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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Movie - Yamato came out on DVD, so I count it as last year for me. TV - Boardwalk Empire. Have not seen GoT yet, might be better. Computer Game - I don't buy them till they are 2+ years old, Ghost Recon Advanced warfighter is my current game, been playing it for months so it wins. WOT is runner up. Boardgame/miniatures games - IABSM3, miniatures rules about WWII. Worst movie, so many contenders. But the winner is the Latest Pirates movie, it was dreadful. Thor - not quite as dreadful. Conan - Better then I expected, still not good. (I was not expecting much...) I still have yet to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie, last one was rubbish, this one might be better.
  2. They are going to do just what has been done before, tone it down with no explenation - and most people will never notice (or care) about the difference. Same trick is used constantly in the movies, check out any "battle" scene on a bridge - at first the alerts are sounding and lights flashing, but after a little bit they stop - even if in reality they would still be going.
  3. Really Really impressive stuff, a certain "animation" house could make use of this guy's work... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T0GI2GHgwBI#!
  4. A fellow I knew back in the late eighties (before RT2, not sure when though) told me that there was a good Animation show on TV. Now he liked Transformers so I was skeptical to say the least, but I gave RT a shot since he said it was just as good as Star Blazers was. First ep of RT I saw was Globals report (Lucky to hit that episode first - if one is going to start in the middle of a show that is the one to watch), after a couple more eps I decided that there WAS other decent animation out there (for adults that is). Later that summer (late eighties still) I went to an anime group and saw DYRL (bunch of other shows too) and was hooked. Dropped out after a bit (distribution to US had not really kicked in yet, too much trouble to go 6+ hours to the animation group, other interests...). Flash forward to a few years back when I decided to look up Macross again to see if anything new was out (last I heard the creator was happy leaving it and doing other projects). MF was just out in English (fansubs of course) and I was hooked once again.
  5. ANY restrictions HG tried to put on a real company would put the project on ice. No studio is going to take any direction from a company that has HG's track record...
  6. Watch through the credits. Nothing about Alto that I could remember even there though.
  7. Just shows that they have no taste. The costumes in SST were terrible, the military outfits were a joke - the Rifles even more so. The female school outfits I have no qualms with of course, and the special effects were very good though. If they do a "remake" that is more like the book then I count this as the best remake idea they ever had. Different note - anyone have recent info on the Black Hole remake?
  8. Less painful then watching Thor, or any transformers movie. Far better then the latest Pirates movie, Conaan was better (it had more people hitting each other, and a better sex scene) Seriously - it's a twilight movie, you know what your going to get before you walk in the door. At least the werewolf guy didn't look so dorky this time. (he worked out for the second film - how he ended up looking dorky and buff at the same time I don't know)
  9. When she is done fighting she can do some exercise... MY EYES! MY EYES!!!! It burns.... (a couple days later and I'm still having flashbacks, the pain, the pain). PS - everyone else gets a date with Rick, why not Dana too?
  10. I've managed to live for DECADES without knowing those commercias exist. You should be ashamed of yourself!
  11. I think Tochiro gets the prize for the longest/largest post I have ever seen. That it is all awesome is icing on the cake.
  12. Even the Monkeys would not stoop that low (including the poo flingers)
  13. That is a movie that really might work as a remake, the original was not all that good and the effects of the time were not quite up to par, but with todays technology it would at least look great...
  14. Allright guys, I can only take so much of this blatant hatred of a beloved show! Quit making fun of the Stooges!
  15. Hikaru, the lyrics, not the name... At one point in one of Minmay's songs(*) she says something that sounds just like "Hikaru". The lyrics shown on screen makes it clear she is not saying Hikaru's name - anyone know the translation of what she is saying at that point of the song? (*) forget which song, can't look it up at the moment, and if I don't post this now I'll forget to ask again - and I've been forgetting for years now... (**) - I'm pretty sure the song is "Angel Paints" (or something like that...) from FlashBack 2012
  16. But who will have the rights by then? Did HG sign a 10 year movie rights contract with WB? (was it WB, don't answer, I actually don't care)
  17. That's easy, Because original Klingon does not have the verb "to be"
  18. All except for the ending, I agree. The ending was bog standard aliens attack the world slop. (by ending, I mean the last 5 minutes - rest of it was fine other then the RPG mistake, and that was just a nit-picky technical detail)
  19. Supposed to be more to it then that, but they seemed to have dropped the plot line till next season. They didn't have a tank gun with a sabot round handy? Our writers messed up on the RPG two ways, first is that an RPG is not standard issue for the US army (russian army, yes...). Second is that an RPG is a heat weapon, putting a mech metal tip on it should not have done doodly... The ending was really lame, makes me wonder if I'm going to watch the series next year or not. At least Boardwalk Empire has not let me down.
  20. What is the guy thinking? Has he been in anything for the past 20 years? EDIT - PS, he has my favorite action movie line of all time though "He had a spare!"
  21. Starfleet is an equal opportunity organization... (I get a kick out of seeing the same lady on both the science vessel and the Excelsior though, transporter accident perhaps?) STIV has it's own problems, the "I've gotta help those whales!" line has GOT to go...
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