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NEW(ER) AVP (Aliens versus Predator) Trailer.

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meh, everyone seems to love to dump on stuff before it comes out so they can be the first to say it sucked or something...

I'll wait to see the movie, maybe it will be interesting. You guys are acting like this is a sequel to Citizen Kane or something... really... they're action/horror movies and I think we should give the new director a chance. I mean, what did I tell you guys about T3? :)

Oh, and anyone can tell you that the music in a trailer doesn't necessarily reflect the music that's in a movie.

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Actually, I rather enjoyed that trailer. Not a big fan of the huge long claws, but the rest of the Predator's gear doesn't bother me.

Each of the Preditors in #2 had an individual mask and specialized gear. That movie also proved that each of the hunters had their own style of gear, as proved by the different style of shoulder cannon and the fact that Pred. #2 had that disc and speargun weapons, while #1 didn't.

And as for the director, I actually enjoyed Resident Evil. Given that I've never played the game, the movie was a nice way to get intorduced to a slightly warped version of the storyline. The action in RE was pretty enjoyable, and the only reason to go to an Alien or Predator movie is the action.

So overall, I'm looking forward to this movie.

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I'm looking forward to seeing more predator weaponry. They've always given the different predators different weapons.

The only things that the preds from the first two movies shared were the wrist blades, and wrist computers. The first one had an energy cannon, with the targeting lasers on it's helmet, and the second one's shoulder cannon fired those little blade things, and had the laser right on the gun. The first one didn't have the disk, or the spear.

The Alien franchise has been screwed up since Cameron turned them into glorified ants, and called in the space marines. I don't see how that part of it can get any worse.

I can't wait for this movie to hit cable.

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Come one the Trailer wasnt that BAd


They picked a heavy metal soundtrack! Thats for skateboard movies. This thing will suck the cum out of a dead hooker's ass.

I'd actually pay $7.50 to see that, then for this craptastic movie.

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meh, everyone seems to love to dump on stuff before it comes out so they can be the first to say it sucked or something...

I'll wait to see the movie, maybe it will be interesting. You guys are acting like this is a sequel to Citizen Kane or something... really... they're action/horror movies and I think we should give the new director a chance. I mean, what did I tell you guys about T3? :)

Oh, and anyone can tell you that the music in a trailer doesn't necessarily reflect the music that's in a movie.

I don't think it's that, not entirely. My own opinion so far is based off what I've already stated above. The fact that I've seen nothing that appeals to me, and on top of it the only other film this director has done that I'm familier with I did not like at all (mind you, when I saw it with some friends it was on my suggestion, luckily most of them accepted my apology afterwards) I do not have high hopes.

I predict this movie will suck based on what I've seen so far, but it has also been pointed out that trailers can be misleading to a point. I will probably go see this movie, though from what I've seen I will either wait until I hear positive comments about it from people I whom I know I share similar tastes with, or until it reaches the cheap theatres.

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...Am I the only one who liked Resident Evil? Soldier was fun, too.

The preview looks just fine to me, and given the clips they showed the heavymetal soundtrack made sense. There's not any better genre of music for screaming "LOOK AT ALL THIS ACTION!" then heavymetal, so they used it for the clips they had.

Really, guys, atleast wait until the movie is out and you've seen it, either in the theater or via bootleg/download, to say it sucks. The original trailer for Aliens looked like ass, the trailer for Robocop looked like ass, the trailer for Independance Day actually looked good... The trailer is not a good judge of the movie. It's, tops, 2 minutes, maybe 3, of footage slapped together by marketing to advertise a movie.

I think the movie will be just fine, you know why? It's a SUMMER ACTION MOVIE. It's not supposed to be overly complex in plot, or based heavily in intelligence. The first among you who says Predator was anything more then the same deserves a slapping. Alien was a different genre(thriller/horror), Aliens was a good summer action movie, Alien3 went back to the thriller/horror genre, and Alien: Ressurection was... acceptable action. Neither of these franchises is the pinacle of intelligent cinema that several of you seem to hold them up to.

The wrist blades might be a bit silly, yes, but they do look pretty damn cool.. The idea of discreding the Predators of the two movies is rude, but who has to pay attention to what he spouts that is not in the script and movie? He was hyping the movie. Until someone goes 'Wow, those other two creatures that only two people saw and undoubtedly never told us about are definitely pussies compared to these new creatures that are definitely like them!' IN THE MOVIE ITSELF, where would that little bit of hype from the director come into play?

..and I'm not sure where to go from here, so I think I'll just shut up now. :unsure:

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Man....the optimism of youth. I never understood the argument that we should somehow lower our expectations for a movie because it's the summer, or to be more forgiving of a movie just because it's sci fi. Nobody has yet been able to articulate why the think these trailers look "cool," other than saying something "I like the Predators." If a 30 second trailer, featuring nothing but quick cuts of the titular creatures, looks cool it's because the Aliens and Predators themselves look cool. Gieger and Winston both did an outstanding job designing their respective creatures, and it shows. But some people choose to belive that this movie will be good. What can you do?

I predict that this movie will be like Van Helsing: Big, loud, and dumber than a sack of hammers.

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How can you have poor expectations for something you've barely seen?

Not every movie is a cinematic masterpiece. Some are simply FUN. While this may not be a cinematic masterpiece and win Oscars left and right, but by the looks of it it will be fun.

What's so WRONG about the trailer to make you think its utter trash? And no, the heavy metal doesn't count. Robocop had the freakin' Terminator theme for its trailer, and I, Robot is using the Smith/Neo fight music from Revolution. Music in a trailer is not always the music in the movie.

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How can you have poor expectations for something you've barely seen?

I'm basing my opinion on more than just the trailer. I'm basing it on the fact that Paul Anderson is, at best, a C-grade writer/director. I'm basing it on the fact that nothing I've seen so far has impressed me. For the record, I thought the trailer was pretty average, but that's probably because I watched it without sound at work. It's easy to cut together a short trailer with quick shots of an already cool looking creature, but that has nothing to do with how good the movie will be. It takes more than the image of an Alien drooling, or a Predator shaking its spear at something to get the fanboy in me excited.

Not every movie is a cinematic masterpiece. Some are simply FUN. While this may not be a cinematic masterpiece and win Oscars left and right, but by the looks of it it will be fun.

Hey, I love fun movies too. But I also remember people thinking that Van Helsing would be "fun."

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Just to see what all the habub was all about, I went and rented Resident Evil. I found it surprisingly entertaining, albeit a tad bit thin on plot.

But we gotta be serious here, Predator hasn't been about plot ever since that first shot of Ventura's minigun. A lot of it was just pure eye candy. While I do think the mile-long wristblades look a tad overdone, I'll still wait and see if anything can wow me like the meat-cutting disc in the second Predator. After watching the specials and hearing the words "shoulder cannon" and "very large", I'm prepping myself just in case one of the Predators reaches up and materializes a photon cannon out of thin air <_<

Anybody notice... one of the Predators is literally towering over a human, while at the beginning of the trailer, a Predator is looking UP at the Alien. So unless there are differences in elevation... we're looking a VERY BIG aliens, warriors the size of the original queen.

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I've never seen anything by this director - and I don't see any reason to start now.

The music in a trailer is often not the same music that is in the movie. Often the music score is not ready by the time the trailer is released. I have read numerous cases of music from other (older) movies being used in a trailer. Also, there's a heavy operatic theme (sorry, I'm bad with classical and don't know the name) that is often used in trailers for dark or imposing movies. You know - it's that one that does da da da da duh da da da da duh :D

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Plus, there's going to be a huge hunting party of pred... so there will be different classes sorta like the game. :) If they have big aliens that would be kinda cool, but I'm thinking that the alien was on the wall or something...

I also haven't see RE because I'm not a fan of the games, besides... its a video game movie which has been a notoriously bed genre(mostly because of a bad script to begin with)...

who knows, this will probably be my first movie that I have seen by this dire. I liked Soldier and Mortal Kombat is probably the best video game movie out there atm... well... maybe not anymore, but it's up there.

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Oddly, I didn't find RE the movie that bad...it worked as a side story to the games. Not anything to write home about but entertaining.

So many AVP games...I enjoyed the Jaguar FPS and Capcom arcade ones. Anyone ever try the PS2/XBox RTS one?

AVP the books were very good, so it's hard for me to get excited about the movie. But, I will of course hold off judging until I actually see it.

Edited by Gaijin
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I've played the RTS game.

Alien vs Predator: Extinction quite fun, but limited. The built-in cheat menu makes things fun, but the lack of a skirmish mode means you'll grow bored once you beat the 3 7-level campaigns(Predator, Marine, and Alien).

Play mechanics are simple, with resource managment limited to collecting points by killing things. You then spend those points to purchase units(or evolve units/eggs with the Aliens) and purchase upgrades for your units.

There's a decent enough balance of units, although by the end of the game you'll find yourself not using the basic ones much.

If you can find it for $20-$25, go for it.. but don't pay full price for it if you can avoid it.

I will say one thing: They needed to make this for the PC. That would have infinitely improved the replayability due to the addition of multiplayer and skirmish modes. It's fine as is, but could've been MUCH greater.

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ti saw a clip of something that was obviously supposed to be a throwing weapon it looks liked a giant dead spider,

When I saw that throwing weapon, it reminded me of the weapon from the 80's sci-fi movie "Krull", if anyone remembers that movie.

Did anyone catch that quick appearance of Bill Paxton as "Hudson" in the trailor???

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Well, I know I'm in the minority here, but I really liked the trailer. I want to see the Predators be REALLY badassed in this movie, and so far I'm getting what I wanted. The metal music didn't faze me.

Oh, and I also loved Resident Evil and have played every one of the games. :D

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Yet another trailer has shown up, this time with %50 less nu metal.

Check out the fanboy wet dream Here.

This last trailer made the thing seem kinda interesting.

It also made the Predators seem virtually indestructible taking on thousands of aliens... Which would make sense I mean here is the math behind this movie:

1000 Aliens = 1 Predator = NO MATCH FOR SCHWARZENEGGER

I think I will see it. Just as long as there is no heavy metal sound track. Maybe I will read a review before going.

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According to the books, the preds hunt aliens for a rite of passage or something...

As part of the ascension to adulthood, they send groups out on Alien hunting trips. Others do Alien hunts for the heck of it I'm sure.

That was part of the problem in the original AvP story. The ship crashed (I think after we shot at it) and the leader was wounded. The young preds got super pissed and went around recklessly killing everyone. Never mind that the Aliens were about to stampede.

Experienced predators like to go on hunting trips to hunt us because we're more resourceful than we look and provide an interesting hunt.

On to weapons:

The souped up predator weapons seem interesting. Who's to say they can't have different sets of equipment?

Real-life hunters use certain weapons for certain prey, and some weapons mainly because they simply like it. Some people like crossbows, others rifles, others a really big knife. Personal preference. The one in Predator 2 had stuff the first one didn't right? Same principal applies here. One predator coming here to hunt us for a few weeks on vacation is one thing, but an organized party doing it's job is a whole other ballgame.

There could easily have different type of claws and weapons they can use. This batch of preds has more advanced gear is all, so seeing a wrist blade that can extend like that is no real shocker to me. That's just the equipment he happens to have. Expecting to engage a room full of drones a pred might want something different. Consider this a universe expansion.

I look forward to this movie as a good action flick. And yes, I also found RE an amusing diversion. Not something I want to ensrine on my shelf, but an interesting catch on HBO.

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I still think they should have tried converting the second game to a movie. =p Awesome game.

But anyway, I'm pretty sure it'll have some good action in it. But I'm totally SICK of slow motion action scenes.

And what's the point of bringing guns on an archeological mission?

I'm hoping that it'll suprise us, but I'm not too optomistic.

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I've been looking forward to them making this movie for years, so I just hope that it has

a) Predators

b) Aliens

c) People that die

d) Predators killing mass aliens

e) Cool predator equipment

f) people that die

g) Aliens bum rushing a wounded Predator as it bravely fights on (They call that one Huud'son...)

Besides that, I don't expect much more from an Action/SciFi flick...

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Just random thoughts.

Gatling gun : Makes Predator (first one) a cool movie.

Marines with Pulse cannons/Grenade Launchers/Gyro Stabilised MG-42 clones : Made Aliens great.

Wonder what firepower we will see in AvP.

Or screw all that. If we want aliens and guns and marines and general all round ass kicking, just make a dang Starcraft movie already. Get the WWE guys in as the Terran Marines.

Edited by Retracting Head Ter Ter
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We've seen the original predator in 2 movies, don't you think its time something was added to the franchise, rather than regurgitating the same weapons/costumes?

Well, we havn't seen an Alien who used a Predator as a host, so that could make for a interesting combo.

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We've seen the original predator in 2 movies, don't you think its time something was added to the franchise, rather than regurgitating the same weapons/costumes?

Well, we havn't seen an Alien who used a Predator as a host, so that could make for a interesting combo.

Well, unless you count AvP2 for PC, which had Pred-Aliens... it's a great game, BTW.

I was hoping that the movie would follow along the lines of that kinda stuff (the games, books, etc) instead of turning into this "xtreme" craptacular production. It seems like they tried too hard... and pulled something doing it.

Highly doubt it will be much good, mainly due to the changes in designs and, as I said, the apperence that they tried way too hard to "look good" and so will end up looking very, very bad.

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We've seen the original predator in 2 movies, don't you think its time something was added to the franchise, rather than regurgitating the same weapons/costumes?

Well, we havn't seen an Alien who used a Predator as a host, so that could make for a interesting combo.

Well, unless you count AvP2 for PC, which had Pred-Aliens... it's a great game, BTW.

I was hoping that the movie would follow along the lines of that kinda stuff (the games, books, etc) instead of turning into this "xtreme" craptacular production. It seems like they tried too hard... and pulled something doing it.

Highly doubt it will be much good, mainly due to the changes in designs and, as I said, the apperence that they tried way too hard to "look good" and so will end up looking very, very bad.

AVP1 for PC had those too...

Pff... I read the Aliens and Predator books... F that... I don't want any to be made into movies. Except MAYBE Earth Hive. The AVP2 plot wasn't good enough for even a movie... Hell, if you liked that game's story then it suprises me that you're already talkin about how this movie is gonna be "xtreme." Come on people. Its a damn trailer and ya know what? Besides..the predators are pretty rockin anyway... I heard that they're the first pred costumes that have actual armor over a skin layer(man... talk about hot costumes) rather than having it molded on.. even if they aren't I think that they look cool.

I mean... what I'm seeing it seems like everyone just wants a rehash... then when the rehash comes they rip into it. I mean... look at Robocop... its not like 3 ruined the franchise, it just let people know that it was over. What I'm seeing in the trailer is a possible bridge into MORE AVP movies or better yet, more predator movies.

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I do not mind this being a big summer movie with alot of overhyped effects, i am not expecting very much of a plotline, but I am hoping they can pull this off. i am alittle worried, if this turns out to be a goofy Jason VS Freddy flick i will F'ing kill someone, i also hope they are not going to pull a bunch of Charlies Angels and Matrix rehash slow motion fight scenes. that effect is getting way over used.


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Just Like Freddy vs Jason, this movie should of being made 10 years ago, not when almost noone cares about the franchise.

This Trailer was really unimpressive, but lets hope that the movie turns out good.

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