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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. I like idea/pics. Is there any way to work some battlepods or armor into these photos too so it doesn't look like the humans are perpetually losing?
  2. It transforms too???? I'm so jealous! Damn, this thing looks amazing!
  3. And another one of my semi-random electronic posts.
  4. Unless somebody also hacks Kylie Minogue's iPhone there isn't any porn starring her (that I'm aware of, haven't looked because I don't care.) So there's reason for some to find this more erotic. Not to mention you're discounting the inherent eroticism in suggestive themes without actually showing anything. It's not all about pounding the mound.
  5. I would question whether or not it's purely because it's Ozma, however Leon is a freaking nobody and he's selling out too. Maybe it's the fact Ozma is Ozma AND the YF-30 is new and pretty cool looking? And it's two separate instances that have really sold those two Valks. Bandai must've known Ozma would be popular just for his name as they made it a general release and not made to order like Isamu.
  6. I'm still honestly surprised the 30 has sold out. I didn't think a video game plane would do so well.
  7. And don't forget many are speculating/fretting about ball jointed ankles on the0D as well.
  8. You only think that because the last two things to be released by Bandai, the 30 and the Tornado parts, I have ripped in to. Overall the 30 is fun, I just think they were sloppy with their solutions to a lot of things and I don't like it. I am pretty down on the Tornado parts, though, they really just don't work on my 25's at all. However, I haven't said anything bad about my Isamu or Ozma 29's. I like them a lot. All of the base 25's are good, as are the super parts (minus Kawamori's inability to plan for the shoulders being trapped in Gerwalk... not Bandai's fault.) And the Alto 171 has been fine, other than the transformation not being much fun.
  9. Do you want me to start bad-mouthing Arcadia? Let me tell you a story about those frakking YF-19 ankles....
  10. I understand what you're saying and I think it's completely wrong. They already started including all sorts of weird additional attachments for gun pods on the VF-25's that weren't necessary. The Tornado Packs are... they're done so bad, the 171 CF is a timebomb that will go off no matter what and the 30 includes all sorts of additional, stupid clips because they couldn't be bothered to actually come up with real solutions to snap each of the pieces together properly. I hardly call that quick evolution. They've been devolving the last two years IMO.
  11. I may need to try this out (if I ever bother putting the anchors they call wings back on) as well as they sag on both of my valks.
  12. Looking at the pics again, I really love the Low Viz looking scheme and that Racing Stripe styled Red scheme. Too bad there's no chance of seeing these in Arcadia form.
  13. I think people are just looking for reasons to hate Yamato/Arcadia. The 30 pretty clearly has a lot of flaws, I may be far less fortunate in that my Battroid modes absolutely will not stay together without the braces, but even still the people who do have Battroid modes that work without the brace say it's a tenuous connection. That right there spells trouble within a year or so IMO. A bit of the trouble does have to do with Kawamori continually ignoring physics (Tornado Packs, hello.) The bottom half of battroid connecting right at the very front of the torso with all of that stuff dangling from the back is going to make designing a worthwhile connection a pain. Yamato came up with some pretty fancy mechanics to make the transformation for the VF-4 work (not that it's completely perfect either), Bandai just threw some braces in the box. They didn't even attempt to come up with ideas to design around the issues.
  14. All I own are the Master File books. How the hell do those boosters actually attache to the 22 anyway?
  15. I imagine there won't be pre-orders until November, just like the YF-19.
  16. I left the parts on for awhile in Gerwalk and Battroid (as that's what I have the F and G posed in on my shelf at the moment.) After watching the flex of the plastic in both modes for awhile I've elected to leave the wing parts off on both. The F has on the new armor bits and cannons and the G has kept it's Super Parts with only the addition of the back cannons. The wings are too heavy for me to trust leaving on, and the attachments on the wingroots for both are super flimsy too. I'm really not happy with this release at all. Way too dangerous and half-assed.
  17. -2, there's a lot of stupid in this design as well. The moment they release anything that can add additional weight content you're going to see a lot of failures pop up.
  18. Yup, saw that e-mail this morning. Pretty cool. Right now my Ozma is in Battroid so I'm not sure if I'll put them on immediately or not. If it were in Gerwalk or Fighter I'd slap them on, but we'll see. I wish I had bought two Isamu and two Ozma as I think they both look good in Gerwalk with the parts but both have their own looks/charms in Battroid plus great color schemes for fighter mode. I'd have mixed/match the super and non-super for each mode I think. I guess Isamu is still relatively easy to track down at non-outrageous prices but I'd prefer a secondary Ozma for that low-viz look in fighter or gerwalk with the super parts.
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