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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Did anyone else watch the show? (last comment is from December 2010, I thought that show started after that - or I have had it DVR'd longer then I thought...) I just got round to watching my DVR copy (last episode tonight) and thought it was pretty good. Nothing spectacular - but better then the V TV show that was just on. The Alien's reason for being here is not made specific, but they are taking kids and brainwashing them, using them for something, so that is the reason the cities (and planet) does not get nuked.
  2. I remember that being silly, but then I noticed that it was using the rock (or whatever) more as a heat shield then anything else, and I just shrugged it off at that point.
  3. I have to agree, the last Rambo was a very decent movie - I was not expecting much after hilariously laughing my way through the second Rambo movie (started laughing the instant the special forces colonel goes riding around the desert with headlights on, didn't stop till it was done)
  4. Might have to drag the wife to this, I have to go to each Twilight movie so seeing this would make it about even. The first was OK (better then most action films in the having a plot and character department) but it really isn't anything special.
  5. On stage, I love the look he gives to Misa, along the lines of "What the heck should I do?" - the guy obviously was worrying more about Misa's feelings then anything else. In his quarters Minmay barges in just when he is about to take down her poster, poor girl just had terrible timing.
  6. I liked the third one, but really just because the villian was great. His character in "Cold Mountain" was the only reason to watch that film as well. (If only I could remember his name)
  7. It's not like I'm expecting a Uwe Bol movie to be good or anything like that...
  8. That, and if it were in pieces it wouldn't make much of a finished ship (great excuse to redisgn it though, HERESY!) And yes, everything after the Comet Empire stuff has been a letdown (to varyious degrees) so hopefully this will bring back the original magic
  9. I used to eat dirt! and I was thankful for it! -err, whatz hiz name said that.
  10. Excellent model. Space 1999, recently watched few episodes again, it reeks of seventies stinkyness (with a bit of awesome thrown in for the model work and a few of the episodes)
  11. Each decade is the same as the last, it just seems to get a little sleazier. (which has both good and bad points I hasten to add)
  12. I have to give HG the benefit of the doubt, even if they COULD use the Masters designs, even HG would know better.
  13. The problem is, making electricity is blasted easy! If you are anywhere near a star you can use the energy from that to make as much as you could possibly use (and if the aliens in question are not from Earth then they had to pass a star or two to get here...) And yup - they might be regular old humoniods once their invisi-cloak is gone.
  14. Most people I know get Calendars as Christmas gifts, so if they come out now it is fine. It is funny how in RT world they make a big stink out of something that would be a throw-away in any other franchise.
  15. We are the only game in town for deciding that, maybe Dolphins, but till we can talk to them... > It's almost as bad as the invading us for our water trope. Always a favorite, that one. But needing to feed on energy does have it beat.
  16. I don't remember hearing anything about this before. There is a little blurb on the website, and the trailer it links to is interesting. I like Yuki's new design, not so much so for Kodai and Shima though. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2011-11-11/yamato-2199-anime-remake-film-teaser-streamed
  17. A wargaming mailing list I am on surprised me with a link to paper Macross/Robotech models (most are valks and destroids). Looks like very good stuff. (just to make it clear, I am just passing this link along, I do not have the kind of talent required for these) http://www.momirfarooq.com/robotech/index.htm
  18. I'll take your word for it! I refuse to look up any info on that old stinker of a movie. I did watch the clip above, and yup - they stole the FX from the movie I remember. (at least "Space Mutiny" stole GOOD SFX shots...)
  19. The problem with an electricity alien is that electricity can't be alive, it is a form of energy and not matter. They choose it for the "it looks cool" factor more then any other reason. At least it looks like it will make a decent Netflix rental.
  20. If it did then it sounds like they stole the FX from an old Italian scifi movie, came out soon after Star Wars and it was very very bad - but no sex that I remember (and I was a teenager then, so I WOULD have remembered)
  21. That could easily put what they own in legal limbo, which might be a worse mess...
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