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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. No, it's dismantled for painting.
  2. So this is a prior engagement over South Ataria? How long before launch of the SDF-1 is this taking place?
  3. Yup, good spot for those who didn't notice. There is a remarkably darker blue on a part of that plane.
  4. Wat's the context of these SV-51 panels in the comic? Given we only ever see thrust from that space sled thing it's possible that only way it can navigate in space is via the sled and it's used as an orbital deployment method... for whatever odd reason.
  5. Is that like an atmospheric re-entry pod or something? I guess The First has now established the SV-51 was space capable?
  6. The point being that in this instance they're trying to FORCE relativity when it isn't applicable due to the fact they aren't in normal space when passing the speed of light. They're taking the approach that utilizing the smugglers route through the Maw will take a ship twenty to fourty years and that these smugglers are planning to smuggle stuff forty years into the future. That's just the dumbest premise to start with, and the conclusion is that Han is actually older than Yoda...
  7. I'd assume mounted under wing. It's big enough to lug a giant gunpod around in that configuration. Not sure if firing it would screw up flying with it off center though.
  8. Holy poop man, why the eff isn't Arcadia finally giving us an SDFM version of this? The look and proportions of this are absolutely perfect! That's the perfect shade of blue and red for it as well. Truely awesome, I hate you. lol
  9. Yeah, that looks like the lineart from the game now. Makes me mad Bandai are so good at missing details like that. The three tone looks way better on the 30.
  10. I don't see a complimentary gray on the leading edge of the wing and leading edge of the tail fin in this photo.
  11. Why didn't you do the leading edges of the tail fins?
  12. The Kessel Run thing is kind of dumb because it ignores the fact Hyperspace is a separate sort of dimension that both side-steps the issue of faster than light travel and all of the messy/weird relativity to time/energy usage/etc...
  13. I'm hoping for five coats, I'd like them to one-up themselves.
  14. I look forward to seeing the other modes. I'd love a 1/60 toy of this thing.
  15. Thanks azrael. I already assumed, based on one of the other promo pics, that Vision would look a lot like his comic book counter part but I didn't think it would be that close. I was always a fan of the all white Vision look though.
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