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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Not a series, but I watched the first 45 minutes of "Sword of the Stranger", excellent English cast, excellent animation, and the story is interesting.
  2. Yup - they don't put shows up till after the season run is done. I'll have to put Camelot on my watch list, I got rid of Starz and never did see it.
  3. That was before Torchwood was picked up by STARS (I think it was STARS). Different producer means different distribution rules. On the plus side the new owner does appear to put most of it's stuff on Netflix as well (I forget their name but I remember they put their stuff on Netflix)
  4. There was a website showing pictures of the Japanese version of the BT mechs as well - they ALL looked much better then the BT designs (excepting the stuff stolen from Anime shows to begin with)
  5. Maybe a new controller slapped onto the PS3 and called the PS4 - but if Sony had a new machine ready for lunch by 2012 they would have said so at E3...
  6. True - it always amazes me when people see the cut scene trailer for a game and say "That game looks amazing!".
  7. Just saw it, loved it. They did a very good job updating the show, even though it did drag a bit. A good argument that anime can be done as live action (admitedly, Yamato would be one of the easier ones in a technical sense)
  8. Only if you ignore the TV show... And it was still Meh!! (so was the show for that matter)
  9. Other then crazy fueds can get even crazier when the offspring get involved. (no comment on Nishizaki's son, I have no idea what he is like - just a general comment)
  10. A director's cut might help with most of it, the biggest problem (other then the black hole dudes...) was the extreme 180 degree change in the alien's actions without any time really spent on laying a groundwork for the change. The black hole guys were really, really, really, over the top though - could easily have done without them completely.
  11. It DID spawn one of the greatest movie reviews ever though. "Arnold proves he can count, one, two, your right..." (in response to someone saying it was ten against one). That movie was bad, the comic relief thief, Grace Jones (Nuff said), and those silly decapitation effects.
  12. Ditto, the upcharge here is $4 a ticket, when the base ticket is $6 (matinee) then I have NO desire to pay the extra except in rare cases. For my family of four it is $24 for 2d or $40 for 3d. To make it worse, some films have looked worse in 3d then they did in 2d. (Tron and Avatar being exceptions)
  13. BSG is easily one of the best shows ever (any kind). That is was done by SyFy boggles the mind. As other have mentioned, it does have it's bad moments in the middle seasons BUT KEEP WATCHING, it DOES get much better. (the ending is kinda dopey - just a warning there, but still well worth watching)
  14. Never underestimate the ability of the movie going public to be duped by advertising... (at least for opening weekend)
  15. Commando is the last movie I ever thought would get a remake. It was fun enough, but why bother?
  16. Is it fair to even call it an adaptation? That is kinda like saying some rap songs are adaptations of the music they sampled for the "skritchy, skritchy" backwards and forwards on the record player sounds...
  17. It reminds you of someone with a foul mouth and nothing interesting (or insightful) to say? But yet takes two pages to say it?
  18. They had to rush Duke out to market before the next Robotech game was released, they were afraid you see...
  19. Hence the term, periodic. It took a good 1000 years to truly recover from the fall or Rome as well. (that is simplyfying things alot of course, things were not quite as terrible in the dark ages as they are made out to be) Now you are just being a realist, of all the nerve...
  20. The Star Wars universe is ripe for a "Fall of Rome" type situation, the endless wars between the Sith and the Jedi causing periodic technological dark ages. Think of it like "The Long Night" from traveller.
  21. I didn't know a third party orbital spacecraft was that far along (suborbital I knew about). Good to see they are nearly ready to go with that.
  22. It is not due to be ready till 2016, and NASA says they can't make that date... Soyuz it will be.
  23. Thought this would be the best ongoing thread for this. Very pretty Yamato models from a show in Japan. http://www.geocities.jp/dourakuoyadi/newpage2event3.htm [edit] - Some Nausica and other scifi stuff in there as well.
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