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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. Since the additional pods appear to be taken from a 25 anyway it would make sense, especially given how the shoulders function on the 19, that there would be a small arm on them just like on the 25 for ease of mobility during transformation. Simply rotating the missile pods seems cumbersome on the 19 IMO.
  2. Well, I think probably they would still do a set like the RFV-25 that contains all of the armor and the Ghosts in one since the Movie version of the RVF-171 is armed with armor and wing ordinance though I don't recall seeing the ghosts. You can mix and match to look like either the Television or Movie version that way. Actually, that brings up a good point. Why didn't they include Brera's Ghosts with the Super Packs in the re-release? Unless they felt the package was too expensive already (which I felt it was, personally.)
  3. I wanted to do something like this, only with the Tornado wing parts as well so you use: Super Parts: - Chest Armor - Crotch Armor - Intake Armor - Hip Armor - Shoulder Missile Pods Tornado Parts: - Back Cannon - Arm Armor - Wing Armor - Leg Armor Probably way too heavy at that point. But I don't have the Alto Super Parts, nor have my Alto+Michael Tornado parts arrived yet. Was going to do it with the 25G though.
  4. Here's a quick, low quality grab from episode 24.
  5. Mommar

    MacF Screens

    Screen shots from Macross Frontier and associated films.
  6. You're right, in the show he does have ghosts in that episode around the seventeen minute mark but he doesn't have any super parts what-so-ever on his 171. Just the ghosts.
  7. Nice score jv!!!! Very interesting compared to the Tenjin cover photo.
  8. I'm sorry, I don't think I follow what you're talking about.
  9. Yeah, that's what I read. Haven't you seen Kurisama on these messageboards before? He ISN'T a bootlegger. I found it insulting you would even make mention of that to him. He won't bootleg.
  10. I don't have the Alto Super Parts but I was planning to do this with Michael's.
  11. You're not bootlegging anything. Dunno what Jenius is on about but I'm willing to bet you have a better idea how to mount everything than T-Rex does.
  12. If I may, I believe they got the shoulder missile launchers slightly wrong. I think they should be on arm mounts that move around like the missile launchers on the VF-25 super packs. Just an idea to play with.
  13. Was it actually wavy in the anime? I don't recall. Tough call now. No telling if they'll ever bother with repaints but I love the way it looks in all three modes.
  14. I like the drab in fighter, I don't particularly care for it in Battroid.
  15. I'm stuck in that position too. Hopefully NY doesn't bone us and lose the Alto parts we've all already paid for.
  16. I think it's pretty clear Mr. K would make EVERYTHING from Macross in EVERY scale he could if he were actually allowed.
  17. I just want my blue, delta-wing plane...more pictures.
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