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Bandai 1/72 fully transform able VF-1 plastic kit for Macross 30th Ann


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Again, back on topic: I have enjoyed seeing the development process of this new kit, been heartened by the gradual improvements like the loss of the terrible gap under the backpack thrusters. And also laughed at all our reactions to fugliness, and sighed with relief when test shots don't actually stand like they need to pee-pee all the time. Head size? Maybe a little big, but if '3D printing' can save broken toys, then kit bashing with Hasegawa parts should be even easier... and this IS a kit.

Most of all, I'm happy to see the ingenuity and innovation that went into the mechanical design: real leg delivery panels, dammit! Practical? Durable? Don't know, but it won't cost a lot to find out. This is a NEW way to enjoy the classic VF-1 design. Good times.

Edited by drifand
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Dude you're the guy who gladly bought every terrible CM's figure and talked up how great they are.

And how do you defend the record of broken Yamato VFs? This thread is about the new kit. Stay on or get off.

Edited by drifand
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Dude, what has an honest opinion about my personal experience of Yamato done to impugn on your personal taste and sense of honour? :-)

Did I address you by name when I related my PERSONAL experience that guided my opinions and choice regarding this new product? Please!

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I would very much like to see build-up threads on this kit when it arrives. Please, whoever is ordering, please take the time to post a thread on your experiences during building and for a little while after the build to see how it holds up. I for one would be very interested.

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And how do you defend the record of broken Yamato VFs? This thread is about the new kit. Stay on or get off.

You're the one who came out swinging again for no reason so don't tell me to leave.


Edited by Shaorin
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What was this thread about again? Oh yeah, a new model kit coming soon. I second WM's post. Please do a review and fill us in. My son and I are seriously thinking of getting the kit. He's getting an aversion to gluing so hopefully most of it is snap together in Bandai traditon. - MT

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What was this thread about again? Oh yeah, a new model kit coming soon. I second WM's post. Please do a review and fill us in. My son and I are seriously thinking of getting the kit. He's getting an aversion to gluing so hopefully most of it is snap together in Bandai traditon. - MT

I have one on pre-order. If it's released at the end of this month (something I'm still doubting), I might start putting it together over the 4th of July holiday.

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I got two on preorder with parts sets from HLJ. Will let you guys know when I build it up. Got too many Bandai kits in the queue :0

3 VF-25's, 3 1/35 Ingrams, 2 cosmo zeros and soon to be two vf-1's O_O

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If theres one thing Bandai really needs to improve on its the Landing gear. And yes you guys beat me to it, borrow some Hasegawa parts!!

All in all its a cool looking kit, head lasers are a cool bonus!! B))

Edited by 505thAirborne
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Really, I kinda don't get the point of borrowing Hasegawa gear to detail this one up though.. I mean, it seems a little redundant. If you're going to build and display a kit in fighter mode, why not just stick to the Hasegawa kit? :p

If you make them plug in easily though, could make a nice option for display I guess.

I am a little surprised they didn't mold the nozzles on the strick packs in a darker color, though that's probably because they're just a prototype.

Question about the reaction missile mounts though. I've seen a couple different versions. Usually, the setup is two pylons, one being a dual mount, the other being a single, but I know I've seen some art depicting three individual pylons. Is that a SDFM/DYRL difference, or is that just some unofficial art someone came up with?

Edited by Chronocidal
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Really, I kinda don't get the point of borrowing Hasegawa gear to detail this one up though.. I mean, it seems a little redundant. If you're going to build and display a kit in fighter mode, why not just stick to the Hasegawa kit? :p

If you make them plug in easily though, could make a nice option for display I guess.

I am a little surprised they didn't mold the nozzles on the strick packs in a darker color, though that's probably because they're just a prototype.

Question about the reaction missile mounts though. I've seen a couple different versions. Usually, the setup is two pylons, one being a dual mount, the other being a single, but I know I've seen some art depicting three individual pylons. Is that a SDFM/DYRL difference, or is that just some unofficial art someone came up with?

The Hasegawa doesn't transform. This one does. the size of the front gear makes me think it's impossible for it to be integral which means It's prolly a plugin just like on the VF-25. As such, no problem using Hase Gears that I have laying around.

Even if my vf-1s are in fighter 99% of the time, the fact that they CAN transform if I have a change of heart i the whole reason for buying these, flaws and all.

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Landing gear should be easy and even some rubber tubing for tires. The chin is an easy fix too with some extra styrene and a file (cue Dr. Frankestein maniacal laugh)! - MT

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I notice that all the parts have sprue marks, so these kits are built in raw plastic with panel lined. With that said, these are not resin prototypes but came off from the mold so I don't think any significant changes are going to happen.

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Those fast packs looks like ass.

so...I guess the canopy will be detachable.

geez... BANDAI cannot seem to accomplish hardly anything in 1/72 that Yammie handily did in 1/60, go figure.

hell, BANDAI cant even seem to manage to replicate what IMAI did in 1/72 30 years ago (retracting landing gear)

They should make it like the dx toys where you pull the head up and then it's ball jointed.

that would sure allow the head to tuck in real nicely in FIGHTER, if nothing else...

Edited by Shaorin
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geez... BANDAI cannot seem to accomplish hardly anything in 1/72 that Yammie handily did in 1/60, go figure.

hell, BANDAI cant even seem to manage to replicate what IMAI did in 1/72 30 years ago (retracting landing gear)

Retractable landing gears always look too toyish. Yamato did it decently but it's still toyish.

I'm glad that this model does not have such a gimmick. It'll make it much easier for me to replace the Bandai gears (if necessary - I need to see them firsthand).

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I hope you're right cause I certainly don´t like the way it looks like in this pic:


No need or place for the triple chin in there...

See, to me that looks more like the chest piece hasn't been slid down all the way.

I'm digging the new head as well though. I will concede I'm not crazy about the strike parts so far though.

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