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I'm going to buck the trend here, Given Pixar's track record, even with the Disney cross contamination and their foray into the redneck drudgery with that awful tow-truck, they've earned my allegiance, I'll most definitely check it out and I bet it will be extremely fun, funny, sad and a great ride. I mean, Come On Lewis Black and Amy Poehler alone should over-ride some basic skepticism.

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  • 1 month later...

If you watch the Japanese version, you'll notice a cultural difference.

Inside Out: Pixar Makes a Crucial Change for Japanese Tastes by Editing Out Broccoli

Totally true. I saw a lot of broccoli in lunches when I worked at a kindergarten, and most of the kids said they didn't like to eat green peppers (I agree with that sentiment too!)

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^ :lol:

I saw the movie this past weekend with the family.

Pixar has used the "move" motif in other films (see Toy Story). I think that they could have raised the stakes this time to make the stress that Riley's emotions were rallying against a little more present day. Maybe the mother and father were having difficulties in their own relationship because of his job or maybe they could have shown more scenes where she was having difficulty making friends. The movie as it is seems quite toned down, although there are things that I thought worked. I like how Riley's emotions were illustrated as becoming more complex throughout the film. Yes, this meant that Joy needed to be an oblivious air head in the beginning, and all the other emotions were similarly working against each other, but it worked.

Anyway, if I were to rank this among Pixar's other films, I would place it in the middle: good but not great. It could have used a better pre-movie short too.

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  • 2 months later...
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Finally got to see this film, and yeah, it's derivative of Pixar's other works - most notably Toy Story and Finding Nemo. Still, it's entertaining and worthwhile, especially since director Pete Docter (Monsters Inc., Up) based it on his own experiences and that of his own daughter. And just like every other Pixar film, you get the feels - especially during the third act.

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  • 7 years later...
1 hour ago, Big s said:

Oddly, I think the animated Boba Fett in the holiday special was way cooler than the Live action Series Book of Boba Fett 

Nah - they were both garbage.  (though perhaps, if one uses enough illegal substances, the animated special might make sense).


Inside out was very good and I'll watch the second one when it comes out on D+.  Hopefully the Parent's emotions get another brief appearance, they were the highlight for me.

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