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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith


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i am not likeing that name , it is going to take some time to get used to it. you know it is funny George is good at thinking up storys, other galaxies, spaceships and droids but he really is sucky with titles :p at least it is better than attack of the clones, that name always sounded like some low budget sci-fi film from the late 1950's

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Goes back to what Maul said in TPM. From being beaten in the past I guess their revenge doesn't really take form or shape until the events of Episode 3. With Anakin turning into Vader. Palp becomong Emporer, forming the Empire, killing the Jedi, etc.

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the revenge of the sith logo looks similar to the return of the jedi logo, i remember when it was called Revenge of the jedi durning the filming before he changed it. almost seems like this may have inspired george. do you think this one will end the same way? :p

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that name always sounded like some low budget sci-fi film from the late 1950's

Like "The Empire Strikes Back" is any different? Sheesh, people. GL has publicly stated on many, many, many occasions that the early serials on TV is what helped to inspire this whole franchise in the first place.

Heck, GL has even gone out on a limb when people reacted to Attack of the Clones, say he deliberatly picked that title over a more dramatic one because it was a caveat to the original B-grade sci-fi serials that inspired his work.

Revenge of the Sith is no different than any of the other titles, and it even dove-tails nicely with the Return of the Jedi.

While it's not the most dramatic title possible, I'll grant you, but NOTHING about Star Wars has ever been about "drama".

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NOTHING about Star Wars has ever been about "drama".

That = True.

They're soaps for nerds.

"Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your acting skills..."

"He told me enough, he told me you killed them!"


"That's not true... that's IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

"Search your feelings, you know it be true..."


"See? You're melodramatic too!"

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Jesus Christ, you people will never be happy.

I'm happy, look at me, la te da da dee, happy. Now go kill your family and i'll give you a beer. -- Mo

Seriously, Revenge of the Sith works for me, much better than Send in the Clowns, er.. i mean Attack of the Clones.

at this point though, nothing will make me happy.

Star Wars was complete,

the trillogy made it less pure but a decent serise.

these new movies have already ruined it for me, even if this last one kicks all possible ass, nothing will save them. Ep 1 and 2 just totally and completely spoiled Star Wars for me.

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Revenge for what, exactly? Are they upset that the Jedi were so easily played?

according to the star wars history from the books the sith and the jedi got in a large battle a thousand years prior to starwars episode 4. in vhich the jedi were victors and were thought to have wipe all sith out. ovbiuosly not. if i recall correctly the rogue squadron books cover this

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these new movies have already ruined it for me, even if this last one kicks all possible ass, nothing will save them. Ep 1 and 2 just totally and completely spoiled Star Wars for me.

I agree completely. It's amazing how angry and defensive others get over the opinion of several people that the prequels were downright terrible. I wish my standards were as low as theirs, but alas, they are not.

Star Wars was ruined for me as well. All of my former interest in collecting and following the series? 95% gone. Only slight vestiges of fandom remain for the original trilogy. I can't decide if the prequels taint them or actually make them look better. I am not excited at all for anything Star Wars, especially prequel-related anymore.

Of course I will see Episode III, but that doesn't somehow cancel my right to bitch about it. After the steaming %$*piles that were I and II, I'll go in prepared to be disappointed. I'm sure there will be at least 2 minutes of footage that might be mildly entertaining.

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these new movies have already ruined it for me, even if this last one kicks all possible ass, nothing will save them. Ep 1 and 2 just totally and completely spoiled Star Wars for me.

I agree completely. It's amazing how angry and defensive others get over the opinion of several people that the prequels were downright terrible. I wish my standards were as low as theirs, but alas, they are not.

True, It makes me really wonder, who the real "Angry Fanboy Geeks" are. :D

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here we go...for another 10 months too, no less. It's almost like people watch movies now based on the title. It's sad. Every movie preview has the same gothic operatic music, flash scenes of action(usually the only action scenes in the movie) then end with a somewhat quotable line(again, usually one of only a few in the movie). Most people say "cool" and cause it to make $50 million its opening week and thus make studios make more garbage...

SW 4-6 was a great trilogy and obviously unless EP 4 likens to Godlike proportions, EP 1-3 will not be as good, but that's life. All who talk about it are certainly those who will watch it. I for one, through all the stuff I've gone through in life, have kept going, somewhat in part to make sure I live to see all 6, and now it's "official" that it is almost here. It certainly would have been cool if EP 6 was called "Revenge" instead of "Return" but "Return" has multiple meanings in the 4-6 trilogy so I like it(ie, the Return meaning the return of Luke, Anakin, and since Leia could be a Jedi, "Jedi" as a plural).

As far as comparing the 2 trilogies remember

"It's never...as good as the first time(never as good)"

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Meh, the Star Wars movies are all cheesy. Its not a matter of low standards, its a matter of seeing them for what they are, w/o nostalgic bias in the way. If the OT came out today, they would probably get slammed harder(with the exception of ESP... to date regarded almost universally as the best). I know they're all cheesy, I know they're all bad, but that's what makes them attractive. Sure, some could say its defensive... but the only thing I'm defending is the fact that all the movies are pretty much the same level of cheesiness one way or another. "Awww... but I was gonna go to Tashi Station to pick up some power converters...." oh yeah... gold.. :rolleyes:

ANH - Boring til 20 minutes before the end.

ESB - Awesome.

ROTJ - Started out cool, but the ball was dropped. Space battle makes up for it somewhat but Ewoks are like an army of proverbial Jar-Jar's to me.

TPM - JarJar was probably the worst aspect of the movie... but hey... kids love him. Most exciting lightsabre fight yet... with perhaps less emotional impact.

AOTC - Less annoying characters... the ball was already rolling... the pre-history was done so now things start to go downhill. Lucas sucks at writing romantic dialogue... less would be more here... here's a helpful hint for George; Make a Special Edition that digitally removes these scenes and instead have a Padme vs Anakin volleyball game. Anakin uses the force to take off her top and shows her "the power of the dark side." Anakin was a whiner... but hell... look who his son is.

ROTS - Who knows... I'm sure there will be annoying aspects... but I'd expect that from a kid's movie.

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Meh, the Star Wars movies are all cheesy. Its not a matter of low standards, its a matter of seeing them for what they are, w/o nostalgic bias in the way.

Amen. Hell, half of what we discuss on this site's campy kid's stuff. I mean, music stopping an alien invasion?

But, that's the thing. It's FUN. I mean, I guess you could find some intelligence in the OT, but wasn't it intended to be a campy, cheesy take on older swashbuckling movies and whatnot?

Still, I didn't much like TPM, but I enjoyed AOTC.

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The title is good, very Star Wars-ish. It also keeps in line with the titles George created for the other films.

As for the rest, well most titles of the Star Wars films have been melodramatic. The only Star Wars film title that wasn't corny was A New Hope.

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I don't expect much from Star Wars...the names were always B sounding. It's just that today, people are more inclined to gripe about it.

SW fans, give it up...he could have named it "Episode III: Anakin's ExcellenT Adventure and Bogus Journey in One" and you'd all still go see it. :p

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Heh. Funny how one poster with lukewarm reception to the released name brings the "You people will never be happy response," like a good and practiced reflex. :rolleyes:

I'm actually not a big fan of the PT... and I think Lucas dropped the ball on both Ep. I and II (being one of the few people who liked AOTC even less than Phantom Menace)... but I love the title. It actually gives tribute to the Original Trilogy by being a twist on Ep. VI's title. Star Warsy in the old fashioned way. This is a good thing. Just hope the movie executes.


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Heh. Funny how one poster with lukewarm reception to the released name brings the "You people will never be happy response," like a good and practiced reflex. :rolleyes:

Yeah... because its my observation... not just with SW too.

I like that... lukewarm...

I think I like the ideas in SW more than anything else. Lightsabers, Jedi, space ships ...

But you are right... that is funny... this is after reading pages and pages of SW hate man I suppose its like "Damn give it a rest..." Its like when someone posts a question about EVA... people that don't like EVA immediately enter the thread and start crapping on it. "To answer your question about the ramifications of Shinji's killing of Kaworu, I'd like to start with my top 100 list of reasons I hate EVA." Same with SW... some new SW news gets posted... people immediately are like "well the new trilogy sucks balls... so I don't even know why I'm wasting my time posting in this thread about a movie that I know I'll hate."

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Jesus Christ, you people will never be happy.

Jesus Christ, Max will never be happy with SW fans. :p

"Fans" that bash everything down the pipe? You must be using that term loosely eh?

It gets old. Hell, I am lukewarm towards them(I like that term. :) ) and I feel like I need to nudge you guys and be like "Yo... you're supposed to be a fan..."

Its all no sweat off my back... but I suppose many of you don't read as much of the board as I do. :)

Damn moderating!!! CURSE YOU!!!!

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Its all no sweat off my back... but I suppose many of you don't read as much of the board as I do. :)

Damn moderating!!! CURSE YOU!!!!

True dat, just messing with you Max, that's all. ;)

I used to post on MW daily, till I got a job where they blocked the WWW. Now, the overzealous fanboys don't seem so bad anymore.

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Its all no sweat off my back... but I suppose many of you don't read as much of the board as I do. :)

Damn moderating!!! CURSE YOU!!!!

True dat, just messing with you Max, that's all. ;)

I used to post on MW daily, till I got a job where they blocked the WWW. Now, the overzealous fanboys don't seem so bad anymore.

No worries. I'm used to making guest appearances on members' enemies lists.

So its never an issue, people get over it. Look at Jemstone... we had a massive battle back in the day, but now we totally cool.

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I think the title is bad ass. I tracked down a bootleg "Revenge of the Jedi" poster (back when that was the working title of RotJ) and now I can get a new Revenge of the Sith poster when it comes out and have bookends! :lol:

Of course for some reason I am getting my hopes up that this new and final SW movie will not blow... I could be pleasantly suprised or horribly let down again.

Dammit, George! Make the new movie good! LET SOMEONE WITH TALENT DIRECT! :p

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