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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Unless Lisa and the rest of the bridge crew are REALLY REALLY fast, they would have a hard time running from the SDF-2 bridge to the SDF-1 bridge... You also have to totally ignore Rick constantly calling for Lisa (mentioning SDF-02 each time) after Khyron fires the first shot on the SFD-02 in episode 36. Although it is NOT seen the SDF-01 and 02 are both in the lake according to the dialog.
  2. The docu things had too much filler cra (er crude) for my taste. (I may be thinking of the "best of" stuff...) A bunch of people sitting around commenting on what they like best is not my idea of entertainment. (Unless it is Joel/Mike and the Bots of course)
  3. That reminds me, is it too late to bring up ALL of the Sid and Marty Croft stuff? Or does that belong under a "Children's shows made under the influence of controlled substances" poll? (Most especially Liddsville)
  4. H@LL no. A documentary on the making of a movie is something that should be slapped on a regular DVD as a throw away extra, only RT would tout it a seperate product...
  5. Considering that Rick Hunter no longer looks like himself, so what?
  6. Evangelion 2.22 just showed up from Netflix yesterday, so I watched it last night. Simply excellent. Now I have to get the first one back and watch it again.
  7. I, of course, know all about good old Dynaman... One of my friends does not like anything Japanese anime and such, I forced him to start watching Dynaman and he sat stoney faced when it started, ended up watching the firt episode 3 times in a row. Oh yeah, he didn't even manage to hold the Stoney face past the "who really knew about acid in those days"...
  8. Maybe, but Stargate was really not a very good movie and they made three decent TV shows out of it. And besides, nothing can top the current reigning champ for worst scifi show of all time...
  9. In either case "I say we take off and nuke the moon from orbit. It's the only way to be sure..."
  10. Can't remember which that was, between doctors or when the whole universe disappeared except Earth? I'm pretty sure it was given a reason both times.
  11. I like how they did the ending episode, will say no more... I also liked last week's episode as well, looking forward to the Christmas special now.
  12. Well, they are just rushing this movie out because they are afraid of the RT:LAM
  13. Don't forget that we were all SCREAMING "RUN UP THE STAIRS, STUPID!", then they did and the Dalek followed, it was great and we were talking about it for weeks - yes we are nerds... One of my favorites. That and "Planet of Evil", which was the first one I ever saw, and the one where K-9 was introduced, which is great on DVD with the newly touched up special effects.
  14. The original Daleks (from Episode 2) could not leave their bunker. From at least the late eighties Daleks have been able to levitate up stairs (that was a GREAT episode! The Doctor and friends finally ran up the stairs (for once), and the Dalek went right up after them(*)). The latest Daleks are show flying all the time. (*) - My friends and I got a great whoop and holler out of that one.
  15. Quark was one of the BEST, but REALLY REALLY bad, shows of all time.
  16. Thanks, I'm picking it up from the last 2 disks of season 2. I've seen the season 1 shows already so I don't have to slog through that again... (A transporter accident Riker gets slaughtered with a Galaxy class? This I have to see!)
  17. I've been thinking of watching DS9 from the point where it gets good. It is somewhere between the end of the first season and the episode where the Klingons attacked the station. Can someone give me a good idea of what season/episode is a good one to start with? (Like TNG, the show does not get good till somewhere in the 3rd season I would guess)
  18. He didn't want to deal with Macross at all, at one point - and now look... Frankly, if the next show makes a casual reference that contact with Megaroad-01 has been re-established, and no further updates are given I would love it. Would drive some people nuts though. [edit] - It would be best as some kind of background news announcement as a character walks by a TV "In other news the long lost Megaroad-01 ship and crew has been found secure in..." Then the characters walk on by and no further mention is made of it.
  19. No no, it's just that George is stubborn, very very stubborn. Case 1, Jar Jar, universally despised but George insists he is important to the story so he sticks around - but gets so few lines that he might as well not be there (but whoever said that Jar Jar was the only one who could introduce the Empire legislation is a genious...). Now when Vader's pitiful cry of NOooooooooo is roundly thrashed as being stupid - and the ruin of a great character, George has to "salvage" it by sticking the line in another movie to add symmetry... If that "No" had been more forceful, angry, and menacing, THEN it would have been a great line, but noooooooo.......
  20. What is an Ace destroid pilot? I suppose the definition would be one that manages to survive 5 battles, needing 5 kills is really pushing things...
  21. That is the problem. The prequals stunk, if anything THEY should get redone, by a competant film maker. (ROTJ is pretty dreadful too though, so if he has to mess with one of the original trilogy that would cause the least harm)
  22. Reminds me of a Bloom County strip, where everyone starts waxing philosophical about the meaning of life, then Opus comes along and says "you are born, you go on a few diets, you die". I'm with Opus, and changing this to SW "They are born, they get a few force powers, they die"
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