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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Yes - the "full scale" model was undersize compared to the real aircraft it was parked next to, they should have tried some forced perspective on that (or if they did try, they failed)
  2. The last few episodes of the show were some of the best though, it appeared that the writers finally were getting a handle on things and then it got axed. The episode where the clone is alone on a planet and having flashbacks was really well done, for example. If the show had continued it probably would have realized the potential rather then getting worse.
  3. I hope they revive the combat flight simulator series along with it, probably a forelorn hope though.
  4. Even worse - the original plan (hehe) for that scene was to NOT show the destruction, just to focus on the lady/thingy babbling on and on and on...
  5. > omg, because no western show *ever* has two high school kids dating, or gasp... KISSING!!! I'll have to take your word for it, onlike Macross I would never watch those shows...
  6. > Not seeing Razor in the complete collection details. What is it? The story of the Pegasus and it's commander. It was one of the best things to come out of BSG.
  7. > Totally. I'm with ya there. It's the way they offed him that's just silly. I loved it. Personally I was far more surprised that they still included Bond's wife as part of the continuity...
  8. Too new for me, I'm turing into more a cranky old git by the minute.
  9. I've always wanted to drive that triple PPC tank in a game, my wanting it is probably the death knell for the idea though.
  10. "A view to a Kill", enough said... As much as I found CR a sleepy bore (or the opening sequence way too over the top, even for a Bond film) I'd with CR a million times before I'd watch View again.
  11. > She may be 15 or 16, but her concert looks something more fitting for a 12-yo Disney/Nickelodeon singer. That's it, that is what bugs me about her character - she reminds me of all those disney high school singing shows. Luckily I have boys so they turn those off, but my niece had to watch them when her family came out for a visit... So, to a certain extent, I have to give Ranka some slack - she isn't that bad compared to Disney HS stuff.
  12. There are a number of cases in real life where an ace pilot refused to upgrade planes - since he knew the capabilities of the plane he was flying, and how to push them to the limit. (plenty that did upgrade too). But if I had to choose, Regult hit the nail on the head.
  13. No - I jumped ship when the clan junk started showing up. It was an obvious attempt at a money grab - and I was not going to put up with it.
  14. You missed the two best ones, Mekton and Heavy Gear.
  15. Ranka's character just pushed it over the top for me. The "kiddy" aspect of anime is one thing I do not appreaciate - especially when the characters in question are wearing some pretty sleazy outfits - and are usually acting more like young adults then teenagers. Does that make me your non-typical anime watcher, perhaps.
  16. > So you're saying that I if I don't like it, then leave? I did not say that, I said you did not get the point of the game - and you don't, you spefically say so (in so many words) when you complain about uber designs - making uber designs is a large part of the game. You are saying it is a terrible game when in fact you simply don't like it. Big difference.
  17. Gotta take the stated ages in anime with a grain of salt, Alto and Sheryl acted much older then they were stated as being. Ranka on the other hand looked and acted like a young girl. I have not done so on this board, but my friends and I comment on that with just about every anime show... "in real life this would never happen, even in Japan..." (and for those who are REALLY anal-retentive, child soldiers would be used if the situation was desperate enough)
  18. I replaced D&D with GURPS... (see, I can refuse to accept the point too!)
  19. When Ranka is old enough for Alto not to get slapped with corrupting the morals of a minor (from the looks of things that would be in about ten years), THEN she can get the attention...
  20. The fact that BT had to stop using all the designs speaks volumes - if they were in the "right" then they would have continued using those designs. They were a small company and probably did not put due diligence into figuring out the situation with the rights, most likely out of ignorance then malice. Before BT they were doing Traveller adventures and probably thought they knew more about licensing then they really did.
  21. First - you have missed the whole point of the game, if you hate the fill in the dots armor then you should just move on with no more comments - this game would never be for you. (I jumped ship after the first rewrite, I was not going to buy the same game over again just for a couple minor rules revisions...) Is Dougram a game? I thought it was a mecha show. Now, if you want a good mecha game with nice designs then Heavy Gear is worth a look.
  22. Humans also have this amazing capacity for self deception - even when given proof that THEY caused the whole mess in the first place a great many would still seek revenge - or would flat out refuse to believe it. One of the nice things about Macross is that the series doesn't overlook this type of human behaviour (unlike say ST, where the claim humans are beyond this or that, but the series shows them doing those things over and over)
  23. I've got those rules, and have no intention of "upgrading" them...
  24. I like the new ones better, especially the Atlas. If it is F2P I will be giving it a try.
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