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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. My book arrived this morning. Very interesting that it's bound and written the opposite, even if that is the way they do it in Japan. Not nearly as many photos (for those of us who can't read and just like to look at the pictures) but I do have to say that the CG artists are getting damn good at integrating the CG models with the background photos. These are the best photos of all the MF books. And so many awesome pics of the Ariel YF-19 too!
  2. I wish Arcadia would put up a poll about favorite non-cannon schemes and just post, we need X-many pre-orders for this to happen and then and then do some internet only schemes. Just to test the waters.
  3. I'm still wondering if my order is going to come through. I'm really curious how this thing will work.
  4. Oh yeah, missing the DYRL CF as well... The TV Max 1A really looks best in Battroid. Though I have to say that once you have a Max 1J you pretty much always feel like it's incomplete without Milia's 1J sitting next to it. They're never seen separate in the show.
  5. While the use of the half metal/half plastic ball is odd that's only two cases we've heard of. Not quite an epidemic yet. That being said, I've never pulled mine out.
  6. I have 20 VF-1's as well. As far as I can tell I'm only missing the VT-1, the CF 1J and Kaki's SDFM 1A.
  7. I'm still waiting on my book here. It's been sitting in LA customs since Sunday. LA Customs must employ the laziest jack-asses.
  8. But we've always known that some of these characters would work better as TV serials anyway? We've discussed at length how Spider-Man would be the ultimate TV serial if it weren't for the fact his powers make him impossible to do on a small-screen budget, Daredevil is more lucky in that regard.
  9. Too bad that isn't an official Macross fighter. An upgraded VF-1 with the forward swept wings looks good and I'd want a toy of it.
  10. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    We have no idea. Supposedly these new VF-1's have gone through some sort of redesign but nobody has seen anything of that.
  11. I was largely making fun of the "request." Since I don't have the skill to make the X-9 why would I ask anybody else to make it? I could make a suggestion for a project, but that's different. So the joke was being greedy and asking someone to make a 4 ft plastic toy.
  12. I still can't justify buying this. I never ever saw the show but had some old, little Orguss thing that was branded Robotech when I was a kid. It reminds me of many different shmup-type ships but the money and shelf-space aren't there. I do hope some people most more pictures or create a review/transformation video so we can get a better look at it.
  13. Hopefully you get more out of them than I did. I found them to be absolutely terrible games. Mildly interesting stories, but awful gameplay. I would have preferred they were just animated choose your own adventures personally.
  14. And after making the drones, make a 1/60 Starwing to go with it so we can strap four of these drones onto it's wings...
  15. I feel like if you're going to bag on Shadows for having poor controls and poor levels you shouldn't then submit the Rebel Assault games as better. They were largely movies with a cursor you could move around on screen, a hyper sensitive and fidgety one at that. Shadows at least gave you full control in all situations.
  16. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm definitely getting a Monster if they make one. But mostly I've been waiting to see the Regult, it looks like they have the fully functioning leg joint and it should be pretty pose-able. While I'm bummed I never got the do-it-yourself Yamato 1/60 I also don't have time (and it sounds like the leg joints didn't really work right anyway.) At 1/100 it'll be lighter and "easier" to pull off hopefully.
  17. Seriously??? It's not that hard to remember. Maybe the video game versions, but nothing from the Anime proper is hard to sort out... and I don't even like watching the Anime's really.
  18. We need thousands of pictures.
  19. F**k! I didn't know The Avengers figures went on sale April 2nd. The pre-orders are sold out EVERYWHERE. I can't find a Hulk or Cap at all.
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