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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. From the side profile it looks a bit more cool.
  2. How do you define "seriouness?" I'd put watching the earth being razed as far more serious then ANYTHING in Frontier even with some of the silliness they had in SDF. Hell, I'd rank SDF higher then DYRL if only for the fact the story in DYRL is so convoluted and the Earth looks so alien that there's almost a complete loss of agency for that final battle.
  3. A buddy of mine got a copy of it when we were in high school. '97 '98 time frame. I guess I come off as the negative Nancy here but to be honest the animation looks good but without knowledge of the television series the actual story is indecipherable IMO.
  4. No, there's been no announcement/mention/etc... on any Fold Booster release.
  5. That is the stupidest thing I've read in a while. We couldn't add a tab... or some magnets... or something because that would add $10 and it won't sell at +10 so instead we'll make it floppy because everybody looking for a fully transforming toy would rather pay $10 less for a floppy Valk that requires a giant plastic brace to hold together. Having a complicated transformation is not a legitimate excuse for leaving out something so simple. Hoping they'll suddenly tighten/fix something at the 11th hour when their promotional video shows a giant clip is foolish at best. There's a reason why a lot of people were skeptical of Bandai back when they first heard about this. It's a new mold and Bandai has a habit of messing things up... once again.
  6. It's half-assed and you frakking know it. Sarcastic comments about what I can and can't do won't change the fact they didn't do this right.
  7. Except we saw a video that shows exactly where it goes and why it's there so we do have a real reason to "freak out" because the solution is a half-assed pos.
  8. Yeah, start that kickstarter. Essentially hire somebody to do the international legal work for Big West free of charge.
  9. There's absolutely nothing there that shows the nosecone being held up or preventing floppiness except for the clamp.
  10. I didn't notice a peg pulled from under the cockpit when I was watching the video. Around what time do they show it?
  11. I'm not sure who "everybody" is who knows it won't be ready for a few more months but they've shown all, or close to all, of the completed sprues, boxes, manuals, etc... now. There's no quality issues I'm aware of, other then people who don't understand how to build a miniature throwing a giant internet hissy fit. As I said, Palladium is always late. Over a year late is par for the course for them on every book they've ever released. I honestly don't know of any lies you're referring to specifically, if you have a list I would like to see it. Not wanting to back this project makes sense for MANY reasons since it can't be anything more than terrible (advertising the writer is the same one from Shadow Chronicles is like asking people to NOT back it) in addition to never being finished (Robotech 3000, Shadow Chronicles itself, etc...), par for the course for anything planned by Harmony Gold. But mixing up Harmony Gold and Palladium is just more of the same misunderstanding some hot-heads who can't figure out how to glue/paint a miniature would make.
  12. I actually think there's plenty of room to weave Luthor into this story. Likely he's going to be more than just Superman's preeminent villain but more like the entire Justice League. They'll follow the trope Batman is smarter than Supe's just to give him some sort of fighting chance but likely Luthor will be smarter than Batman still just to make him THAT much more of a threat to the both of them combined. If Batman's intelligence makes him a match for Superman Luthors genius makes him a threat to a stable of Superheroes. Or something along those lines.
  13. Just FYI, the only real "debacle" for the tabletop game is the fact Palladium has never met a deadline, ever. It's in production now and people will receive them soon. The "issue" with having to assemble the game pieces was really only due to a lot of fans not understanding that tabletop games require construction before play. Everything else... yeah, you're right.
  14. Yup, I would never put the 27 in Battroid. Don't forget it's not just the backstep with the shoulders. The crotch thrust/mechanism is still wrong. The Torso looks too long/squat at the same time. There's lots of things in Battroid that just don't come together correct, unfortunately. If you like it, that's cool. I've held off because I wasn't a huge fan and Battroid was really off-putting for me. If it's decreased in cost, I'd buy for Gerwalk because it looks positively wicked in that mode.
  15. I'm going to inform them I will not pay for both early, then wait for both later.
  16. I disagree, I feel like Battroid resembles the V.1 25's still. It simply isn't proportioned the same or as well This photo right here could convince me to buy one.
  17. I'm confused, both my Alto and Michael pre-orders are on the same po. They want me to pay for Alto by the 19th. How much am I supposed to pay? Just for the Alto, or for the whole thing even though they won't split up the order.
  18. Yeah, I agree. Like I said, this blows. I'm keeping the pre-orders simply because I don't believe this design is ever being revisited again.
  19. That's what I'm saying. Yamato figured that crap out quick with the VF-4 and it works damn well. The couldn't hide a tab and a hole somewhere? I'm pretty pissed off they did pretty much what they did with the V.1 25, half-ass it.
  20. Somebody called it quite awhile ago when they noticed the stabilizer in Battroid. We all discounted it and said it was for the stand, a lot of us were wrong. The only reason I'm keeping my pre-order is because I don't think this Valk will ever be made again, but it pisses me off that Bandai still sucks so bad.
  21. Not happy about having to swap anything, personally. Actually, the more I watch this video the more it pisses me off. Bandai are half-assed, lazy hacks. Yamato figured out how to make the VF-4 all fit together snug. You're telling me Bandai can't make the Battroid mode for this thing fit together well without a giant back clamp? Bandai sucks.
  22. Hmm, I might need one of these. That Gerwalk does look pretty mean.
  23. There's plenty of other capitol ships I would buy, but I'll stick with the pile of blue corn chips instead of this one.
  24. You couldn't take any in Gerwalk/Fighter, could you? In my opinion this mold (the overall design, really) suffers in Battroid. I think it looks much stronger with that evil, Bird-of-Prey Gerwalk look and sleek Fighter mode.
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