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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. This is the shot, right here. Wow, a DX lens too. Obviously it's about talent and not gear because I can't do crap with my camera. Also, effing Fed Ex. It's sitting in the warehouse in Albuquerque right now... so I get to wait until Tuesday. Ordinarily i could wait but since NY screwed me and wouldn't ship my F parts last month I've been itching to get my hands on these things.
  2. I don't know what the hell they're doing with mine. They've shipped it the most round-about and slow way.
  3. What the eff, this thing is in Denver now? I have no idea what kind of crazy route this thing is taking, but considering it's only a 6 1/2 hour drive from me I'd expect it to show up tomorrow. I'll try to take some different funky photos if it does show before this weekend.
  4. It's poseable!? Bad-ass! I thought it was just a statue!
  5. If they did additional content on the 171 wouldn't it make more sense to put that in a 17 book? Since they're directly related. FYI, very excited to see this release. I know it isn't official but I enjoy this attempt to fit everything into a look that is more real world. Though I do feel those missiles on wing pylons look a tad silly for the 21/22. I'm interested in some new Liveries to look at too.
  6. Are we sure there isn't something going on in Japan right now too? it's taken them three days and it still hasn't even left Japan. This is BS.
  7. Is this thing actually poseable???
  8. #2 and #3 both look really awesome to me.
  9. Oh, I bet I know why they're estimating shipping being so late. Labor Day is this coming Monday. I'll bet they're anticipating a small workforce turnout Friday (all weekend, really), in addition to Monday being a holiday.
  10. I'm happy it's actually coming out. Maybe we'll see a book for the 11 or 17 sometime.
  11. That's one, not two. And no. The M3 VF-14 and Spartan.
  12. This is what I'm wondering. Oh, my shipping info. says International Economy...
  13. There's only two things on the entire list I wouldn't buy, really.
  14. Are you US Based? Attempting to bring in anything Bandai bit Big Bad Toy Store right in the ass because of their pre-order shenanigans. Also, if the cost is higher you may not be terribly successful. Yes, both of my 30's have loose knee joints in Gerwalk. Both in the left leg. It makes posing difficult sometimes as it doesn't hold well.
  15. I think it's good to clarify. Because there is a difference between third party and unlicensed. Regardless of what most MW'ers thought they all understood it's obvious not all of us were on the same page. Now we can be, and it's accurate. The thread title should be changed to unlicensed. Arcadia and Bandai are already third parties.
  16. San Fran? Don't you mean LA? I've never had anything going through SF get hung up. Until recently I've never heard of anything being hung up in Memphis either.
  17. I would find a phone number for customs and call.
  18. I keep looking at your little sculpted carriers there and all I can think is, "wouldn't an Uruga be cool to have?"
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