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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. That's classic. I should keep that link around too. One of my used 1J's is about to bite the bullet on one arm as well. Even the knurled pins work with the replacement???
  2. Iiiiiiiiii don't want that. But give me some Frontier-style 19 super parts...
  3. Warner Brother's could get it completely wrong and it would still have a high probability of being better.
  4. Oh, there's a PC version? I'll go check steam then. Thanks.
  5. Game looks cool but OH MY GOD these two idiots need to shut up. Also, more than just side and top down. Also behind view. Awww, it's for PS4. Nevermind. Won't play it.
  6. He can only make the head, packs and gun. It's up to you to do all of the decals, painting and panel lining.
  7. It only had a single release and was the more popular of the two. While I find the color of the stripe more appealing, honestly the S looks far more menacing overall.
  8. I saw the pic but wasn't sure what to make of it. It's in the Macross II universe so the guy to comment would be Seto.
  9. Doesn't the 1SR have a different gunpod too?
  10. Hard to say, I have an extra Yamato 1/60 Hikaru 1J so that's obviously going to be how I'd vote but depending on size/etc... it might be easier to cast for something different.
  11. And fix the ankles/wings...
  12. Sticking it down your pants is still touching it...
  13. That's not so bad, if only I could find somebody to stand in line for me.
  14. Where the hell have I been, Typhoon AND Earthquake this week?
  15. Not really a concern, per se. Just a curiosity. You're right that Marvel/Disney shouldn't be expecting the same type of numbers. Then again, Chris Pratt and Batista both seem to have their own little followings (as does James Gunn) so maybe all of that will come together with the word of mouth in the end.
  16. I mostly just find reading this topic fascinating because of the psychology at play between everyone.
  17. If it's a real girl named Sara. Not some little plastic thing.
  18. The fin just plugs into the hole the optional forward part of the gunpod would plug into. It should be easy enough to remove when needed. I'm curious if the radar dish can be removed, however.
  19. I do wonder how this movie will do. It says Marvel in all the trailers but except for people already in the know I haven't heard much about it from my non-comic friends. Unlike the rest of the Marvel films to date.
  20. Captain America lives in Canada!?!?
  21. It does look good for the size. I'd prefer a 1/3000 SDFM SDF-1 but a smaller DYRL like this would be cool too if it weren't so expensive.
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