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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Long before it was ever even constructed to boot. More seriously - is that pod a re-creation, or did they find one of the original props somewhere (from 2010 I guess, I heard that they destroyed all the props from 2001 so they would not be used over and over in cheap scifi movies like other old starship props had been - look what happened to Lost in Space's robot for example)
  2. The BEST version of TMP is the one on youtube where someone pieces together all the shots of the crew looking at the viewscreen and they use a "blue" movie to fill in the audio. As for making it BD, they went to the trouble of adding the shots for DVD, maybe they will go through the trouble of doing it again for BD.
  3. They own the film (in nearly all cases), that gives them the right to make whatever changes they want - it is the devil's bargain that goes with studio funding. Despite the horror stories of studio execs butchering movies they are also just as often responsible for making them better as well.
  4. I don't remember any peripheral characters from ST2 in ST6, who are you reffering to?
  5. As you allude, it probably worked for your ex since that had Kirk regretting some of the choices he had made, especially in regards to Carol Marcus. (And she is the one that left him - really too bad that they mess it up in Star Trek: Generations - it should have been Carol Marcus he was seeing in the Nexus)
  6. Of course, any fanboy who did not see the FIRST showing is only a fanboy wannabe.
  7. I was reduced to tears when Annakin became Darth Vader too, albeit for different reasons then a 5 year old I would expect...
  8. I have plenty of google fu, in this instance I couldn't be arsed to look. Some things just are not worth the bother... I thought that was Space Battleship Yamato. Can't remember what I have never seen before! And man that dub sounds bad.
  9. As much as HG is hated for what they did to get Macross on the air, it pails in comparison to what was done to Gatchaman - I would actually count that show as an argument in favor of HG helping to bring Anime to the West... Those two, along with Star Blazers and Marine Boy (never knew the Japanese title) are the best arguments against HG's claim.
  10. Thank God, personally I'm really tired of the modern US film industry needing to turn every film into a "franchise" [edit] - I don't know what the standard for this kind of thing are in Japan. But in this case it would be good for Hollywood to learn something from them.
  11. You forgot one additional thing, unremembered... (excepting Red Devil of course) I'm also sure someone out there can "prove" that the invid are the disciples of zor...
  12. That movie was pretty bad even WITH the MST3K treatment, but Crow and Servo's refueling skit is priceless.
  13. Muppets make the best Youtube videos ever.
  14. Musketeers were French (and other) soldiers. Wikipedia has a decent entry on them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musketeer
  15. If you watch it get the MST3K version, the movie is a dreadful turd - but Mike (or Joel, an't remember which) do a good job on it.
  16. That is the one. The Ridge head klingons were the original Klingons as well. The Asian looking ones where genetically modified to look more like humans, and there was a third group genetically modified to be more like Romulans as well. Just rememebered the title while I was writing this, it was called "The Final Reflection" here is the wikipedia entry if anyone is interested (not much there) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Final_Reflection
  17. Don't worry, in a few years George will have it out on purple ray with more changes...
  18. They decided to keep it friendly then. Lawsuits are a pain - even if the other side has no chance of winning.
  19. At least for the novels, it used to be that it was required to have a regular character in the novel (I have not read or kept up with ST novels in decades, things might certainly have changed...) The best example I can think of is the novel that focused on Klingons, the writer had to book-end it with a section about how it was a book being read by the crew of the Enterprise - just so that it had a tenous connection to them. (The novel was used as a basis for the Klingons in FASA's Role Playing game)
  20. Maybe, mabye not. If anything is Parody then Futurama is it. If the clips were not too long they could use them without paying anything, there is a good chance they may have paid just to keep things friendly though.
  21. Nothing wrong with that, the Reliant was nothing more then the enterprise with the bottom section removed, and a roll bar added to the bottom, Roddenbury signed off on it upside down and voila, the Reliant we all know and love.
  22. It is the best of the series, but Revenge of the Sith's fight between Annakin and Obi Wan shows the same level of skill. (we shall completely ignore the goofs that went with Mace Windo to arrest the emperor...)
  23. It certainly had it's good points, the scenes between Conan and his father were very good. It never really slowed down enough to give us any kind of plot, and there were a million "what are these guys? Stupid" scenes. (worst of the lot is the pirate ship getting boarded, don't they know what a lookout is?)
  24. Just saw it today, wife insisted, and although it was boring I have seen FAR worse (Latest Pirates movie and any transformers movie springs instantly to mind). On the scale of things it was merely a waste of time and money... Original Conan - Best This Conan - not good. Conan the Destroyer - atrocity
  25. Yes Those could use a bit of an update, the hud was fine (besides, just think what Lucas might do to it...)
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