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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Interesting, look at the one photo up in the corner. The additional braces, etc... and all in a bag up in the corner. As if it was a massive after thought and was added last minute.
  2. The fan does imply they're fully aware of how the thing looks in the animation anyway.
  3. That part might be tough to paint, it's all diecast.
  4. So are Imax theaters different elsewhere? They finally put one in here in Albuquerque and the screen is only about 10% larger than a regular screen and the seats a frakking horrible. It isn't worth $20 to see something there. It's my only experience with Imax and as far as I can tell it's completely not worth it. There's no additional experience in my estimation.
  5. Just a slight correction, some of the backers will be getting their games prior to GenCon (at least for now), but I am of the bunch who think selling any of them at GenCon before bakers get theirs is BS.
  6. Yeah, I was going to say the color/lines of the 19F are absolutely gorgeous. And no speakers on that one either. Just sexy blue. Totally missing out if you're thinking super-speaker, rockstar robots because the 19F/S aren't that at all. Hell, pop the silly shoulder pods out and the 19P cuts a sexy profile as well. And there aren't any speakers on the 17's either. There's plenty to go around in Macross 7, even if you don't like the show (I don't, but I know sexy when I see it. I just didn't buy Basaras Valk). Aw, dude, you totally have to pull that 19S out just to check out the sexy blue for a bit. MY Mom doesn't know a damn thing about these toys but even she will comment on how great the color of the 19S/F are.
  7. Have you seen the Tie's they're using in the Rebels show? With the more squat side panels? Most people think it's like the old Kenner Tie Fighters but McQuarries drawings of the Ties had much more squat side panels on them as well. It think they're hitting up his old designs for a lot of various things.
  8. I'd say it's because repaints usually don't sell as well but given the Roy 30th Anniversary 29 sold pretty well for Bandai maybe marketing a Roy Scheme 19P for Macross 7's anniversary might not be a bad idea. Scream's paint job is rather envious.
  9. I wished I hadn't passed up the Alto Super Parts. I wanted to do a combo with them as well.
  10. Thanks. It was the addition of the Real Grade that started to confuse me I guess. Since it's a new grade with the same scale as HG.
  11. I've been interested in Gundam stuff for awhile but I'm confused about what sizes all of these RG's, HG's, MG's etc... are. I have some old Gundam Wing kits that were 1/144 High Grade, I think, and my brother preferred Master Grade which was 1/100. I have no idea where any of these different models and rankings fall in with one another now.
  12. That whole wing prop up black thing for Gerwalk mode makes no sense either. I mean, yeah, it needs support. Like I said before, Kawamori didn't take physics into account at all. But why the giant, crazy black contraption? A small, thin, metal rod painted white that fits between the two boosters connected to the wing roots, spaced ever so slightly wider then the actual wing joints would mean the entirety of the weight would be supported by the very strong metal rod and would eliminate all of that other stupid. Plus Gerwalk would still be poseable then.
  13. I'm a bit concerned putting these on now. If they're that heavy they're likely to stress/break the wing joints.
  14. So part of this is Kawamori's fault for completely ignoring physics when it comes to all of these weird add-ons, but really, Bandai, you already made a V1 25 with these same parts. Between now and then you couldn't come up with a better solution? It's not like these parts are new and were sprung on you after designing the V2 25.
  15. When are the G parts scheduled to be shipped? End of next month?
  16. I don't know, I don't think Graham as ever admitted to having contacts at Arcadia.
  17. Oh, straight from Sketchley's Macross Chronicle translations. Tried-and-true VF-1. "SW-XAII Schneegans* The SW-XAII is an air defence fighter aircraft developed based on a remodelled latter period VF-1 model originating in the "SWX", just like the SW-XAI. As its development was delayed more than the XAI, its engines and avionics are stronger ones than those in the XAI." http://sketchleytranslation.host-ed.me/MCRgoods/05ValkyriesAppearInPubAndGam.php
  18. I like the Metal Siren's Gerwalk and Battroid modes okay. Fighter mode is awful. And the stinger is just stupid looking. If Arcadia made the Mac 7 Plus version of the VF-14 I'd buy at least four of them. If they made the video game versions I wouldn't buy a single one. That's one of Kawamori's worst official designs in my book. However, I would buy the Varuta iterations. I still badly want a 1/3000 SDFM SDF-1. I saw Exo posted some pics of one of the smaller capitol ships made by some other vendor and I'd love a whole set of something like that too. Hell, make them Micro Machine sized or something like that. They don't transform anyway.
  19. Hey Mr March, have you checked out our own For Sale Forums. 1J available by one of our members. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41404
  20. Mommar

    YF-21 WIP

    This is pretty much the best YF-21 model ever.
  21. Given Bandai's YF-30 push I'm not expecting anything "new." I suppose there could be some other new Valks but I am expecting the YF-30 to feature, I can't imagine Bandai committing to a valk that was only in a video game.
  22. Personally I want that Red and Black scheme. Battroid mode looks like a modern Milia VF-1J.
  23. yeah, look at their track record for the YF-29 already. Alto scheme, Roy Scheme, Isamu Scheme, Ozma Scheme. Basically all they are missing is a Basara Scheme. I'd bet an Ozma style scheme is eminent.
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