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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. I keep looking at your little sculpted carriers there and all I can think is, "wouldn't an Uruga be cool to have?"
  2. There isn't a holiday in Japan or something, is there? It's odd the estimate is so far out this time.
  3. I find it a bit odd the guesstimate for arrival is Thursday of next week considering when packages ship on Friday they'll have the exact same estimate.
  4. The gunpod color went from one brown, to another brown, to just being the crappy gray of any other VF-19 release. Maybe they made it gray because nobody could agree on a decent brown. I thought the original looked great.
  5. They did change the color of the YF-19 before release, both the main body and canopy, after feedback (which was a mistake in the case of the YF-19, IMO.)
  6. I like the blue, I acknowledged it wasn't the same blue as in the Anime, but I still think it's attractive.
  7. I honestly don't remember when I saw it or why, other than I was in high school. So sometime between '95 and '99. I certainly saw it on the shelf for rent many, many times at the local video rental place but for some odd reason I avoided touching it. The only thing I really do remember is I eventually saw it, that I liked the Valks (I preferred the YF-21's Fighter mode over the 19 back then) and the music. Pretty much everything else about it I wasn't fond of, however. Given the epicness of Macross, and the fact I only knew Macross up to that point through Robotech which shared that same sort of big scope, Plus felt really small and unimportant.
  8. The real main issue is the way these hand animated things scale with each other within the animation and the compromises in size are what Yamcadia needed to do to make them look as good as possible to a bunch of picky, whiny fans.
  9. I don't think they did miss the SDF-1 release date, did they?
  10. I wonder how well that Macross II BR is selling.
  11. That's an oddity from my perspective. I've had plenty of packages go through Memphis customs and I've never been slapped with any sort of additional fee. I do get paper invoices sent to me from FedEx from time to time but I've never been sent an actual bill for something.
  12. I dislike the new theme song immensely. My mother put it best, "does it sound 'tinny' to you?" Yes, yes it does. Just get Paul and Phil Hartnoll to do the theme instead, it'll be better for it. Oddly, I do have a hard time understanding Capaldi as well. And it's not like he has a terribly thick Scottish accent either.
  13. The 171 with those Tornado missile parts looks really cool.
  14. My issue with this comparison to Macross The First is that the only different between the The First and SDFM SDF-1 are the thicker/pointier DYRL style cannons on the ends of the booms and the weird bits they have stuck on the bottoms of the feet. Otherwise it's the more streamlined SDFM version, not the bumpy/bulbous DYRL version.
  15. But will EXO ever finish? Besides, they don't look good on the DYRL SDF-1. The lines are all wrong.
  16. Also the fact the little guy in the 30 flops around means he doesn't really fit, or scale, all that well.
  17. You're going to have to quote precise numbers for the 30 for that statement to be true.
  18. The trick for that final Gerwalk joint is that it's at a pretty steep angle. If you push up and inward towards the joint it clicks in a lot easier.
  19. That can happen with the DX Bandai Valks and over time i'll happen to all of them. I think some people know of fixes for that around here.
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