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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. That plus there are at least two sets of "powers that be". The movie is coming from the second set. If we are lucky the new movie will be great, in which case there are 2 great BSG version running around, and a for the most part decent one from the seventies, and if the movie stinks then who cares!
  2. It could be great, it could be garbage, just have to wait and see. Personally, I don't see how they could pull off Tetsuo's hideos transformation at the end - even with modern computer graphics. The other thing I'm worried about is the soundtrack - the African percussion sound was unique and helped make the movie.
  3. Even if it did, the slowest part of internet connections by far is from your house to your internet provider. So it sounds like just dumb luck. (or bad luck depending on how you look at it)
  4. Bruce agrees with you. (Bruce the mechanical shark of course)
  5. It's actually less bother to watch a netflix disc or stream then a youtube one. That might change when we get the BD player with built in youtube watching.
  6. IS Michael Bradley doing the singing on this one? Is LLA mostly a music video compilation, like Flashback 2012? Or did it have more of a story. Anyway, this sounds like a netflix rental...
  7. No - last I heard (a couple years back) was that the the owner (Sandy Frank?) would not renew the contract for them. It's good that they are now available though. (Sandy Frank must have been getting old, did he die and the new rights holders released them? Or did he change his mind?)
  8. Title says it all, Netflix got the rights to stream the MST3K titles with Gamera. I thought I would never get a chance to see this episodes due to the licensing problems... I have only seen the first one so far, what a terrible movie, and a nice riff. It is also nice that they have all of Star Trek streaming now (except, possibly, the older movies), they even have that dreadful cartoon from the seventies.
  9. True - but the ST movie had NO CLUE what they were adapting. Or worse, purposely mis-represented it. The author took great pains to emphasize that the human government was not a nazi like state - but that is exactly how it was portrayed in the movie.
  10. I was watching the first season, I think I'll stop now since that sounds like absolute rubbish. I wasn't expecting much from this show to begin with...
  11. The last Die Hard was decent (I only saw the DVD version, no idea what the theatrical version was like). That said, unless this new movie gets stellar reviews I will not be going to see it in the theater - and since I'm probably a key demographic for that movie (what young kid wants to go see a Bruce Willis flick anymore?) that probably does not bode well for them. The last Rambo movie was actually decent, far better then the second or third movies were. The third movie I started laughing the instant the so called "Special Forces" guy goes driving around with his headlights on, and I didn't stop through the whole movie - which would not have been a bad thing if it was supposed to be a comedy.
  12. Regular link worked this time. I like the new look of the forums as well.
  13. I got to the forum by accident, clicking on the "MW Forums" image brings up the "we got work to do image". I clicked on the main menu image at the top of the screen and go here. Is that just me?
  14. Still watching Eureka. Found out the Gundam I,II, and III movies are legally up on Youtube so going to watch them next. Followed by Galaxy Express 999
  15. Bad luck for him that Lisa ended up with a "Male"(*) body instead, she still looks better then she did in The Sentinels though. (*) - Check out the prelude comics, she just had a female head stuck on one of the male bodies (as we all know, the new stuff only have buff male bodies and overly proportioned female ones)
  16. I can't speak for anyone else, but I hate it because I actually watched a whole episode once, and will never do so again.
  17. Now see, you write Borg 9 and I think you mean seven of nine from ST: Voyager. I also think she must have been all of 1 year old when the show came out, but since it is not worth the brain cells I think nothing else of it.
  18. It had Ernest Borgnine too, other then Airwolf the guy never got a decent show...
  19. Well, if you want to totally disregard the dialog then be my guest. Unlike the folks on the RT website I'm NOT going to argue this any further.
  20. I'm pretty certain I have not seen all of the Southern Cross episodes, do I really have to give up my badge?
  21. You are a sick, twisted, individual with no taste at all.
  22. Nah - there are plenty of deserving runner-ups still left to mention. Speaking of which...
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