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On 7/5/2022 at 2:29 PM, jenius said:

Reviews seem to be skewing positive with a few vocal dissents. Probably stupid fun ather than thought provoking art. I might go see it.


I’ll definitely check it out, but it’s probably gonna have to wait till next weekend 

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I just saw it. I liked it, though they did lean heavily into the comedy so it kind of undercuts the seriousness off a lot of the story. I rather liked the Mighty Thor aspect. It was well done and made sense in the story. I think going forward the slapstick comedy needs to be toned down just a little bit. Just my opinion.


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Decent movie, still miss Shakespeare Thor but fine with this, agreed that slapstick humor feels like a chore rather than organic. Two credits scenes as is the norm for MCU films now - mid-credits scene, then post-credits scene. Did not see the latter as I had to get to work but had it explained to me by my cousin who went with. A clarifying question:


If it was explained correctly, it goes like this: The stardust that was Jane Foster coalesces and she reappears. Idris Elba's Heimdal greets her and says something along the lines of, "Welcome to Valhalla."

So was this a pretty innocuous scene just meant to depict her already-implied entrance to Valhalla? Or is there some insinuation that this is either another, physical-ish, realm and/or a different universe, and that her character will return in future movies?

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Saw it this afternoon.  And it was... kind of ok.  I guess?  I mean, Hemsworth does a great comedic Thor, especially with Waititi's Korg to play off of, but the film leaned to heavily on it.  As @Dobber says, it kind of undercuts some of the more serious aspects of the story, but more than that I was thinking that there's really not a ton of action... it's mostly characters conversing with each other.  You could probably edit it down to one 40-minute pilot of a new Thor TV show.

Two, as a dad whose 7yo daughter is his only child, I related to Gorr.  It's disappointing, then, that he spent so much of the movie as a cartoonish villian.

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I saw the movie yesterday and I didn’t mind the humor. In fact, I appreciated that the movie embraced it. I have had friends and family (young and old) who have/had what Jane Foster’s character has—what ultimately leads her to Mjolnir. Giving humor lets someone in that position escape with a smile or a laugh for a brief moment. It can be just as important as rest and support, especially if time is a limited commodity.

For me, that’s an important juxtaposition the movie is making between how Jane handles what she’s given and how Gorr does the same. Sure, it would have been nice to get more depth from Gorr’s side… I kind of wish the MCU wasn’t all about making the audience comfortable all the time, especially when dealing with difficult subjects like the ones raised in this film. 

Anyway, I digress.

The one thing that did stand out as a little dry to me was all of Waititi’s narration in the film. I’ve read that a lot was cut out to get this to its published runtime. Thinking on that, I kind of wish more editing had been done to smooth out the transitions and remove the narration. Let the movie speak for itself, you know?

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Watched it today - and it was okay. I find myself with the group, as there was too much comedy in this, which I was afraid of after Ragnorak. They didn't balance the need for relief (comedy) with the need for suspense (drama.) I didn't start really enjoying this movie until the third act, when drama had to supersede comedy. After that I as all in.

I do miss Thor from the first and second movies and the Avenger films, where he took things, and acted, more seriously.


I was sad to see Jane go. I liked her turn as Mighty Thor and I liked how they were showing her inherent weakness juxtaposed with the strength Mjolnir gave her. But if she had to go, this was a great way. Basically roping Thor into the dad role!😀

I'll definitively watch another, but it may be at home next time, and I hope Waitit does not direct, or at least mellows the comedy by about fifty percent.


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  • 3 weeks later...

A bit late, but finally got out to the movies. I really liked this film. Probably because I loved Ragnarok so much. The humor was great and liked the overall story. Definitely loved the resolution at the end and probably one of the most satisfying endings to a movie. Definitely the best marvel film of the year. Personally I’m tired of multiverses and time travel stuff and it’s nice to keep it to a bare minimum 

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Overall my wife and I enjoyed it.  Make the next Thor movie a little more dramatic and it will be all good.  This is one of my favorite scenes from Love and Thunder.


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On 7/31/2022 at 1:25 AM, Big s said:

A bit late, but finally got out to the movies. I really liked this film. Probably because I loved Ragnarok so much. The humor was great and liked the overall story. Definitely loved the resolution at the end and probably one of the most satisfying endings to a movie. Definitely the best marvel film of the year. Personally I’m tired of multiverses and time travel stuff and it’s nice to keep it to a bare minimum 

Everything Everywhere All at Once is the real multiverse of madness movie to see.

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2 hours ago, Lolicon said:

Everything Everywhere All at Once is the real multiverse of madness movie to see.

I’ve been hearing that, but I’m already burned out on the concept. It really didn’t take much since I never really liked the multiverse thing in cart and comics and not really caring for it too much in movies. A quick what if story is ok, but I dislike entire movie plots being based around it

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