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OMG. What the hell is that thing? Those legs with the smiling knees look so creepy! I'm dying laughing here.

It's a doraemon megazord

Seems like the Disney Chogokin mecha was a great success. ^_^

actually I'm leery of this one because the Disney chogokin had a really poor design where whole torso was held together by a couple of spindly little tabs that easily broke right out of the box.

Edited by anime52k8
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It's not just Doraemon. I can spot Kiteretsu and Perman are also in there, so it's more of a Fujiko F. Fujio combiner.

I can't wait for the Osamu Tezuka combiner, that thing would be awesome!!

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It's not just Doraemon. I can spot Kiteretsu and Perman are also in there, so it's more of a Fujiko F. Fujio combiner.

I can't wait for the Osamu Tezuka combiner, that thing would be awesome!!

I'm waiting for the Sanrio combiner.

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They are cool... and it looks fun like the general Frankie, but for me it has no place in my collection as I have no connection to the show and I don't collect every SOC.

Maybe it's a big seller in Japan... who knows.

I'm kind of Glad SOC isn't always putting out something I want though. Save me another PO to buy haha.

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I'm kind of Glad SOC isn't always putting out something I want though. Save me another PO to buy haha.

Agree, from a financial perspective I'm very happy that I wasn't into most of these super robots or other anime because while the SOC line has put out some amazing looking pieces I'm not at all tempted to spend money on them because there's no nostalgic or current attachment.


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Per Gold of Robot-Japan, Bandai is showing off their upcoming SoC reissues!

:hail: :hail: :hail:

I reckon the scalpers currently charging ludicrous prices on the old versions will start dumping them and flooding all/most online shops and auction sites soon at lower pricing and easier availability.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Kinda wish I held onto my Medicom Harlock. :(

I love that they also included a Galaxy Express 999 with it too.

I'll definitely wait until it's on sale though.

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Still on the fence on that guy. It's fairly cheap... looks fun and cool for display, but doesn't fit my collection and I could give a rats ass about hello kitty haha.

I see myself wanting to sell it in a month or two...

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Not 100% sure as I don't collect them. I think they routinely sell for $350-500 looking at sold ebay prices. That's with shipping, and ebay fees.

If you're not a getter fan yet, there are a ton of cheaper options to jump into the pool with.

Personally, I'm not a fan of fewture's efforts. It's too stylized to me to represent the various animes. That's just my opinion though, lots of people love them.

I would suggest the Sentinel Getters, (my personal favorites) or even the SOC Getter 1 or Dragon Getter. You can get either for $150 or less.

Edited by Gakken85
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i'm unfamiliar with Getter stuff so thought i'd consult here.

an acquaintance is offering to sell me his Fewture EX Gokin Getters 1-3, loose but complete with box.

checked prices on ebay but they seemed ridiculous.

what would be a fair price for this set?

Those are expensive stuff.

Not sure what a fair price for those, even if loose.

Not sure if he's a member here, but maybe contact Chachi of CollectionDX. He might give you a better pricing perspective since he bought and reviewed those Fewtures for CDX.

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thanks for the input guys.

i'm not a Getter fan and i only vaguely recall the anime from 3 decades ago, so anime accuracy is not my main consideration.

i guess this is just one of those cases of "i have no idea what it is, but it looks so cool i gotta have it" that i'm so prone too.

this one in particular caught my eye:


checked out the CDX review and found it very informative. thanks for the tip.

based on the SRP there, market prices now seem to be at +$150 premium or more.

the set being offered seems to be a buy 2 get 1 free deal at SRP so i think i'll go ahead and get it.


gah! after a bit more googling i found out there are black versions



unsurprisingly, they are more expensive. one costs almost as much the 3-set on offer.

as stupid as this sounds, i'm tempted.

whoever said gold is the root of all evil probably hadn't run into diecast yet.

Edited by Major Focker
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Yeah. I mis-identified the reviewers.

Chachi reviewed the EX Gokin Getter Robo G versions for RocketPunchArmy: http://www.youtube.com/user/RocketPunchArmy/search?query=ex+gokin

while JoshB reviewed both the EX-Gokin Getters and Getter-Gs (and black-versions) for CDX (alongside KidChuckle and TJ Ducket): http://www.youtube.com/user/CollectionDX/search?query=ex+gokin

Charles/OptimusPrimeSG also reviewed the EX-Gokins at his http://www.youtube.com/user/OptimusPrimeSG/search?query=ex+gokin

As such, all of them prolly are not MWF-members (or have different IDs here).

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