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  1. Past hour
  2. Hahaha! I know what you mean. That's why I haven't ordered Makina yet.
  3. i will pay 190 for DYRL with english subs and new dub. So this will have a new dub and old dub and jyp language with subtitles? I loved @Bryan Cranston doing Isamu's voice in the original dub. I just wished the dub tape for part 4, they didn't destroy the music like they did during the fight scene. I had to switch over to the subtitle to listen to the original musical score. Parts 1-3 though, i liked the dub. I hope this new dub fixes corrects the music for part 4.
  4. I see you skipped the Bandai 1:72 transforming VF-1. That was a good call, it’s awful.
  5. I told myself I would only get the Makina, Reina, and Kaname ones... but then I saw preview pics of the Freyja and ended up preordering one. And now I'm already committing to 4 of 5 members, I may as well finish the group, right? After all, it only makes sense. Aye yay yay...
  6. Today
  7. If I remember correctly from MP Lambor, Lamborghini was super particular about the red paint used and Takara had to create a new paint to match Lamborghini‘s license requirements (on the other hand the Technic Lamborghini Super Car looks nothing like the original). Also Jang mentioned in his video that red is already blocked for Ferrari models. Looking at official colors for the Countach yellow seems an option which would make it stand out on a shelf with other Icons cars (personally I‘m not a fan of yellow). So white might be the easier/saver choice. Shame that the Icons Porsche is also white.
  8. I think my one big gripe with the show - otherwise I feel for it about as much as I feel for anything Star Wars, which is to say, very little either way - is that they've decided to stick with the Prequels depiction of the Jedi as opposed to just, y'know, changing them to be more interesting. With this being Wuxia Star Wars and all, I'd have expected them to pattern the Jedi after the Shaolin monks of the big screen, from which they could have drawn all manner of varied tropes: the overly strict headmaster, the down-to-earth teacher who looks out for his students, the perpetually drunk one, the mischievous meat-eater, the entitled bully, etc. The Jedi of the Prequels was always a half-baked idea (much like a lot else of the Prequels), one that I'm disappointed to see persist. You can have a cast of pious monks who are still characters. This insistence on everyone being emotionless... it's such a detraction, I don't get why they don't just ignore it. Otherwise, I think it's alright. I think they could have undercranked the fights a bit to make them punchier, but they're alright. The edit on this three-second sequence (starting at 0:12 in case the timestamp doesn't stick) struck me as particularly bad - the first shot has her in the air, foot coming down from above, the second shot shows him defending a kick coming from below. I had a laugh at the whole edgelord Mae challenge thee to a duel pose. It was obviously meant to be a ridiculous display, which it was, and it illustrated an aspect of Mae's character, that being a bit of naivete and greenness. Yes, it's a bit stupid, the show as a whole is a bit stupid, but... how to put it? I sat through all four Ip Mans. I can sit through this.
  9. Ok, three seasons down, one to go, and it might be the best show I've seen since in years. Dang, I might actually want to check out Dune: Prophecy, but I already decided that I'm canceling Max. EDIT: I know it's said that the Butlerian Jihad is about 10,000 years before Dune, and they're advertising Prophecy as also about 10,000 years before Dune, but if Prophecy is about the founding of the Bene Geserit it should be roughly a decade after the end of the Butlerian Jihad.
  10. Meh. Street Fighter is fine, but Kunitsu-Gami, Power Rangers, and Civ VII are what caught my attention.
  11. I know this released a while back, but we just finished it tonight. Great little series, if there should be a season 2 then we're all on board.
  12. You're welcome. I'm actually contemplating. Because if I order Makina, it means I have to get the others as well.
  13. Jazz Inc 1/6 Batman Returns CATWOMAN 1992 Ultimate DX Figure
  14. It does look a bit large next to the YF-21. That's why i asked.
  15. Tks for the info shared. Will be picking up the VF-25F and VF-25S revival versions as a backup for my old renewal vers in case they discolored over time
  16. That's really unexpected. Would have thought that would be in a crossover title like previous' and not in a standalone SF one.
  17. Hi guys. May i check for the VF-25 and YF-29 revival versions, is the matt finish spray painted on or it was molded in matt plastic? Thanks
  18. It's a shame that four good-to-great figures is all we're likely to get out of Transformers: Reactivate. Word on the street is that it's been canceled. Honestly, I'm not surprised. I mentioned months ago that they said they were scrapping what they had and starting over with a new engine. From what I know of the game industry, "canceled" comes after "started over with a new engine" way more often than "released to universal acclaim."
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