure is fine, the extra clear supports are just for piece of mind, you don't need them, this thing is frakking aces.
  19. So that's what you meant by touring Asia, that sucks. Were they in the same pile of loot or did they just come out at nearly the same time? Did you pay for separate shipping? Not to rub it in but Ant-Man is pretty awesome in my opinion, my only complaint is the lack of accessories. I'm hoping this isn't a trend with the Civil War Figuarts team members, skimp on the accessories. Black Panther seems to really be lacking in accessories too, I'm still getting him of course, and I know he didn't use anything else in the film or have his cape, I just think a figure and a couple of hands doesn't really feel justifiable price wise on these already quite expensive Marvel Figuarts.
  20. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Figuarts Ant-Man, A New Hope Luke, several DBZ guys I said I'd never buy but I did anyway, Figma Hulk who I also said I wouldn't buy, and MonsterArts First Appearance 54 Godzilla.
  21. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Aaaannnnddddd finally, my Monster was delivered at home, I can't wait. Monster, several Figuarts, a MonsterArts, that's gonna be fun to open.
  22. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Who did you order from and what shipping method did you use? I ordered from AmiAmi and used EMS, my package has been sitting in customs since late Sunday, it just cleared customs and headed out of the sort facility in LA about an hour ago. I've found that everything I get shipped via EMS lately gets a slight delay in customs no matter the time of day or day of the week.
  23. I went with BadCube for Both Trailbreaker and Hoist, MMC Hoist was not even considered, it just doesn't look short, squat, and fat enough, plus no tires on the legs is a deal breaker. Trailbreaker was a bit harder, but the only thing I like on the MMC version is the legs, literally everything else on the BadCube won me over, that head and those proportions and silhouette are phenomenal. I can't wait for Takara to announce theirs so everyone who thinks Takara=quality/superior can switch to that. After Ironhide and Ratchet looking super meh, I have little faith Takara could put out anything that would catch my eye, the only reason I have Ironhide and Ratchet is because there were no better options, if a quality third party company put out better versions of the characters I would upgrade in an instant.
  24. BBTS is US based, they always get imports late, the figure is officially released over seas and people that ordered from over seas sites have theirs on the way now. That Amazon seller probably had new stock of the figure over seas and was trying to capitalize on people thinking they're getting a figure from someone in the US, they're not, they'll just pay an unnecessary markup. I pre-ordered at BBTS specifically because it would give me some time to gauge early in hand reviews, and if the figures end up being terrible like every other Mafex I've owned, I'd have time to cancel. Hopefully they figured their crap out with these guys, but their Nolan Trilogy Bat and Star Wars stuff has been pretty bad.
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