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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Yeti has a point, if there's the slightest inclination you might want to use the packs you pretty much have to buy them at release or else you're SOL after that.
  2. Based on the stand alone this seems like a pretty half-assed release.
  3. Totally makes sense why Arcadia would be releasing the Fire Valk in September now, doesn't it?
  4. Looks like they figured out if the arm pieces are all diecast with plastic attached to the outside they won't randomly disintegrate like the old version.
  5. Actually, looking at the pics from the movie and the T-Rex parts it pretty clear they aren't like the movie. They're like the Tenjin cover. The reason YF-29 thinks they look stubby is specifically because that slit on the side doesn't come forward as far on the T-Rex parts (or the Tenjin cover art) as in the movie.
  6. Actually, only Bandai produces Frontier toys. They're in 1/60 scale so they roughly match the Yamato/Arcadia valks. Avoid all of the Version 1's as they're terrible. I think Jenius has a portion of his website that lists the differences between the V1's and Renewals and now to identify them. Typically the box should have a lot of white on them. Not terribly useful. lol Anyway, I own all of the 25 Variants released to date. If you're an Alto fan they have the renewal for sale at Nippon-Yasan right now: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/4884-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-saotome-alto-custom-renewal-version-reissue.html Honestly, I think the two best Valks are the Cannon Fodder 25A and the YF-25 Prophecy. They're beautiful in all three modes, but I know many people like to buy vehicles based on the character piloting it. It's too bad the G is so hard to find as that's my third pick. Unfortunately all of the Super/Armor parts have been Tamashii Webshop exclusives and they don't re-release those so you're stuck buying on the secondary market and you'll pay through the nose too. It turns out the Alto Tornado Parts will be released starting this Saturday so you might be able to grab one of those after release if somebody cancels a pre-order. But you'll have to jump immediately. You'll definitely hear what I think about the 30, for sure. Even though I'm set to be disappointed I'll try to be as fair as I can. I've actually been planning to try a few different fixes for the floppiness issue that may arise in Battroid as well.
  7. Looks pretty damn good to me.
  8. I'm thinking what everybody else is, if you want Arcadia to see it reply to Mr K's twitter photo with that pic. Let me ask you, how similar in color were you thinking it should be in relation to the images in the Master File book (I know, not cannon.) Because after flipping through it the blue looks more like the blue they have on the 0C on pages 14 and 15 of the Master File book. In the photo David posted, I know it's dark, but it appears to be a bit of a desaturated blue-grey.
  9. Trust me, one way or another you're going to hear about the 30 from me.
  10. Originally I PO'd two because I liked the look in all three modes and was going pose them in two of the three for display (and was holding out hope they would make another color scheme or two so I could have at least one in each mode later) but after finding out I need some dumb clip to hold it all together I'm just PO'd.
  11. The Ankles on my first 19, the one with the broken wing, were nice ans stiff. The second replacement one couldn't stand in Battroid right out of the box. It's a crap shoot. Bottom line, if you buy an Arcadia VF-1, barring manufacturing issues, it WILL be rock solid. If you buy an Arcadia 19 your mileage may vary... even if it is the best YF-19 on the market.
  12. It's going to get complicated fast. Arcadia has only released three VF-1s. The 30th Anniversary 1J scheme, the Roy DYRL 1S which is in what people are calling "pink-white" and Hikaru DYRL 1S also in "pink-white." The two 1S are bright white, not an off shade. There are also no Arcadia Fast packs available, so if you want to deck out these Valks you have to find an old Yamato version in order to do so. Some people would disagree with me but I believe the White Roy or Hikaru 1S are both a good buy, plus you get a stand to display them on. However, they were made to order. You'd likely have to find them second hand at this point, minus the 30th Anniversary paint scheme. If you want to get into the Yamato back-catalog things... it gets complicated fast. Primarily the only real issue are knurled pins on the earliest Yamato releases which caused the shoulder hinge to crack. You could lose an arm, but it was fixed. Jenius has a pretty thorough list of what is a "good" and bad toy. He has a rundown of all of them but you're pretty much relegated to secondary market for everything at this point. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4599 The Arcadia YF-19 is the fourth Valk they've released ever. It's the best YF-19 available, period. The only other thing you would find online are some very old Yamato YF-19's and they are honestly terrible. A thing to note, the ankles are poorly designed. They can come out of the box super loose and Battroid may not stand. You can fix it but for $300+... yeah. The other thing is the addition of metal wing hinges for high speed mode, they left out any way to lock the wings in place, so they aren't very stable and can be a bit loose as well. Even still, it's better than the old one by a wide mile (If you ask me to compare it to the Yamato VF-19, the 19S is still for sale and relatively cheap, I'll tell you a different tale.) Right now HKCollectibles has all of the Arcadia stuff available still. I've used them before and haven't been disappointed. Prices can be a bit higher on a few things, but they have sale items as well. The Roy 1S right now, for instance. https://www.hkcollectibles.com/10-macross-robotech-1-60?orderby=quantity&orderway=desc
  13. This doesn't affect me one way or the other. Though I've always been curious why people feel the need to just take an existing character and Swap their gender. Maybe they have a good idea? I don't know. I do know they already have a huge stable of established ladies who could use their own fleshing out... or just more of in some cases. The Valkyrie look is cool. Or maybe I just want another Dazzler comic, her time is ripe again what with EDM and all...
  14. The price is fine, it's the availability that kills it for me.
  15. What are the odds they're trying to gauge interest in whether or not people will buy another 19 and these parts?
  16. I've put my 25A packs on my 19 just to see how they would look. You can actually attach them to the wing glove just like the TREX parts but you have to open the wings up so the packs fit over the metal swing bars. No matter how you slice it the Bandai Packs really don't look nearly as good as the official, made for packs. They look alright on their own, but I'd rather have the TREX parts.
  17. First of all, don't post/advertise/etc... a single thing from it until you're completely done and can get it torrented everywhere or else you'll receive a Cease & Desist notice from Harmony Gold and nobody will get to experience the fruits of your labor.
  18. And I am going to pray that this grand, ambitious idea comes true because I want one SO BAD.
  19. Wouldn't the larger legs make an already rather thick fighter mode even more fat?
  20. I've never owned a 1/48 nor have I seen a Milia 1/48 in person so I couldn't comment on the color. Various pictures/videos make it look like lots of different colors online.
  21. I absolutely do not see that color in this photo at all.
  22. And while I'm on the subject of tracks from Batman Forever, I was reminded of this bizarre Fluke remix of The End Is The Beginning Is The End that sounds more like a mash-up of Smashing Pumpkins with their own Atom Bomb track.
  23. This "pop"ped into my head today for some reason so I thought I'd post it. Yeah, yeah, Batman Forever sucked. The soundtrack was actually pretty damn wicked though. I don't much care for Bono's voice in this recording but the guitars have some MASSIVE balls.
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