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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. I watched it last night, and I'll ditto your comments above. The ending concert/battle was not nearly as good as the final one from the series. I loved the Firebomber outfits (and who was wearing them!) at the Prison concert, even though I really disliked M7. Finally, I did like the change they made at the very end of the movie.
  2. The Vajra, being a single mind (more or less, instant communication and understanding at any rate) would all have forgiven humanity the instant they figured out that humans were not the same - the idea that some humans could be evil while others were not would be totally alien to them, but once one of them understood it then they would all understand it.
  3. The humans are a bit quick to forgive the Vajra, that is true. A follow up series could deal with humans who are not happy that all was forgiven. As for how things started, the Vajra are "bugs" to humans, humans most likely are thought of the same way by the Vajra. I don't remember - did the humans capture a Vajra first and then the attacks on Ranka's outpost? Or the other way around? If the experments were first then all the Vajra would have know about it - and not been happy. If that Vajra attack came first then the humans would not be happy. Either way it was obvious that it was a misunderstanding.
  4. Back in the eighties I picked one up at the rental store, and the cover looked great, too bad the people in the show were all fugly, at that is putting it mildly. When you can't even trust porn then what is the world coming to?
  5. That should cause the price of books to rise rather then drop in relation to other items (mass production in printing has a large effect on pricing, wargames, which are nearly dead, have had massive price increases due to the lower print runs)
  6. I'm probably not the best one to answer, since I consider most modern movies to be Drek(*) (even the latest Batman, people were heaping praise on it and I'm shaking my head). The amount of money, even accounting for inflation, goes up each year - so they did not spend as much per film then as they do now. On the other hand movie ticket prices have gone up at a higher rate then general inflation. I remember them being $3 when I was a kid and now (with the obligatory 3D charge) they are 12-15, that is 400% to 500% increase while prices of other things have gone up about 200 to 300%. (a book was generally 3-4 back then, today they are 6-8 for example) (*) - Then again, most movies I liked in my teens my parents would have said was Drek...
  7. Free means doodly to the law, charging for it would get you in more trouble (since you made money), but if whatever you are doing is infringement then doing it for free does not change the fact. (Note, I am only commenting on the free bit, not if the act in question was infringement or not)
  8. Finishing up Eureka Seven, episode 48 made it to my favorites list. I like how the opening credits from earlier episodes tied in with this one.
  9. Thinking Universe, typed out Atlantis... Evil Queen is hot too, just like Redsunn mentioned.
  10. Other then Adventure Time I agree with you, those other shows were all great, I especially loved Dexter's Lab, just for the DnD episode if nothing else.
  11. Having lived through the (early) seventies, and the dreadful run of movies from that time (fx wise), the eighties was an explosion of paper-thin movies with massive SFX. The idea of a summer blockbuster (and the attendent lack of plot combined with large FX budget) started in the eighties (late seventies technically, but really got cemented into the culture by the early eighties). Up till Star Wars and Close Encounters the major studios had shuttered nearly all the FX shops, by the early eighties they were opening more and more to compete with ILM.
  12. Nope, just clever and witty. SB - I agree that it went downhill after the first couple seasons. Nighmare mentioned FlapJack - there is another stinker, IMHO of course. Now, if you were to mention "Kids Next Door", that show was witty and clever.
  13. I suppose the answer "everything about it" would not quite be what you are looking for. To me it is just another run of the mill cartoon show, of which nick and CN are brimming these days. The writing is uninspired, to say the least. The plots likewise. So it's just another excuse to have a couple characters scream and yell and do stupid things - and unlike SpongeBob or Ren and Stimpy - it just isn't well done.
  14. My favorite flight sim ever as well. I did not like the later ones in the series - lost the charm for some reason (probably just too realistic for a 3d spatially challanged person like me). There is a more modern version (that I have not tried) available from www.totalsims.com, along with a couple other flight sims as well.
  15. It could be worse, by that I mean it could be one of Nick's live action shows. If it were not for my kids watching it I would not know it exists, and live a more blissful life...
  16. I have to love a show to start a thread on it? Where is that rule written?
  17. Not scifi, but the guy who played the scientist on Stargate Atlantis plays Rumplestiltskin in this show. The show itself, could have been worse I guess... It wasn't terrbile, but it didn't jump out and grab my attention either.
  18. I was being sarcastic, no need to answer my question... > Or, they could just license the franchise to another studio/production company that actually pumps out animation on a regular basis Nobody who pumps out animation on a regular basis is going to license the robotech rights - there is nothing in it for them unless HG signed over the merchandising rights, and we know the likelyhood of that happening.
  19. Rebooting would get them a larger budget?
  20. Deep Roy would be my choice. The guy who played willow needs a decent job too.
  21. Speaking of the "New Generation" of RT, why was Jim's name changed to Lunk? I realize that most of the names were changed to anglicize them, but Jim is about as western a name as you can get...
  22. from the RT thread > Meanwhile, Akira movie is greenlit with 90M++ Did they really mention a 90M number? Even with the ++ at the end that is a PALTRY budget (*) for an Akira movie, I smell a bomb. (*) If they wrote 300M++ I would think they are looking at the correct budget figures...
  23. Personally I think it's kind of ugly.
  24. Well, they didn't OK the writing of a script for a new TV show... As with all things - it's not done till it's done and even then it may still never get released.
  25. First they would have to know who it was in the first place.
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