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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. If that background image is the box art then they've done a good job making this thing look exactly like a naval fighter.
  2. There's so many nuanced things that come together to make this new 0A look much, much better. I kinda want two now.
  3. Watch out, Treatment will accuse you of "ricing out" your Valk if you want to put different weapon load-outs on it.
  4. Like I said, twenty to forty minute drive. Things can look pretty barren and still have some accessibility. There's lots of places that look barren here in New Mexico. If you drive by some of the wineries south of Belen it'll look like there's nothing around for miles but ten minutes north and you're at Walmart. They also don't need to spell out or sell every little aspect of a situation.
  5. Owning a farm doesn't mean you don't also own a car and can't drive twenty to forty minutes into town to buy supplies. People do it all the time these days. Not to mention they do have a tractor, so perhaps she does do farming while Hawkeye is away. It isn't inconceivable that a woman would enjoy living in the country and farming, it's just what the mother of my roommate in college did while her husband was away in the city as an undercover DEA agent.
  6. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    People don't want to spend $150+, especially if they're new to the hobby. And a few of them have convinced themselves these things are the equal of a 1/60 Yamcadia/DX simply because it's made by Bandai and it's in a price range they like. It's just a few topics down, and this is a re-release. They've been available for years. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41447
  7. Aaaaaaaand let's bow down to his Max VF-4 again too. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40390&hl=max
  8. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    We may disagree on to what extent the Hi-Metal line suffers but you're right, the kind of fervor this armored 1J is experiencing doesn't match the quality of the 1/60 line at all. Never-the-less, the battroids were all good fun to pose so this armored one should be quite entertaining as well.
  9. master of macross lives up to his name. Might want two shelves for that Mac Plus collection. One for the "hall of 19's" and another for the 21, Arcadia's and 11B's. Can I presume at least one Percival is going on the 30 shelf soon? Those Frontier shelves are packed, what are you going to do when the next 171 and Grace 27 release? Bottom shelf?
  10. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    My 1J looks exactly the same as it did when I bought it.
  11. I see these photos and all I think is WANT, WANT, WANT, WANT, WANT. I still remember opening up the original 0A and immediately disliking everything about it. A brand new 0A/0S with the modern feel of the 0D is exactly what I wanted the first time... minus some of the ridiculous tolerances. But I can deal with that.
  12. That is quite a review. I wasn't sold on the movie until that final trailer which had the right feel of Mad Max. With this review I think I've gone from interested to excited.
  13. So energy weapons make for great "target softeners."
  14. Ah, yes, that would be explained as attempted fan-service that was ridiculously over-the-top, stupid and not consistent with anything in ST anywhere. But that's the definition of Into Darkness.
  15. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    Only one of these things mentioned is actually an enemy mech.
  16. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    It was still up, just pre-ordered one. If only the VF-19 and Figuarts Hulk would go back up.
  17. The scene with the blond stripping down in front of Kirk on the Shuttle Craft followed quickly by Bones and the Blond being down on the planet and Kirk being on the bridge of the Enterprise in Into Darkness.
  18. Adding missiles on and giving it different loadouts I can see is far more fun than some rotating piece of plastic that will be covered up 100% of the time. Wishing for a mechanic you literally can't see is the pinnacle of silly.
  19. I never cared about the YF-19 or 0D having the rotating cockpit gimmick so I've been entirely consistent.
  20. This sounds like the answer right here. Micro versions of the HMMs.
  21. I agree, given it's a thing that only affects a part of the toy that is covered up at the time it is completely pointless. I'd rather have more missiles/etc... that can affect it's outward appearance versus something useless I'll never see.
  22. What's the issue with the missile bays not working with the lineart? Can we see diagrams so we understand what is going on?
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