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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I'd definitely go for 1/700 Daedalus and Prometheus.
  2. Some Macros ships, please! Battle 7/Frontier, the stealth cruisers, the carriers, some good Zentradi ships. Probably hoping for too much, but oh well!
  3. Nice looking guns, @pengbuzz. And that display stand looks great.
  4. Can't wait! I just love consuming new product! As for a new movie, surely the Mando Cannot Rest! Sure, there were some low points is S3, and I'm sure S2 and S1 as well, but that was mostly when they were wandering off plot. A movie should have a far tighter story line without so much time to fill. I'm hoping it'll shine with what made the Mandalorian so good.
  5. About three episodes in on Renegade Nell and I am really liking it. A bit of quirky fun, nice action and effects and some real good acting, IMO. I like the gimmick of her powers.
  6. I'm sure you will, Peng, you are a wiz at this!
  7. If you have some Tamiya Smoke, you could try using that to shade some selective panels. And mask and spray some other ones with the same silver from the wing flaps, or even mix the MC8 with MCSF2 for a third shade. Cool seeing the guns on her... except they look a little oversized IMO. Do you have any thin metal tubes? If not, most hardware stores carry some, like K&S brand, that are not that expensive. This is just an example. https://www.acehardware.com/departments/hardware/metal-sheets-and-rods/brass-rods/5172721?store=04731&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIw96Bzpm1hQMVEUVHAR34QQbCEAQYASABEgIFFfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Loving the progress on the Lady!
  8. That's means Caitlyn is flying! Weeee! I totally missed this post. Looks so cool with the rotor going,.
  9. Many newbies died that day...😢
  10. It looks like Jenny Wright has not acted since 1998, so probably not.
  11. Got that theme song reverberating in my brain, @pengbuzz!
  12. Love the additions to it! It looks great.
  13. That's crossing over into art right there!
  14. There is precedent for the character, and they did introduce Silver Surfer in FF2, now whether you liked it or not..? I'm interested to see if they are merely doing a gender flip (which really doesn't bother me in the least) or if they will take from the character's actual past and use that in the story. To tell the truth, my one draw back so far is Pedro Pascal. I like him enough as an actor, but I never pictured him as Reed. I'll have to see it in action.
  15. @Rock Wow, great lookingf -19! Love the colors on it. @pengbuzz Airwolf is looking great! Bring us moar! As for me, suffering from some paint scullduggery, but it's still moving along.
  16. She's playing Shalla Bal, Immortal Empress of Zenn-la and the lover to Norrin Rad (in the comics.) I wonder if they'll hold to the comics to explain her as being a Silver Surfer, seeing as at one time she also had the Power Cosmic?
  17. I'd be interested to see where they go with it. They did The One and revolutions, so I think it would need to be something different. Staying true to what made it a success is good, bu they could just end up retreading. I was fine with it ending with 4. Heck, I was fine with it ending with 1.
  18. @Rock Don't have that glue, but I'll look into getting some. I put some clear Gator glue into it, then followed that with some PPP. Hopefully that'll 'fix' it. And your light box looks very light!
  19. Will be well worth the effort @Urashiman. As for canopies, I'm finally getting mine in place. Not the most perfect fit, but it's what I got And since my kit is missing the PE fret it left the factory with, I had to make the DF loop and repurpose some unused inner framing as an antenna. I think I can get to masking and paint tomorrow! Happy times with plastic torture devices! Thom
  20. I liked it too. Could have used a bit more with the Big Bad, but I liked it overall, though I feel it does miss some of the 'quipyness' of Afterlife. And yes, less Kumall, or at least someone else playing the part.
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