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Animeigo Macross Bootlegs?


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I don't know if this has been posted already. If it has, then mods please delete/lock.

I was looking for some Macross DYRL dvds for a friend, and I stumbled upone this:

Animeigo Macross Bootleg

So now there bootleging Animeigo??

Pretty bold if you ask me seeing how HG is so protective of there macross SDF license... :ph34r:


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Is there any information that says this really is a bootleg of the AnimEigo DVDs? They might have just ripped off the look. It's not difficult to do. Not that I'd be suprised that a bootlegger would do so.

Whether or not it is a rip off of the AnimEigo set, I don't see how it's being at all bold. I mean, at least no bolder than any bootleg. It's not like HG is going to send a crack military force into China to take out the bootleggers.

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They would if they could!

English audio, interesting


Yeah, I noticed that too. Made me wonder if it was either that Phillipines version I'd heard about...or if it is an AnimEigo bootleg, and since it's a bootleg of an American DVD set the people designing the package just assumed it would have an english audio track, and the people working at that website just glanced at the packaging and jotted that down in the site description.

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The box is indeed a rip of the animeigo release (only episodes 1-24, i.e. animeigo box's 1 & 2), there is no dub. You may recall the same company claiming japanese audio & subtitles on their HK robotech release. It's just paper cut-out info.

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So now there bootleging Animeigo??

Pretty bold if you ask me seeing how HG is so protective of there macross SDF license... :ph34r:

Actually, they've bootlegged Robotech itself, you can find the info an old thread in Other Anime. Which is kinda funny, considering what that Robotech is often considered to be less than "pure" itself.

Either way, I've always understood that the reason the Animeigo Macross hasn't been ripped already was from the bootleggers fear of Animeigo, not HG. Apparently Animeigo takes their hard work very seriously and has threatened severe legal action more than a few times to HK DVD makers who were producing rips of their other work.

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yes they are boots of animeego. I had linsk up last tiem I rpleid(to proove it) it seems soemoen deleted my posts. gee thanks.

It was probably a mistake. Post it again.

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yes they are boots of animeego. I had linsk up last tiem I rpleid(to proove it) it seems soemoen deleted my posts.  gee thanks.

It was probably a mistake. Post it again.

I hope so. considering only my posts where taken off. And I did not psot to a site that sells them like the inital poster did. I just answered his question.

note you need to be a memeber to see it

I am posting highlights which proove the boots are animego and no self respoecting macross fan should buy them.

This might have been obvious to some but i just checked the Mac Macross Perfect Set 1 and there is no english audio. In the settings menu there is only the option for Japanese Audio or music & sounds effects. I then went to check the R1 set and it has no english audio option either. Just wanted to let everyone know.

Anyway know why there is an option of just music and sound effects but no speech? I've seen this in some dvds before and thought it rather strange.

have it...although i haven't seen it yet (still waiting for the remaining 12 episodes  )

Video is pretty wonderful for such an old show, and the subs seem to be there

each DVD has 8 episodes

the only slight problem with it is that although all episodes have closing credits , only the 1st one has the Opening...that is because i think that Ani***go didn't included the opening in the other episodes .... but there was 1 Opening in each r1 DVD , and somehow the r1s when they begin to play each episode , first play that opening and then play the episode giving the impression that all episodes have really a opening.

MAC weren't able to duplicate this ...otherwise it seems a great set.

Now they should just release the other 12 episodes ...

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Either way, I've always understood that the reason the Animeigo Macross hasn't been ripped already was from the bootleggers fear of Animeigo, not HG. Apparently Animeigo takes their hard work very seriously and has threatened severe legal action more than a few times to HK DVD makers who were producing rips of their other work.

Hopefully someone has dropped Animeigo a helpful email regarding this then.

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Either way, I've always understood that the reason the Animeigo Macross hasn't been ripped already was from the bootleggers fear of Animeigo, not HG.  Apparently Animeigo takes their hard work very seriously and has threatened severe legal action more than a few times to HK DVD makers who were producing rips of their other work.

Hopefully someone has dropped Animeigo a helpful email regarding this then.

they can stop the stores in the usa/canda form selling them. but it will be hard to stop their imports trough other means.

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It's not hard to bootleg dvd5's, I have the whole macross set that was selling for an ungodly amount (what was it $500+? wtf) on pioneer dvd-r media. Yeah I know that's just burns but think about it, there's a ton of silver pressed stuff in asia that's real easy to get.

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Either way, I've always understood that the reason the Animeigo Macross hasn't been ripped already was from the bootleggers fear of Animeigo, not HG.  Apparently Animeigo takes their hard work very seriously and has threatened severe legal action more than a few times to HK DVD makers who were producing rips of their other work.

Hopefully someone has dropped Animeigo a helpful email regarding this then.

they can stop the stores in the usa/canda form selling them. but it will be hard to stop their imports trough other means.

They can, and HG might, but Animeigo? Probably not. Just like Bandai hasn't really done anything about the HK boots of R1 Gundam W, G Gundam, or Stardust Memory.

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Either way, I've always understood that the reason the Animeigo Macross hasn't been ripped already was from the bootleggers fear of Animeigo, not HG.  Apparently Animeigo takes their hard work very seriously and has threatened severe legal action more than a few times to HK DVD makers who were producing rips of their other work.

Hopefully someone has dropped Animeigo a helpful email regarding this then.

they can stop the stores in the usa/canda form selling them. but it will be hard to stop their imports trough other means.

They can, and HG might, but Animeigo? Probably not. Just like Bandai hasn't really done anything about the HK boots of R1 Gundam W, G Gundam, or Stardust Memory.

Nope... but Animeigo has threatened legal action in the past, which was enough to keep most bootleggers at bay. Apparently that is no longer the case.

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I would probly buy them too, Just to use as a set for travling, or lending to friend who's not in to macross,But trying to get in. I know I sure as hell wouldn't be lending out my official dvd set...especially to my friends....But for some weird reason...Evenn thought i own the 9 dvd set......I still want these too......Why I don't know.....At lest the box wouldn't have any HG logo's...But still, I would feel bad since it's a boot of the official R1 release.

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I don't live in Japan. Have the remastered versions been released there? If not, how else could someone get hold of them and play them on there Region 2 DVD player...............

Since no one can answer my question I am going to assume that the remastered versions are not available in Japan. Animiego's high price and lack of releasing outside the US created this bootleg. It is there own damn fault.

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I don't live in Japan. Have the remastered versions been released there? If not, how else could someone get hold of them and play them on there Region 2 DVD player...............

Since no one can answer my question I am going to assume that the remastered versions are not available in Japan. Animiego's high price and lack of releasing outside the US created this bootleg. It is there own damn fault.

I thought HG wouldn't let Animeigo distribute out of the US. Animeigos distribution in the US is terrible enough. I couldn't imagine how bad it would be on an international scale lol

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I don't live in Japan. Have the remastered versions been released there? If not, how else could someone get hold of them and play them on there Region 2 DVD player...............

Since no one can answer my question I am going to assume that the remastered versions are not available in Japan. Animiego's high price and lack of releasing outside the US created this bootleg. It is there own damn fault.

The remasters have not been released in Japan, and they probably won't, since that's unmistakeably BW territory. The remasterd footage is owned by HG, who as far as we know would probably not let BW have them.

As for blaming Animeigo for "creating the bootleg" as you accuse them of doing, that sounds like a bit of whining from someone who doesn't realize how the business works. Animeigo is FORBIDDEN to release outside of the US. If they did, HG would have sued them for breach of license. Most companies are only allowed to sell within a limited territory (this is so that the licensing comapny can sub-license to different distributors around the world, thereby making more money, as well as insulating themselves from some countries/regions whose laws may be restrictive on content.)

As for the high price: Animeigo (a very small company) spent millions (that they had every right to refuse to do) on restoring the footage, and had to recoup the money somehow. They are not Bandai, who can spend like a drunken sailor on payday. Economies of scale, my friend.

So lay off the talk about how you're so inconvinenced by Animeigo's involuntary business decisions and how that makes it suddenly all right to buy a bootleg of their work. ANIME IS A PRIVILIGE. NOT A RIGHT. NOT A NECESSITY OF LIFE. IT IS NOT OWED TO YOU, OR ME, OR ANYONE ELSE.

Edited by Pat Payne
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The remasters have not been released in Japan, and they probably won't, since that's unmistakeably BW territory. The remasterd footage is owned by HG, who as far as we know would probably not let BW have them.

As for blaming Animeigo for "creating the bootleg" as you accuse them of doing, that sounds like a bit of whining from someone who doesn't realize how the business works. Animeigo is FORBIDDEN to release outside of the US. If they did, HG would have sued them for breach of license. Most companies are only allowed to sell within a limited territory (this is so that the licensing comapny can sub-license to different distributors around the world, thereby making more money, as well as insulating themselves from some countries/regions whose laws may be restrictive on content.)

As for the high price: Animeigo (a very small company) spent millions (that they had every right to refuse to do) on restoring the footage, and had to recoup the money somehow. They are not Bandai, who can spend like a drunken sailor on payday.  Economies of scale, my friend.

So lay off the talk about how you're so inconvinenced by Animeigo's involuntary business decisions and how that makes it suddenly all right to buy a bootleg of their work. ANIME IS A PRIVILIGE. NOT A RIGHT. NOT A NECESSITY OF LIFE. IT IS NOT OWED TO YOU, OR ME, OR ANYONE ELSE.

I am sure glad I have waited for the price to go down. Unless you think the set was worth the $$. I never did. Price was way too high. I have bought a few of the singles. Looks nice but so does the remastered Mospeada set that I bought that was a fraction of the price ......... Original release price was never okay with me. Had there been a lack of preorders would the price have gone down? We will never know because everyone jumped the gun.

Australian release of SD Macross $150Aus................. That ain't bad for 36 episodes.

So then the lack of supply in Japan and in the rest of the English speaking world created this demand. Too bad.....

Sounds like what happened in the Macross 7 situation for the people in the English speaking world........ No release by a legit source. Here come the bootleggers..... Why does no one care about this bootleg. Maybe we should wear the shoes of someone in Europe or Asia who wants the remastered set but can't get it. HK set is Region 0.

To be honest, we should have seen this coming. The remastered episodes were put on the net by a "fan" a long time ago. Folks in HK didn't even have to buy the set. They could have grabbed it off the net for free and used them to make there DVD's.

I firmly believe that you should alway buy the legit thing when possible. If it is not available then what are you suppose to do......

Edited by Myriad
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Maybe we should wear the shoes of someone in Europe or Asia who wants the remastered set but can't get it. HK set is Region 0.

Well speeking as someone in europe who tried to get Animego set and was told by a couple of sites that they couldnt sell me it and who didnt want to waste his money on the POS anime cartoon version i must admit i was really hoping someone would do this and im surprised it didnt happen sooner. However as it urns out ill be able to get my hands on the Australian version easy enough so i wont be getting it but i cant blame people for getting it when they have no choice in the matter


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Bottom line, those who paid for the pre-sale were "rewarded" by getting the series released. If no one had signed up, there'd be no Macross DVD's period (well, bootlegs, but you know what I mean). The more people signed up, the more they plunked into the remaster. Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture. When it comes right down to it, for $250 (plus $10 shipping) we paid $28 per disc. About average for MSRP of the time. Plus, we got to see it a year before everyone else.

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I'll agree with the fact that had there been no pre-orders, we probably would have not gotten the DVD's from Animeigo in the first place. I had no problems with the price...pretty close to retail, it was what everyone was hoping for for years...sure, cheaper price would have been welcomed, but I never felt that the original Box set was overpriced.

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smart-shopper Miah looks into wallet and decides to weigh the cost...

normal hk boots = 36 dollars for entire series * dogcrap quality

animeigo = 21 dollars/4 episodes * superb quality and subs

super duper hk animeigo boots = 21 dollars/24 episodes * same animeigo quality

hk boots and animeigo have been weighed/measured, and have been found lacking...(he said in his best evil guy from that jousting movie voice)

fear not kiddies, today's boot purchase is tomorrow's fserve file... ;)

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