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11 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

My almost three year old daughter has just shown a unexpected interest in Spider-Man and all I could find that was streaming on Amazon and Netflix was the crappy made for Mtv series from 2002. The CG cel shading has not aged well at all.

But the soundtrack by John Digweed and Nick Muir was awesome!

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So far the reviews look good. The few bad ones that are out at the moment say it's better than Spider-Man 3, so I'm in for a ticket. The good ones range anywhere from the best Spider-Man ever to just a great summer film.

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So I just got back from seeing Spider-Man and I'm... pretty disappointed actually.  It's not a good thing when you start checking your watch during a film.  I'm not a fan of all the changes they've made to the supporting characters from Spider-Man's past, more on that in spoilers.  The filming of the action scenes is messy, bouncy or just plain obfuscated by special effects/lighting.  It was frustrating to watch in may instances.  It really wasn't terribly funny for the most part.  The funniest bits were in the commercials and weren't in the actual film either.  That's becoming too common in films today.


Zendaya is NOT mother fu*king MJ.  She isn't.  There is ZERO about that snarky, awkward, one-line spewing, SJW-tilted irritant that is in any way MJ.  Exterior to any sort of physical attribute the personality/characterization is 100% up, down, left and right wrong.  When she finally utters at the end of the movie, "my friends call me MJ" I imagine the filmakers thought that was supposed to be some sort of reveal.  It stuck like the Khan reveal in Into Darkness.  I thought, "oh fu*k no."  I didn't like the character at all, I didn't want to see her again.  And if this is the MJ we're getting the next films aren't going to be an improvement.  Zendaya acted whatever the hell that thing was supposed to be just fine.

I rate this below Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man, and even the first Andrew Garfield Amazing Spider-Man.  I hate to say it because I really wanted to love it, Spider-Man is my favorite comic book character, but they did not nail this.

The very last after-credits scene is really great though.  And Happy is pretty great too.

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Enjoyable spidey romp and certainly a different vibe from the other spidey movies...yea still not on par with spidey 2 tho. 

Missing spider sense. Web shooting feels more fun to watch. Dont quite enjoy the teen scenes but hey the character calls for it. May is hot-ish(?). Iron man is cool as always.

Vulture.Total badass. 'nuff said.

And do not wait for the second teaser. Be forewarned! But i know folks will wait for it anyway.:D

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I'm excited to see this in the theater. Probably won't get a chance until next week but happy to see mostly positive reviews so far. 

I don't mind the changes I've heard about the characters. Comics are like soap operas; everything changes to suit the current story arc or main thrust of the current incarnation of the character. 

Anyway, pumped that it's doing well and I hope they keep making spidey films. 

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22 hours ago, spacemanoeuvres said:

I don't mind the changes I've heard about the characters. Comics are like soap operas; everything changes to suit the current story arc or main thrust of the current incarnation of the character. 

Only when Brian Michael Bendis has decided to ruin a book.

Edited by Mommar
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Just came back from seeing it, I thought it was fun. I enjoyed it a lot more than Spider-Man 1 through 3 which I thought were way too campy, for my tastes anyway. And It wasn't as tragic as the Amazing Spider-Man films.

While I didn't mind, I would agree with some of the criticism leveled at the 'surprise' supporting character. Guess we just have to wait and see how that character evolves in future movies.

The movie was fun without being campy and it had enough bits of emotion without being tragic and it made it an incredibly enjoyable Spider-Man movie. Of course YMMV, as evidenced by the differing points of view already offered.


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We saw it yesterday and we really liked it. The story worked well as a small comic hero story and really fits with the fact that this is a much younger and newer to the super hero biz kinda thing. I really liked Michael Keaton a lot as the bad guy and his reasoning worked out too. It's definitely a beginning film without being too much of an origin film. It does feel a little bit like they are trying a bit hard to diversify the cast, but that's my nitpicking for this film. Hopefully as the actors grow, so do the characters and stories and hopefully they have room to mature as it goes.

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Is the MCU allergic to people having a secret identity? Just reading around and Aunt May found out?? Maybe it's me and I would think there are a lot of sick frakkers out there but shouldn't he be a little more careful about his night-time activiy-persona? That's just my gripe.

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